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Literature reviews
109-110Views:187Bartha D. (szerk.) (2019): Vörös Lista – Magyarország fa- és cserjefajai. Soproni Egyetemi Kiadó, Sopron, 59 pp. ISBN 978-963-334-328-9
Bartha D. (szerk.) (2020): Fekete Lista. Magyarország inváziós fa- és cserjefajai. ● Szürke Lista. Magyarország potenciálisan inváziós fa- és cserjefajai. Soproni Egyetemi Kiadó, Sopron, 84 pp. ISBN 978-963-334-357-9
Multiclavula mucida (Basidiomycota) and other cryptogamic taxa in the Hungarian flora
173–184Views:324The paper deals with the species found during cryptogamic flora mapping in 2023 that are remarkable from a floristic, taxonomic or conservational point of view. We present data from the Bükk Mts of two Trapeliopsis species which appear to be rare in Hungary. Multiclavula mucida, which is apparently a rare basidiomycete lichen species in Europe that prefers humid, montane habitats was discovered in the Mecsek Mts as a new species for the Hungarian flora. Of the knothole moss, Anacamptodon splachnoides, which is now thought to be entomophilic, we communicate the only extant population from Southern Transdanubia. We report the first occurrence of the atlantic-mediterranean Leptodon smithii from the Hungarian side of the Great Hungarian Plain. Numerous data of the corticole Neckera pennata indicate that in Hungary the distributional centre of this species is situated in the county of Baranya in the lowlands. New data from the Bükk Mts underline that in the Pannonian region Buxbaumia viridis is primarily a terricole species of acidophilous beech forests. We communicate the first occurrence from the lowlands of the alien lignicolous Sematophyllum adnatum which is dangerously spreading in Europe, at the same time one of the most vigorous populations in the Pannonian region. The third Hungarian occurrence of Callicladium haldanianum, a species that seems to spread in bogs, as well as the second occurrence of Racomitrium lanuginosum, growing abundantly on an andesite boulder scree in Mátra Mts, are also reported here. Of Phegopteris connectilis we present in photographic documentation the first extant population from Southern Transdanubia, and we discuss whether the first publication from Mecsek Mts is correct or exact. In addition to listing the floristic data, we also briefly discuss the (mis)use of distribution data in the context of climate change, the difficulties of distinguishing the microtaxa of some pteridophytes, e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum agg. and Dryopteris affinis agg., and we correct one of our previously published, erroneous Hedwigia stellata data. Some interesting data of other taxa (such as Leucobryum glaucum, Palustriella commutata, Tetraphis pellucida, Gymnocarpium robertianum, Ophioglossum vulgatum) are also mentioned in the paper.
Taxiphyllum densifolium (Taxiphyllaceae) and other rare bryophytes of the Mecsek valleys (SW Hungary)
3-16Views:159In this paper, we deal with threatened and/or legally protected bryophytes found in the shady, forested valleys of the Mecsek Mountains, which are rare in national and/or local terms. Taxiphyllum densifolium, a rare moss in Europe has stable colonies with sporophytes in two valleys. This study is the first to describe the spore characteristics of this species. The previously considered unique and legally protected Rhynchostegiella teneriffae is nowadays so widespread in the Mecsek that it can no longer be considered a vulnerable species (VU) in Hungary. We present the first population of the legally protected Neckera pennata in Tolna county, and we also report on the recent, unusual occurrence of the data-deficient (DD) Fossombronia wondraczekii. We also list new populations of three other endangered (EN) species, Blindiadelphus recurvatus, Palustriella commutata and Porella arboris-vitae. Several vulnerable (VU) taxa such as Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Porella cordaeana, Sciuro-hypnum flotowianum, Seligeria pusilla, as well as new occurrences of near threatened (NT) mosses such as Microeurhynchium pumilum (with sporophytes), Phaeoceros carolinianus are documented. In addition, the data on Rhynchostegium rotundifolium in Jakab Mountain, which has not been recorded for more than 50 years, is confirmed. The difficulties of differentiating Hygroamblystegium species are briefly discussed.