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  • Indications of grass associations

    Szerző a korábbi rét-legelő vizsgálatok (faji összetétel, osztályozás, szénahozam, tápérték) mellett ökológiai-cönológiai értékelési, ún. indikációs módszert javasol. Ezt részben még a Nemzetközi Biológiai Program (I.B.P.) hazai mintaterülete növényzetének ökológiai elemzésére (indikációjának értelmezésére) dolgozták ki. Duna-völgyi (25 db 5×5 m-es mintaterület, Simon, 1980) és Tiszaháti (20 db 5×5 m-es mintaterület, Juhász és Nagy, 1956) rét-legelő mintaterületek összesített táblázatait (A-D érték) elemzi. A minták faji összetételének, fajtömegének alapján ökológiai-cönológiai csoportok tömegét és eloszlását vizsgálja. Így elemzi a T-W-R-érték (Zólyomi és Précsényi. 1964), a cönotípus csoportok (Soó, 1968) és a természetvédelmi érték kategóriák (Simon, 1988) megoszlását. Ezek eredményei alapján megállapítja a minták hasonlóságát és különbségét. A kisoroszi minta növényzetének indikációja nedvesebb vízellátású (itt a csúcs is) ökológiai viszonyokat, bázikusabb talajt és erős gyomosodást mutat. A beregi minták növényei közepes vízháztartást (a csúcs a szárazban van), kissé savanyúbb talajt, természetesebb ökológiai és cönológiai állapotokat jeleznek. A hőmérsékleti indikáció közel azonos. A vizsgálatok hosszú időtávú ismétlése a bekövetkező változások irányának, jellegének megismerését is lehetővé teszi.

  • Összehasonlító botanikai és természetvédelmi vizsgálatok telepített és felújított gyepekben a Csákvár melletti Páskom területén

    We studied the vegetation of a 260 ha gray cattle pasture near Páskom, which can be found in Zámoly basin. We carried out our surveyes in May 2012. The pasture can be divided into five parts. One part, approximately the half of the area (150.83 ha), is an oldfield grassland, which was overseeded 20 years ago. The other half of the pasture was restored (109.17 ha) in 4 different ways in 2009 and then was mowed until 2011. 7 relevés were made in each part of the pasture (the occurence of species and their cover scores were recorded). The aim of our study was to compare the effects of the different restoration methods and mowing on the botanical composition of the pasture. The results showed, that the grassland restored with hay transfer method was the most similar to the natural conditions. The greatest number of species was recorded in that part and the species of natural grasslands become dominant. The directly sowed and the spontaneous grassland parts separated chiefly from the semi-natural 30-year-old grassland. 

  • Benefits from pastures

    The value of a pasture is determined by natural factors as well by productional methods. In this study, natural factors, such as rainfall, temperature, altitude and soil composition, are examined - these also influence the floral composition of a pasture, which is, again, important regarding the value of a pasture. As regards productional methods, requirements of environment protection as well as professional management are emphasised on the basis of wide-scale experiments conducted in Hungary.

  • Change of perspective in grassland analysis, three-dimensional crop estimation and qualification method

    From the point of view of the lawns' current existence, use and their existence for the future, but the tasks, goals and challenges of grassland management have changed, and in line with this, we have carried out surveys and developed and modified a method for fast and efficient application.

    In practice, it is very important to know the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the forage found in the pasture, as well as the exact economic value of the pasture. The purpose of this study is to present a cheap, fast, reliable and easy-to-apply estimation method.

    We took the previous methods into account and corrected and further developed them with the help of recent lawn management research results. Based on our tests, the corrected Balázs method can be used well to estimate the yield of grasslands and to determine the fodder value of the grassland. This method is cheap and requires no technical background. It also has the advantage, based on experience, that it takes into account the preference of species by animals.

    The data from the cenological survey and the height measurement of the plant stock can be used to estimate the yield, fodder value and economic value. Being a non-destructive method involving minimal trampling, it is also particularly suitable for monitoring the grassland habitat of protected plants and animals. The method is also presented on a sample example, which proves its applicability.

