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  • Degradation degree evolution under different grassland management

    The objective of this manuscript is to clarify the changes in vegetation structure of an extensively managed grassland association under different land use practices. In the grasslands of the Hungarian Great Plain, the westernmost part of the Eurasian steppe, the largely decreasing grazing livestock numbers and the almost disappearing pastoral grazing make the topic very topical. We analysed the last 4 years of the study period 2009-2020 and found that the lowest degradation rates were measured in the meadow utilisation management, with values ranging from 0.277-0.463 in the 11th year of the experiment. And the highest degradation values were measured in the treatment with the overgrazing mode, with degradation degrees 3.43-5.0 in the 11th year of the experiment. In the treatment demonstrating the effect of overgrazing, we measured a high increase in the cover value of the weed Hordenum murinum, which is very dangerous for sheep, between 2017 and 2020, with an average of 107.6%.

  • Effects of grazing as anthropogenic environmental factor of natural grasslands in the Hungarian Great Plain, near Bugac

    The coenological quadrats were made in 1997, 2005, 2010 and 2021 in a sandy grassland which is used as cattle pasture. The quadrats can be sort in three groups. The first group of quadrats was made close to the cattle pen (Zone A: 0-50 m). The second group was made farther (Zone B: 50-150), where the grazing is not so intensive. The third group contains the quadrats which were made farther than 150m (Zone C). The animals use this area rarely, therefor this part of the pasture is undergrazed (Penksza et al., 2010a). The coenological survey was carried out with 2×2 meter squares, recording the cover value. The species names follow the nomenclature of Király (2009) and Engloner et al. (2001).


    The rate of species which indicate degradation is the highest near to the cattle pen (0-50m). But farther than 50m the rate of species which indicates naturalness is higher. Lower  nature conservation value can be observed near to the cattle pen. In this area weeds and degradation tolerant species can be found in the highest amount. Their ratio grew in the second zone (50-150m) too in the past few years, but the species which compose the natural vegetation also survived, so the species composition is able for regeneration. With the decreasing of grazing intensity the sample area could meet the requirements of nature conservation.

    Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats; and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. A significant change in species composition could be detected. Particularly, deterioration of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm. Even aggressive, invasive plant species occurred. Among dominant grass species, dominance relations and covering rate of disturbance tolerant Cynodon dactylon and Lolium perenne species have increased, caused partly by overgrazing and trampling as well. A new species, Poa humilis, appeared in the zone “A” in 2020, which is a degradation indicator species and tolerates overgrazing and trampling (Penksza and Böcker, 1999/200; Penksza, 2009). Farther from the farm, rate of degradation showed by vegetation has decreased compared to the areas closer to the farm, however, it has increased even on the farther area between the two time periods. During the preparation of management plans for the grasslands, these data should be considered at a higher rate in favor of preserving natural values,

  • Overutilization of Pastures by Livestock

    Soil degradation caused by overgrazing is a worldwide problem. The degradation of an overutilized area occurs mainly where animals prefer to spend extra time because of the attractants that are around gateways, water sources, along fences or farm buildings. High grazing pressure decreases plant density which results in changes of the botanical composition of a pasture. The effect that grazing has on a plant depends on the timing, frequency and intensity of grazing and its opportunity to regrow. Overgrazing adversely effects soil properties, which results in reduced infiltration, accelerated runoff and soil erosion. Evidence has been corroborated with high bulk density values, high dry mechanical resistance and low structural stability. The degradation of the landscape may be a short-term phenomenon and recovery is possible after grazing pressures have been greatly reduced. Management practices have been used successfully to improve grazing distribution. These practices include water development, placement of salt and supplements, fertilizer application, fencing, burning, and the planting of special forages which can be used to enhance grazing by livestock in underutilized areas.
    The authors carried out their grazing experiment on the Hortobágy. The effects of overutilization by livestock on soil properties and vegetation on certain areas of grassland are presented in this paper.

  • Studies on botany, forage and soils with aspects of nature conservation on grey cattle and water buffalo pastures of the Tapolcai and Káli basins: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    In the present work we introduce the coenological and pedological results of examination on the Balaton Upland (Badacsonytördemic, Csobánc, Káptalantóti and Kővágóőrs). Grass management plays an important role in nature conservation, rural development thus in the viability of rural population. Soil and water suffer from extreme degradation and pollution, partly because of agricultural activities, growing settlements and mining activity. We evaluated the changes in species composition and coverage, the possibly occurring regeneration or degradation and the effects of botanical composition changes on forage values, especially in case of economically valuable species. Investigations show strengths and weaknesses of having animals on grasslands. Sample sites were in Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds and/or poisonous and/or prickly species, too. We examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of overgrazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition of the grazed and non-grazed land differed. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined pastures show the effects of overgrazing. With the decrease of the number of the animals, nature conservation and economical values could be increased. The examined areas had totally different soil characteristics, pH, soil thickness and nutrient content varied greatly. In the Gyulakeszi area even a small catena was found on a single pasture. The high soil organic matter and nutrient content ensure the good grass yield thus the areas are suitable for grazing and for grass cutting, too. 

