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  • Some floristic data from surroundings of Kötcse (South Transdanubia, West Outer Somogy)

    There are very few published and documented floristic data from the hills of the SW region of Hungary called 'Outer Somogy'. This paper present the occurrence data of 31 vascular plant species from the western part of this region. Among them 14 taxa are legally protected and further 17 taxa are sporadically occurring. The records were collected within the administrative area of villages Karád, Kereki, Kötcse, Nagycsepely, Szólád (Nezde) and Teleki.  Most data were recorded in 2014. This is the first report on the occurrence of 1) Neotinea ustulata subsp. aestivalis in South Transdanubia, and 2) Epipactis microphylla and E. tallosii in Outer Somogy. Data provided on the occurrence of Cirsium boujartii on the northwestern border of the distribution area of this insufficiently known species.

  • Contributions to the flora of the Heves–Borsod and Uppony Hills and adjacent territories

    Results of nearly two decades of floristic research in the territory of Heves–Borsod Hills (Tar­na-vidék) and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts are presented in this paper (altogether 4421 re­cords; BÁ: 1665, SJ: 2752). Several old literature records – partly supported by vouchers – are confirmed, e.g. Hypericum elegans and Lappula heteracantha from the Uppony Gorge, as well as Cephalaria tran­s­syl­va­ni­caCypripedium calceolusDiplotaxis erucoides and Plantago indica from the Heves–Borsod Hills and the nort­hern foreground of the Bükk Mts. Other former literature records (partly from the authors) are re­vi­sed. These revisions are mainly due to changes in taxonomic concepts of some genera in new keys (Carex, Cha­maecytisus, Epipactis, Molinia, Sorbus). Old literature and herbarium records of other significant taxa (Onos­ma visanii, Scutellaria columnae, Sorbus sp., Utricularia bremii/minor) are revised too. The new occurrence of Ferula sadleriana in the Uppony Gorge is probably the result of intentional seed dispersal. Of the many rare plants listed in our paper some are new for the flora of the region under study: Ag­ri­mo­nia procera, Alchemilla micans, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Astragalus austriacus, A. exscapus, Blysmus compressus, Carex appropinquata, C. cespitosa, Catabrosa aquatica, Centarea indurata, Dactylorhiza × as­cher­soniana, Epipactis voethii, Epipogium aphyllum, Equisetum hyemale, Festuca drymeja, Gagea bohemica, Gly­ceria nemoralis, Hesperis sylvestris, Myosotis caespitosa, Phegopteris connectilis, Platanthera chlorantha, P. × hybrida, Rosa gizellae, Scilla kladnii, Senecio doria, Solanum villosum, Taraxacum palustre, Triglochin pa­lustre. Two phytocoenological relevés representing the habitats of Myosotis caespitosa and Spiraea me­dia are presented. Currently known local distribution of some montane and forest-steppe elements are shown on maps.

  • Floristic data from the northern edge of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (NE Hungary)

    This paper reports new floristic data of 161 taxa. Most of these data were collected between 2011–2013, and are coming from the northern edge of the floristic region 'Crisicum', the NE part of the Great Hungarian Plain, which is a little-known area from a floristic point of view. 43 CEU quarterquadrates and territory of 35 settlements are represented by the dataset. The paper reports occurrence localities for legally protected (e.g. Ophioglossum vulgatum, Stellaria palustris, Ranunculus polyphyllus, Thlaspi jankae, Lathyrus palustris, Elatine spp., Lycopsis arvensis, Lindernia procumbens, Cirsium brachycephalum, Cyperus pannonicus), strictly protected (Armoracia macrocarpa, Vicia biennis) and some little-known (e.g. Cardamine parviflora, Reseda luteola, Melilorus dentatus, Veronica catenata) taxa. Numerous data of alien species (e.g. Lepidium densiflorum, Euphorbia maculata, Sicyos angulatus, Erechtites hieracifolia, Elodea nuttallii, Elymus elongatus, Eleusine indica, Sorghum halepense, Eriochloa villosa) are also published. The most important data are documented by voucher specimens deposited in herbarium of Debrecen University (DE).

  • Floristic data from Miskolc and the Bükk Mountains (N Hungary)

    In the paper new floristic data originated form field works between 2009 and 2014 in the Bükk Mountains and in the city of Miskolc, Hungary are reported. Data presented here are mainly from the eastern part of the mountain range, near Miskolc, but there are also some data from the central and northern part of the mountains. The most interesting result is the discovery of a new stand of Epipactis tallosii in the inhabited area of Miskolc-Hejőcsaba, but in the inhabited area of Miskolc Cephalanthera damasonium, Neottia nidus-avis and Allium scorodoprasum was also found. New localities of Callitriche c.f. palustris, Alisma lanceolatum and Berula erecta are provided, which species have not been found in the Bükk recently, while Lactuca perennis, Crepis biennis and Lycopus europaeus was not known in the township of Miskolc so far. New localities of Iris pseudacorus, Iris sibirica, Clematis integrifolia, Carex acutiformis, Thalictrum lucidum, Pseudolysimachion longifolium etc. were found near MiskolcKomlóstető, Epipactis microphylla, Carex acuta, Eqiusetum telmateia, Listera ovata etc. were found near Miskolctapolca, and Epipactis tallosii, Juncus tenuis, Carduus nutans, Berula erecta, Scutellaria galericulata, Myosotis scorpioides and Ranunculus sceleratus were found in the vicinity of Miskolc-Görömböly. It can be concluded that the flora of the surroundings of Miskolc (i.e. Miskolc-Komlóstető, Miskolctapolca and Miskolc-Görömböly) are not yet known sufficiently.