  • Természetvédelmi kezelések hatása a dél-tiszántúli szikes gyepek vegetációjára

    A Dél-Tiszántúlon szikes gyepek cönológiai vizsgálatait végeztük el. A felvételeket 2×2 m-es kvadrátokat alkalmazva és a fajok borítási értékét adva meg készítettük. A természetvédelmi kategóriák és a fajok életforma kategóriái alapján is értékeltük a területeket. A felvételek rendszerint felvételi helytől függetlenül kerültek egy csoportba. Meghatározó szerepe a domináns fajoknak, elsősorban a pázsitfüveknek volt. Így az elkülönülő blokkok között az ürmös puszták (Artemisio-Festucetum pseudovinae) felvételei csoportosulnak leginkább. A természetvédelmi kezelések eredményei során a vegetáció egységekben sikerült kimutatni, hogy a legeltetésnek és a kaszálásnak a vegetációra nézve eltérő hatásai vannak. Az intenzív taposási nyomás hatására a gyepterületek fajgazdagsága csökkent, és a legeltetés hiánya következtében a szikes gyepekben felszaporodtak a degradációra utaló fajok A Pignatti-féle életformákat alkalmaztam hazai legelők vizsgálatára és elemzésére, egyben azt is sikerült kimutatni, hogy kiváló indikátor érték a legeltetés elemzésére. Az intenzívebb legeltetés hatására a kúszó szárú fajok kerültek előtérbe. Az egyéves fajok mennyisége szintén felszaporodott. Az évelő gyepes fajok előfordulása a legeltetési intenzitás csökkenésével nőtt. Az ürmös puszták (Artemisio-Festucetum pseudovinae) mintaterületei, ezen belül is a juhlegelők voltak a legértékesebbek. A bivalyokkal végzett legeltetés során is magas értékek adódtak, jelentősebbek, mint a marhákkal végzett legeltetésnél. A különböző állatokkal történő legeltetés során az azonos vegetáció típusban is eltérések mutatkoztak, ami azt jelzi, hogy az élőhelyek mozaikos kialakításában ezeknek fontos szerepe van. 

  • Digestibility and nutritive value of late mowed grassland

    Nutritive value of a fodder from extensive established pasture was tested. The nutrient content was measured by the Wendeeanalysis and by in vitro ruminant digestibility method. Results of former experiments showed that the nutritive value of an extensive established pasture in the case of late outdoor growing is low. In our results the highest crude protein content was in the year 2002, while in 2003 can be observed a steep decline, which showed in 2004 further decrease. The crude protein values were the highest in case of middle seed norm. The nutritive values of these pastures provide just supply for the demand and it was declined due to the negative N-balance in the rumen. Our results showed that the samples from the year of establishment could possibly be used for preserved feed (6.01 MJ NE l kg-1). The crop from all other years and sowing times did not reach a value of 5.00 MJ NE l kg-1, but approach a level of 4.4 to 4.5 MJ NE l kg-1, thus they would not be suitable for preserved feed. It can be recommended that this late season crop should rather be used for grazing of livestock than as preserved feed. 

  • Different agrotechnical mesures on the ecology and conservation in a wet meadow

    In grassland management systems, the various agrotechnical elements have to be used in many cases on "primitive grasslands", where the coordination of agricultural and nature conservation tasks is necessary. Here, animal husbandry is the main aspect, which includes the long-term preservation of the quality of the pasture, as well as the most economical use of the pasture and keeping the animals as cheap as possible. The tests were carried out on a grassy area on the border of the settlement of Aba. We examined the vegetation of 8 plots of the same size in the area and the quantitative and qualitative composition of the biomass produced there. In this thesis, we provide data on the vegetation composition and evaluation of the following treatments. The plots and treatments were as follows: I. plot-ventilated; II. parcel-relaxed; III. plot loosened and ventilated; ARC. parcel control; V. plot-ventilated and 15 t/ha manure; VI. plot loosened and 15 t/ha manure; VII. plot loosened, ventilated and 15 t/ha manure; VIII. plot loosened, ventilated and 30 t/ha manure. In each plot, 5 ceenological recordings were made using 4 x 4 m quadrats. The estimated coverage of each species was given in %, taking into account the proportion of grasslands and other species. Among Borhidi's plant ecological indicators, the species were evaluated based on the NB (relative values of nitrogen demand) and WB (relative soil water and soil moisture indicator numbers). The social behavior types (SZMT) were also defined based on Borhidi's work, and the nature conservation value categories (TVK) were defined according to Simon. The lifestyle analysis was performed based on Pignatti's lifestyle types.