  • Természetvédelmi élőhelykezelés hatása a gyöngyösi Sár-hegy gyepterületeinek vegetációjára

    We studied the vegetation of grasslands on the Sár Mountain, in Gyöngyös. The areas are mowed regularly by the Bükk National Park and mechanical shrub control was done as well. The effects of these habitat management techniques were investigated on grasslands of different degradation levels. Coenological studies were made between May and June in 2013 with 2×2 m relevés. The study areas were characterised according to nature conservation value categories and life forms. Our results showed that the above mentioned management techniques had positive effects on the diversity of grasslands. On the managed grasslands the abundance of woody species decreased, while the abundance of annual and perennial grass species and dicotyledonous herbaceous species increased. The highest species number (58-78) was recorded in the case of control areas. The number of species was high (47-49) in the areas managed by mowing and mechanical shrub control. The lowest species number (43) was recorded in the areas which were not mowed after mechanical shrub control. According to the nature conservation value categories the number of protected species was the highest in the control areas. Our results approved that regular mowing is needed after mechanical shrub control to sustain the diversity of abandoned grasslands in the long run. 

  • Changes in forage values of differently managed grasslands in the Trans-Danubian Mountain Range, Hungary

    In this study a comparative relevé was conducted in the Transdanubian Central Mountains (Tihany Peninsula, Bakony, Keszthely hills). We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and we evaluated the changes of these factors in the point of view of feeding value. We surveyed that how extent the main grasses and the papilionaceae appeared or disappeared, how changed the proportion of those species which can tolerate overgrazing, and what is the composition of the weeds on grazed and ungrazed areas. Accordig to results, the grasslands under survey have unfavourable species composition due to the bad management practices and insufficient technological conditions. The distribution of the nature protection value categories of the plant association’s species varies with the associations. The period under survey the closed grassland association near Lake Belső turned more valuable, where the meadow was converted into pasturing lands for Hungarian Grey Cows by changing cultivation methods. The quality of former (over)grazed grasslands near Sóly and pasturing lands near Vad parlag, where grazing was finished also turned more valuable. However the ground cover of species with best feeding value reduced, but feedig value of grasses increased due to the increasing of the cover ground of grasslands. In those grasslands, where the cultivation was finished, after initial increasing of number of species many shrubs appeared on the area, and this process will accelerate in the future. Because of this grazing is necessary with appropriate animal density.

  • Comparative investigations of biomass composition in differently managed grasslands of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological and biomass samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. Studies were broadened to four areas of the Tapolcai Basin, Badacsonytördemic (undergrazed and overgrazed pastures, hayfield, control area). The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production in every grazing season of a year. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value. Covering rates of the grassland associations have doubled and species composition has improved in the Tihany Peninsula, however, forage value has not increased, due to the change in land use in favour of the natural area that is converting into grazing field. In case of the Taplocai Basin, low number of species (20 to 30) was detected in the undergrazed pasture and the control area. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state for species diversity, and the amount of forage remained high. The overgrazed pasture carries a low forage value and contains a high number of weed species, despite the spectacularly high total number of plant species (38 to 39), consequently, grazing pressure has to be decreased. Although the number of species is lower in the hayfield (26 to 28), species composition and ability for forage supply is much better, showing that the proper management of the area is taken here. 

  • The Role of Grassland in EU Soil Protection Strategy

    The three most important life quality criteria are: healthy and good-quality food, clean water and pleasant environment. All three are closely related to the sustainable management of natural resources; conservation of soil and water resources; rational land use and landscape preservation. Soils are conditionally renewable natural resources, consequently, their rational use, conservation, and the maintenance of their multipurpose functionality have particular significance both in the national economy and environment protection. The main soil functions are: integrator (transformer) of other natural resources; most important media for biomass production; storage of heat, water, nutrients, pollutants; buffer of various natural and human-induced stresses; huge natural filter (preventing groundwater pollution); detoxication media of various harmful substances; habitat for soil biota, gene-reservoir, media of biodiversity; conservator of the natural and human heritage.

