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  • Assimilation and Acculturation Processes in the Study of Inter-Ethnic Marriages

    Inter-ethnic marriages present a captivating arena for examining assimilation and acculturation processes, where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds merge their identities. This article delves into the dynamics of inter-ethnic marriages in the Turkestan region of Southern Kazakhstan through the lens of assimilation and acculturation theories. Utilizing data collected from 45 interviews across five villages, including Zhana Iqan, Hantagy, Shornak, Turki poselkasy, and Kentau, the study explores various aspects of daily life such as language usage, religious practices, traditions, cuisine, and ethnic values. Research questions probe how individuals negotiate cultural differences in their interactions and interpret multicultural coexistence through assimilation, acculturation, and dissimilation theories. The hypothesis posits three cohabitation patterns -acculturation, assimilation, and dissimilation- equally valid within the same cultural and geographical space. Employing qualitative methods including interviews and surveys, the study uncovers patterns of adaptation and the degree of assimilation or acculturation within relationships. By analyzing data through the prism of assimilation and acculturation theories, the study sheds light on how cultural elements are integrated into daily routines and decision-making processes within inter-ethnic marriages. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how individuals navigate cultural diversity within marital relationships, enriching scholarly discourse on multiculturalism and societal relations.


    Assessment of physical indicators and motor skills is the Hungarian National Unified Student Fitness Test (hereinafter referred to as "NETFIT"), which was introduced in public education from the 2013/14 academic year, which aims to demonstrate the effects of everyday physical education on the fitness and physiological parameters of students. When showing the national results of the tests, it is also shown that the fitness condition is determined by the genetic conditions, the family background and the environment (Csányi et al., 2015, Csányi and Kaj 2017) so results can be interpreted in a common context of these factors. In our research, we aimed at examining NETFIT data from Budapest secondary school students, supplemented by family background surveys. During our research, we sought to find out how the fitness profile of boys studying at the Budapest Technical Vocational Training Center is based on the results of the NETFIT tests. What is the relationship between family background and NETFIT performance?   Our survey was carried out at one of the largest schools of the Budapest Technical Vocational Training Center at the Technical Training Center in Újpesti Two Teaching Grammar School and Technical College of the Budapest Technical Vocational Training Center. A total of 342 pupils were included in the study, where a questionnaire of 35 questions was used to investigate the correlations of NETFIT results and socioeconomic background indicators.   Numerous studies have shown that the more favorable SES students have generally more favorable fitness indicators (Jiménez-Pavon et al., 2010, Ortega et al., 2013, Vandendriessche et al., 2012). There is also a great deal of evidence that country-specific regional status indicators are higher in regions with more favorable SES (Charlton et al., 2014, Golle et al., 2014, Cleland et al., 2009, Welk, Saint-Maurice and Csányi, 2015). During our research, we found that students in need of development mostly come from small communities, with some 58.3% developing. These values ​​differ significantly (khi = 218.6, df = 20, p = 0.000). The basic pillow of the lifestyle is the family (Field 2018), the habits of which shape the child's relationship with sports, and later it is very difficult to change them (Herpain et al., 2017, Herpainé 2018). The study showed that the father's sporting habits are decisive in the case of the examined boy's pupils, but the mother's sporting habit does not have the same effect on the sportsman's behavior. We propose to extend the NETFIT test bundle with the socioeconomic background examination of the examined person.


    An attempt to find issues common to social pedagogy and social work should include the reference to the basic determinants of these forms of social activity. The fundamental assumptions of both pedagogy and social work are based on values. In the axiological dimension of accompanying a person in their development values related to human dignity, self-fulfillment and social functioning must be taken into account. It needs to be highlighted that some areas of modern pedagogy still lack the reference to the axiological assumptions. This may result in inappropriate educational attitudes as well as deficiencies in the social dimension of human life. There seems to be a serious lack of axiological references in the field of social work. It is particularly noticeable in the case of attempts to counteract domestic violence. Emphasis given to values that constitute social pedagogy and social work may help to strengthen the relationship between these scientific disciplines and forms of social activity. Defining basic values, presenting ways how to implement them, and overcome anticipated difficulties may result in attitudes based on the recognition of human dignity as well as on the multidimensional nature of life. Academic education which prepares students to professionally implement social support is a crucial element of the relationship between pedagogy and social work.