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  • An identification key for Hungarian botanists portrayed in Album Kleinianum

    In the legacy of Sándor Jávorka deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum there is a 12-page typescript entitled “An identification key for Hungarian botanists portrayed in Album Kleinianum (Budapest, 25 September 1912)”. It provides accurate descriptions of 50 botanists in the form of an identification key, which was compiled by Zoltán Szabó, a well-known botanist at that time. The most important features of each person are presented in a humorous, basically ironic, funny and witty way. The Identification key was prepared for the session no. 178 of the Botanical Section of the Royal Hungarian Natural Science Society, where another botanist, Gyula Klein was congratulated on the 40th anniversary of his teaching profession as well as the 20th anniversary of his membership in the society. Almost all prominent botanists attended the meeting. This paper presents the Identification key, supplied with annotations and photographs.

  • Results of the Vincetoxicum pannonicum population survey (2001–2019)

    The Pannonian swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum pannonicum (Borhidi) Holub) is endemic to the Pannonian biogeographical region, occurring only in the Buda and Villány Mts in Hungary. Current distribution and population size of this rare plant species is surveyed. The species is recorded from the following localities: Budajenő: Községi erdő, Budaörs: Szekrényes, Kő-hegy, Odvas-hegy, Szállás-hegy, Út-hegy, Páty: Fekete-hegyek; Nagyharsány: Szársomlyó. According to our research, the total number of individuals is around 3550. The largest populations were found at Községi erdő (Budajenő), Szállás-hegy (Budaörs) and Fekete-hegyek (Páty). In the Villány Hills (Mt Szársomlyó) ca 50 specimens were counted. The peak flowering period of Vincetoxicum pannonicum was observed between 20th and 29th of May.

  • The ‘rediscovery’ of the Birdsfoot Fenugreek (Trifolium ornithopodioides (L.) SM.) in the Hortobágy, Hungary

    In 2009, the first author discovered an unknown population of Trifolium ornithopodioides in the Ágota-puszta of Hortobágy plain. In 2016, the second author found an another population in the vicinity of Karcag (Ecse-zug puszta). Up to now there was only one published occurrence of this species from the region. The specimen collected by Szujkó-Lacza Júlia, Kováts Dezső and Fekete Gábor in 1974 was deposited in the herbarium of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP), but this incomplete specimen was misidentified, and not Trifolium ornithopodioides. Therefore, this newly discovered site at Ágota-puszta should be regarded as the first trustworthy occurrence of this species at the Hortobágy plain.