    The maintenance of these functions is the key-element of sustainable development on all levels of the decision-making process: Globe → continent → region → country → subregion → settlement → farm → field. The EU Strategy for soil protection focuses attention on 8 environmental threats, for their prevention, elimination or moderation:

    – water and wind erosion;

    – decrease in organic matter resources;

    – compaction and structure destruction;

    – soil sealing;

    – the increasing frequency, duration and degree of extreme moisture events: flood, waterlogging – drought;

    – point and non-point (diffuse) soil pollution;

    – salinization/alkalization/sodification;

    – decline in biodiversity (decreasing number and activity of soil organisms, narrowing their species spectra).

    The EU-conform Soil Conservation Strategy of Hungary was elaborated during the last decades on the basis of long-term soil survey, soil analyses, soil mapping and soil monitoring activities. It comprises three main tasks:

    – the prevention, elimination or moderation of soil degradation processes;

    – the reduction of the unfavourable economic, ecological, environmental and social consequences of extreme moisture regimes;

    – the control of the biogeochemical cycle of elements: optimum nutrient supply of plants; prevention of harmful soil pollution and contamination of the „food chain”.

    Grassland management has to play a significant role in these actions. In addition to fodder production, rational grassland management can considerably contribute to the storage, buffer, filter and gene-reservoir functions of soil, to the improvement of soil moisture regime, to the moderation of extreme moisture conditions, and to the reduction of soil losses caused by water or wind erosion. In spite of these favourable impacts grasslands (covering about 12% of Hungary) have never been in the focus of Hungarian agriculture.

    Grasslands were always restricted to marginal lands (sands, salt affected soils, peatlands, floddplains) with low and risky (highly weather-dependent) biomass production and low animal carrying capacity. Relatively productive grasslands were upturned for corn in large hilly areas (resulting serious erosion losses and landscape deterioration); the huge floodplain grasslands were used for other agricultural crops after flood control and river regulation; peatland grasslands were also considerably reduced by the drainage of these areas and used (not always successfully and efficiently) for arable crops. Huge areas became seriously degraded wastelands or „weedlnds” due to irregular grazing, lack of weed control, plant nutrition, water management. Under improper management not only the biomass production decreased considerably but the soil conservation functions of grassland were also deteriorated, sometimes dramatically. The poor and degraded grassland vegetation were not able to prevent (or at least moderate) water erosion losses in hilly areas, wind erosion losses in the dry sand regions or „over-drained” ameliorated peatlands, and even their gene-reservoir functions are sometimes threatened seriously.

    Rational grassland management is an important element of both the European and Hungarian Soil Conservation Strategy. Its scientific bases are well-known. The details have to be determined by further research and scientific programs. The existing knowledge should be broadcast using all available information channels: teaching and education on various levels; demonstrations; media programs, etc. A proper system of stimulating economy regulations should be developed and formulated in various-level legal documents. But first of all an environment-friendly moral must be developed accepting the concept of sustainable grassland management.

  • Impact of a change of use on extensive grassland yields

    The impact of converting overgrazed extensive grassland to mowing was investigated in Karcag between 2017 and 2020. At the beginning of the experiment, the plant composition of the overgrazed grassland community, which had been overgrazed for 3 years, showed a high and continuously increasing cover of unconditionally weeds avoided by sheep, which presented clearly higher quantitative indicators in terms of yield values. However, in the grassland communities that were converted to mowing, the cover of unconditioned weeds decreased steadily at the end of the experimental period and the cover value of grassland components valuable for animals increased, thus stopping degradation and recultivation by conversion was successful.

  • Comparative phytosociological study of long-term on Tihany Peninsula of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value.

  • Examination of coenological and grassland management of sheep- and cattle pasture in lands of Kiskunság

    The coenological relevés were prepared in 2007 and 2008 on two pasture-lands in the Great Hungarian Plain. areas situated inside and near (0 to 50 meters far from) an animal husbandry farm belong to the first group. Coenological relevés gained from areas situated 50 to 150 meters far from intensively used areas belong to the second group. Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats, and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. Primarily, degradation of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm.