  • Floristical data from abandoned vineyards of Cserhát Hills

    The results of floristic researches in abandoned vineyards of Cserhát Hills (Northeastern Hungary) between 2007 and 2014 are presented along with an account of relevant floristic literature and specimens of the Herbarium Carpato–Pannonicum Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Data of protected species and locally or generally rare ones are presented. Occurrences of Equisetum × moorei, Hesperis sylvestris, Gentiana cruciata, Scabiosa canescens, Campanula macrostachya, Carlina acaulis, Centaurea indurata, C. stenolepis, Epipactis atrorubens and Orchis ustulata subsp. aestivalis are especially significant. Some new localities of the following species are also emphasized: Pulsatilla grandis, Sorbus domestica, Centaurea scabiosa subsp. sadleriana, Orchis militaris, O. × hybrida, Ranunculus arvensis, Rapistrum perenne, Chamaecytisus virescens, Ch. austriacus, Hippocrepis comosa, Euphorbia salicifolia, Thymelaea passerina, Senecio erucifolius.

  • Contributions to the flora of Tolna and Baranya counties IV.

    The authors present the most important floristic data of Tolna and Baranya coun­ties, col­lected together or separately in the last 15 years, or observed by other data providers. In total, occur­rence data of 140 taxa are reported. Most of them are protected species in Hungary, but the list also includes rarer weeds (Ado­nis flammea, Althaea cannabina, Aphanes arvensis, Bunias orientalis, Legousia speculum-veneris, Vicia lutea) and adventive species (Helminthia echioides, Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Rubia tinctorum). Several species of phytogeographical importance were also found in the forest-steppe vegetation of the loess areas studied. Occurrence of Linaria biebersteinii should be highlighted. L. biebersteinii is a very rare species in the Transda­nubian region, and is no longer found in Europe west of this region. The occurrence of Himantoglossum adriaticum is a new contribution to the flora of the southern Transdanubian region.

  • Floristic records from Northern Hungary IV. Helleborus dumetorum from the Cserhát Hills and other occurrences

    In this publication, the author provides occurrences of geobotanical importance from the North Hungarian Mountains collected in the spring of 2023. First occurrence for the following species was recorded: Helleborus dumetorum from the Cserhát Hills, Lunaria annua from the Mátra Mts. and Dryopteris affinis from the Bükk Mts. Ranunculus aquatilis was found again in the Bükk Mts., where it had been collected more than 100 years ago, and Rubus saxatilis was found for the fourth time in the Zemplén Mts.

  • Some floristic data from surroundings of Kötcse II. (West Outer Somogy, South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    Floristic data of 73 species from NE part of West Outer Somogy are provided in the paper. Most of them were collected in 2016. The paper contains distribution data of species, which have not been detected in Outer Somogy so far (e.g. Peucedanum arenarium), and new occurrences of rare or sporadic taxa (e.g. Menyanthes trifoliataVeronica scardica), as well as subspontaneous occurrences of cultivated species (e.g. Narcissus poëticusHelleborus purpurascens) are provided.

  • On the former occurrence of Calla palustris in Hungary

    The origin of a more than 150 years old herbarium specimen of Calla palustris L. stored in JPU is reconsidered in this study. According to the information on its label, the specimen was collected in 1856 at Lake Velence, close to Székesfehérvár city (central Hungary). Some Hungarian botanists are skeptical about the authenticity of this record. Based on the current occurrences of some remarkable swamp species (e.g. Carex pseudocyperus, Liparis loeselii, Sphagnum spp.) and habitat types (e.g. willow carrs and swamp forests) at the lake, as well as the habitat preference of bog arum, there is no reason to question the former occurrence of the species here or even in other Hungarian localities. The content and accuracy of the examined voucher meet the expectations of floristic data. However, in the absence of recent data the species can be considered extinct from Hungary.

  • Natural values of Mt Somsich near Villány, threatening factors and necessary conservation actions

    Although Mt Somsich is very rich in natural values, it is still a poorly-known part of the Villány Mts. Apart from a few scattered floristic data and a short habitat description, its vegetation is virtually unexplored. The aim of this paper is to characterize the natural and semi-natural habitats of Mt Somsich, give the current population sizes of the protected plant species, survey their threats, and offer suggestions for further conservation activities. Disregarding the totally artificial habitats, five habitat types were distinguished on Mt Somsich, of which the pubescent oak scrub is the most valuable. A total of 15 protected plant species have been reported so far, of which 11 are currently recorded on Mt Somsich. The local wildlife is affected by loss and fragmentation of habitats as well as illegal activities. The negative influences cannot be fully eliminated, but could be minimized.