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  • «Odio finanche la lingua che si parla». Power and freedom in Vincenzo Consolo's Nottetempo, casa per casa

    The essay studies the relationships between the novel Nottetempo, casa per casa and the linguistic considerations disseminated by Consolo in other texts. Consolo does not limit himself to criticising the language of fascism but broadens his critical analysis to the language of power as such and the languages of opposition, when they are tainted by empty rhetoric. In this sense, the protagonist’s final escape also takes on a palingenetic value from a political point of view

  • The scrutineer and the Scriptures. Notes on Calvino's Bible

    La giornata d’uno scrutatore is a fundamental text in Italo Calvino’s itinerary. It marks a divide between a before and an after. In fact, La giornata is placed between the fairytale Calvino and the ‘cosmicomic’ Calvino as a decisive and scandalous encounter with the reality of the body and with the texts of Scripture, in a strong and almost unthinkable nexus, which makes La giornata d’uno scrutatore a Calvinian unicum. To highlight the connection between the call of the body and the Bible is the task of this essay.