  • Effects of ceasing mowing and grazing on the vegetation of wet grasslands of Badacsonytördemic

    During the work we examined the vegetation of a wet area near Badacsonytördemic. The grassland has been mowed and grazed intensively by Hungarian grey cattle until 2010, and it was abandoned afterwards. We surveyed three sample areas: the continuously grazed pasture, the mowed grassland and the additional pasture, which was grazed for one month each year.
    Records were made in June 2010 and 2020. We utilized 4×4 m quadrats, and gave the cover of species in percent. Relative nitrogen values (NB), soil moisture values (WB), Social Behaviour Types according to Borhidi, nature conservation values (TVK) according to Simon were also used.
    Based on the results, the vegetation of the area degraded greatly in ten years, its diverse nature disappeared, weeds and invasive species became dominant and species with good foraging value declined. No aggressive competitors were found in 2007, but Solidago gigantea appeared with great cover by 2020. In addition, many weed species appeared, and the ones which were already present in 2010, have increased their cover. Cirsium arvense was a newly appearing weed. Dead biomass also increased greatly.
    To avoid further degradation, we suggest to reintroduce the management to these areas again. To set back weeds and invasive species, regular mowing would be efficient. It would be important to carefully set the date of mowing so that it prevents the spreading of seeds. Mowed plants must be removed from the area as soon as possible.

  • Global challenges and demands for grassland use

    The purpose of this review is to outline the status quo regarding multifunctional and social demands on grasslands. The products and services that grassland ecosystems can provide society are detailed. Existing agro-policies are reviewed as to how they reflect social demands on grasslands. A farm level analysis considers many factors that may influence the fulfilment of social demands. Conclusions are drawn on the future of grassland use under different socio-economic conditions. Traditional (meat, milk, fibre, medicinal plants, fuel, power) and non-traditional (branded products, biodiversity as gene pool, biomass for energy) products are identified. Services of grasslands are summarized at three different levels viz. globally (regulation of climate, air quality, water resources, soil health, carbon sequestration, maintaining biodiversity), regionally (aesthetic and landscape values) and locally (preservation of cultural heritage, maintenance of the significance of religion for pastoralism). Targeted policies are emerging that assist in sustaining healthy grassland ecosystems and fulfilling multifunctional demands at different social levels. In spite of these policies, the future of the world's grasslands seems to vary by country, according to the level of development. In poor countries, production from grassland will remain of vital importance (in some cases, with the threat of ecosystem degradation), whilst at the same time, ecological and amenity uses of grassland appear to be ignored. Trends in the function of grassland ecosystems in developed countries seem to be just the opposite. The importance of production is declining, while ecological and amenity functions receive increasing attention in response to multifunctional and social demands. Due to the national conditions the future of grassland use in Hungary will differ from these patterns. The production from grassland is going to be negligible. The ecological role (landscape, biodiversity) will remain very important. Remarkable increase is predicted in the amenity role of grasslands following the overall economic development in the country.

  • Indications of grass associations

    Szerző a korábbi rét-legelő vizsgálatok (faji összetétel, osztályozás, szénahozam, tápérték) mellett ökológiai-cönológiai értékelési, ún. indikációs módszert javasol. Ezt részben még a Nemzetközi Biológiai Program (I.B.P.) hazai mintaterülete növényzetének ökológiai elemzésére (indikációjának értelmezésére) dolgozták ki. Duna-völgyi (25 db 5×5 m-es mintaterület, Simon, 1980) és Tiszaháti (20 db 5×5 m-es mintaterület, Juhász és Nagy, 1956) rét-legelő mintaterületek összesített táblázatait (A-D érték) elemzi. A minták faji összetételének, fajtömegének alapján ökológiai-cönológiai csoportok tömegét és eloszlását vizsgálja. Így elemzi a T-W-R-érték (Zólyomi és Précsényi. 1964), a cönotípus csoportok (Soó, 1968) és a természetvédelmi érték kategóriák (Simon, 1988) megoszlását. Ezek eredményei alapján megállapítja a minták hasonlóságát és különbségét. A kisoroszi minta növényzetének indikációja nedvesebb vízellátású (itt a csúcs is) ökológiai viszonyokat, bázikusabb talajt és erős gyomosodást mutat. A beregi minták növényei közepes vízháztartást (a csúcs a szárazban van), kissé savanyúbb talajt, természetesebb ökológiai és cönológiai állapotokat jeleznek. A hőmérsékleti indikáció közel azonos. A vizsgálatok hosszú időtávú ismétlése a bekövetkező változások irányának, jellegének megismerését is lehetővé teszi.

  • Data on botanical and animal feeding investigations of a sheep pasture in Káli Basin with special reference to nature reservation

    Sample grassland sites were investigated in Kővágóőrs (Káli Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary). The sample quadrates were designated in the following places: close to (0-100 metres) and away (250-500 metres) from the stable. Comparative coenological studies, forage values were investigated. Changes of species composition and ground cover, measure of possible regeneration or degradation were evaluated. It was examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of over-grazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition influenced the nutritive value of the grassland. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds poisonous and/or protected species, as well. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined grassland show the effects of grazing. According to results, observed grasslands have unfavourable species composition due to improper management practices and insufficient technological conditions.