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  • Habitats and protected plants of Cuha-valley (Bakony Mts, W-Hungary)

    Floristic data were collected and habitat mapping was performed between 2009 and 2011 in the valley of Cuha-creek. During the field work occurrences of 423 vascular plant species (including 31 protected taxa) were recorded. Potentilla indica represents a previously unknown alien taxa of the study area. The dominant vegetation type of the Cuha-valley is beech forest. Further characteristic, important habitats are scree, ravine and hilltop forests. On the southern part of the valley – in close proximity of the Cuha-creek – expansion of several alien plants (Impatiens glandulifera, Fallopia spp., Heracleum mantegazzianum) were observed.

  • About the occurrence of Spiraea media Fr. Schm. on the Balaton Uplands

    The presence of Spiraea media on the Balaton Uplands has high plant geographical importance, but the found location has not been known before its recent rediscovery. The Spiraea media was discovered on the Kopasz Hill (Felsőörs) growing in a closed Quercus cerris oak forest (~Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerridis); which is a rather atypical habitat of the species. The appearance of blooming specimens and the rediscovery of the species is probably due to the cut of the neighbouring forest, which has resulted extra irradiation in the area. The 19th century military maps of the landscape show that the former vegetation of the area was characterised by the mosaics of rocky grassland–scrub–forest or rocky scrub rich patches being suitable for the species.