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  • Intersectionality as a Theoretical Framework to Study Migrant Workers’ Lived Experience with Inequalities and Social Positioning

    Intersectionality depicts the intricate interplay of various social categorizations in shaping the experiences of individuals or communities rather than single categorization alone. This article attempts to introduce intersectionality as an essential theoretical framework for research and analysis of migrant workers' lived experience with social inequalities, and at the same time, their social positionings. Initially a critique of academic feminism from a Black activist and more inclusive perspective, intersectionality has been quickly adopted by researchers from other fields as a framework due to its usefulness in researching inequalities. By tracing intersectionality back to the context where Crenshaw coined the term, together with the presentation of its key proponents and analyses of two case studies, this article hopes to shed light on the way intersectionality can be an essential tool to explore the way migrant workers employ their multiple and intersecting identities to seek upward social mobility.


    This research project will explore migrant workers’ experiences with the patronage-based kafala system in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. While many research attempts have delved into disclosing the restricted and exploitative aspects of the varying experience of the migrant workers, there is still a dearth of attempts that explore the way the migrant workers flexibly and strategically employ their multiple and intersecting identities to seek upward professional and social mobility. Through the implementation of an intersectional and actor-centered approach, and the use of a qualitative design, this project seeks to explore the dynamic interaction between migrant actors and representatives of institutions in Jordan. By pursuing a qualitative and intersectional analysis of the migrant workers’ experiences with the kafala system, the project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the interplay of transborder mobility and institutional dynamics.

  • The Analysis of Early School Leaving from the Aspect of Inter-Sectionality

    Hungary ranks in the bottom third of the European Union regarding early school leaving, falling further and further away from the EU average year on year. The lower educational attainment and higher drop-out rates of Roma/Gypsy youth have been confirmed by several studies. Still, the descriptions are often two-dimensional, as in international approaches. The Hungarian Youth 2020 database allowed for a wider range of explanatory variables in the analysis. In our study, we examine the educational attainment of Roma youth aged 20-29 and then compare subsamples of Roma and non-Roma dropouts. Finally, we run a binary regression model on the database with early school leaving as the dependent variable and explanatory variables as background variables that may shape the odds of early school leaving. The social and economic backgrounds of Roma and non-Roma ESL learners differed, while parental education and subjective financial situation showed a less favourable pattern for Roma. The effect of Roma identity was significant in the regression model, but the explanatory power did not reach the effect of lower parental education. In other words, ethnic background is a crucial factor in dropout, while some segments of the family background are more significant.