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  • Distribution of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler in the Southern Nyírség (E Hungary)

    This study presents the current distribution of narrow small-reed (Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler) in the southern part of Nyírség (E Hungary). Beyond the efforts to confirm previously known occurrences, a high number of potential habitats were surveyed. Field work was carried out from late autumn to early spring taking advantage of the better perceptibility of dry foliage. The species was detected in 43 localities inside the boundary of 15 settlements, which considerably exceeded our expectations. Although most of the populations were quite small, in some cases their extent reached over 1000 m².  Populations around the settlements of Penészlek, Fülöp and Nyírábrány were the most frequent and the largest in size. The endangered status of the species is caused by the insufficient water supply of suitable habitats in the region. Besides habitat change, desiccation can also amplify the effect of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. ploughing, fishpond development), which poses a further threat to populations.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VII.

    This paper lists supplementary data to the recently published Atlas Florae Hungariae, mostly from various parts of Transdanubia and the Great Plain. The list includes 73 plant species with at least one new occurrence previously not shown on their grid-based range map, as well as data confirming old records or correcting erroneous distribution data. The actual habitats where the plants occur are characterized by their corresponding ÁNÉR codes.

  • Notes to the vascular flora of Sopron Mountains and its foreground

    Records of 26 vascular plant species from the territory of Sopron Mountains (16 species) and Sopron Basin (11 species) are presented. Our field works (between 2014 and 2020) focused on some localities at the eastern and southern parts of the region. Tetragonolobus maritimus is new for the Sopron Mts, whereas Ajuga chamaepithys and Lycopsis arvensis are new for the Hungarian part of the hills. Some protected plants like Agrostemma githago, Gentianopsis ciliata and Sesleria uliginosa were rediscovered in the region. Comments about all species and their local chorology are added. A remarkable degradation process of bogs around Harka village, caused mainly by insufficient water supply of meadows, was observed. The spread of occurrences of several naturalized weed such as Aegilops cylindrica, Galium parisiense, Geranium rotundifolium, Kochia scoparia, Lepidium virginicum, Oenothera salicifolia, Sagina apetala subsp. apetala and Verbascum lychnitis was noticed. The most surprising observations refer to Galium parisiense; the spread of the species by transport had no precedent in Hungary before.

  • Rediscovery of Gymnadenia frivaldii Hampe ex Griseb. at its northern distribution limit (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

    Frivald’s Gymnadenia is a very rare Balkan species in the South-Eastern Carpathians. The specific epithet “frivaldii” honours Imre Frivaldszky (1799–1870), a Hungarian naturalist. The species occurs in the drawdown zone of mountain fens of the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania), at elevations between 1000 and 2300 m. In the Carpathians the species was first reported from the Ţarcu Mts (Southern Carpathians) by János Heuffel. In 1874 Simonkai collected a specimen (BP 33967) in the Retezat Mts, but he was uncertain about its identity, thus this record eventually appeared as G. albida (Pseudorchis albida) in his monograph. Since then the species has been found at several localities in both the Retezat Mts (Mt Peleaga, Zănoaga, Zănoguţa, Ana and Bucura glacial lakes, Judele Valley) and the Ţarcu Mts. This paper reports on the discovery of Frivald’s Gymnadenia in the area of “Szökő-láp” (Harghita Mts, Eastern Carpathians), which can be considered a confirmation of the old literature record. This is the northernmost locality of this Balkan species known so far. The chorology and conservation status of G. frivaldii in the South-Eastern Carpathians are discussed.

  • Carpathian, Transylvanian, Dacian and Pannonian elements in the flora of Sălaj region (NW Romania)

    This paper gives an account of biogeographically interesting plant species of the traditional ethnographic region Sălaj (in Hungarian: “Szilágyság”, NW Romania). The flora of the region, which is situated between the Transylvanian Basin and the eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, contains, besides the prevailing European species, a significant percentage of plant species from different biogeographic regions. Among these we noticed the continental species of eastern origin, as well as southern Sub-Mediterranean species broadly distributed in this area. A significant number of other interesting species is further represented by the endemic and sub-endemic Carpathian (Aconitum moldavicum Hacq., Symphytum cordatum Waldst. & Kit.), Transylvanian (Cephalaria radiata Griseb. & Schenk, Onosma pseudoarenaria Schur subsp. pseudoarenaria), Dacian (Helleborus purpurascens Waldst. & Kit., Phyteuma tetramerum Schur) and Pannonian (Centaurea sadleriana Janka), species, which occur in very different habitats.

  • Remnants of closed oak woods on loess in the Mezőföld (Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris Kevey 2008)

    The phytosociological characterization of closed oak forests occurring in the loess-covered part of Central Hungary (Mezőföld) is presented. Such forest fragments are found very sporadically in that predominantly treeless region, mostly in semi-dry habitats of north-facing hillsides. This plant community represents an intermediate stage between open steppe woodland (Aceri tatarici-Quercetum pubescentis-roboris) and closed mesic oak-hornbeam forests (Corydali cavae-Carpinetum). Analyses of 20 phyto­sociological samples using multivariate grouping methods (cluster analysis, principal coordinates analysis) showed a clear difference between these samples and samples of similar communities occurring in the area. In the species composition the characteristic elements of dry and mesic oak forests (Quercetea pubescentis-petraeae, Quercetalia cerridis, Aceri tatarici-Quercion and Fagetalia, respectively) played a major role. On the other hand, dry grassland species (Festuco-Brometea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucion rupicolae, etc.) were much less significant than in steppe woodlands. In terms of chorology, European and sub-Mediterranean floristic elements were dominant in the samples, while the proportion of continental elements was substantially smaller than that in steppe woodlands. As a result, our samples were identified with the plant association Pulmonario mollis-Quercetum roboris Kevey 2008, which is classified into the suballiance Polygonato latifolio-Quercenion roboris Kevey 2008 in the phytosociological system.