    Based on the data, the composition of the vegetation of each plot changed significantly compared to the data of the control plot IV. A direct proportionality can be discovered between the increase in the cover value of the dominant lawn grasses, primarily Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata, Alopecurus pratensis, and Fabaeceae species (e.g. Lathyrus tuberosus, Lotus corniculatus) and the amount of applied nutrients. Based on the coenological survey of the eight examined areas, the control area (IV.) showed the most natural state, which was confirmed by the species composition and number of species. The IV. plots are close to I., II. and III. for plot recordings, which proves that aeration and loosening do not worsen the condition of the lawn, but rather promote the preservation of its natural state. The VII-VIII. plots have the smallest number of species, but based on the life form spectrum, naturalness indicators, nature conservation value categories and social behavior types, they are not very disturbed habitats.

    No significant difference can be detected between the effect of lawn loosening and lawn aeration, but III. plot, where both treatments were carried out, was closer to the control area. Regarding the effect of the lawn management methods, it was possible to produce a starting data set in the long term (with the same environmental conditions). Overall, the study gave valuable results regarding the age of change occurring during the application of different lawn management methods, and was also effective from an economic point of view.

  • A területhasználat hatása felhagyott szántó gyepesedési folyamatára

    Vizsgálataink során egy korábban évtizedeken át szántóként művelt 40 hektáros területen a művelés felhagyását követő 22-23. években a gyepesedés állapotának megállapítása céljából végeztünk növényállomány felvételezéseket Balázs módszerével (Balázs, 1949, 1960). A privatizáció során a területet felparcellázták és a tulajdonosok különböző módon művelték, illetve nem művelték. A kiválasztott három kezelés a természetes szukcesszió (semmilyen emberi beavatkozás nem történt a felhagyás óta), az évente egyszeri, június végén (a parlagfű kötelező irtása végett) elvégzett kaszálás és az évente kétszeri, a növények fejlődéséhez igazított, virágzás körüli kaszálás. A fajok száma, a faji sokféleség szempontjából a gyakoribb hasznosítás (kétszeri kaszálás) volt a legjobb hatású. A takarmányozási érték is az így kezelt területen volt a legnagyobb, a Balázs-féle K-érték 3 körüli, ami jó minőségű takarmányt jelent. Ennek oka elsősorban az alacsonyan tartott gyep, melyben a fényigényes pillangósvirágúak nagyon felszaporodtak (30% körüli borítás). A füvesedés szempontjából az évente egyszeri, késői kaszálás alakított ki legjobb gyepet, 40-70% pázsitfű borítással. A várható szárazanyaghozamot tekintve is ez volt a legeredményesebb területhasználat. A gyomosodás, főleg az özöngyomok elterjedése a természetes szukcessziójú területen volt jellemző, a Solidago ssp. 30-45%-os borítása révén. A 2017 nyarán történt hatósági kényszerkaszálás hatására a következő tavaszra ez 17%-ra csökkent. A felhagyás utáni, még bolygatási hatás alatti parlagfüvesedés már rég megszűnt, a vizsgálat idején egyáltalán nem találtunk parlagfüvet egyik területen sem. 

  • Examination of coenological and grassland management of sheep- and cattle pasture in lands of Kiskunság

    The coenological relevés were prepared in 2007 and 2008 on two pasture-lands in the Great Hungarian Plain. areas situated inside and near (0 to 50 meters far from) an animal husbandry farm belong to the first group. Coenological relevés gained from areas situated 50 to 150 meters far from intensively used areas belong to the second group. Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats, and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. Primarily, degradation of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm.

  • Degradation degree evolution under different grassland management

    The objective of this manuscript is to clarify the changes in vegetation structure of an extensively managed grassland association under different land use practices. In the grasslands of the Hungarian Great Plain, the westernmost part of the Eurasian steppe, the largely decreasing grazing livestock numbers and the almost disappearing pastoral grazing make the topic very topical. We analysed the last 4 years of the study period 2009-2020 and found that the lowest degradation rates were measured in the meadow utilisation management, with values ranging from 0.277-0.463 in the 11th year of the experiment. And the highest degradation values were measured in the treatment with the overgrazing mode, with degradation degrees 3.43-5.0 in the 11th year of the experiment. In the treatment demonstrating the effect of overgrazing, we measured a high increase in the cover value of the weed Hordenum murinum, which is very dangerous for sheep, between 2017 and 2020, with an average of 107.6%.

  • 2018-19-ben végzett cönológia felmérés a tihanyi Belső-tó melletti magyar szürke szarvasmarha legelőn

    Jelen vizsgálatunkat 2018 és 2019 között végeztük a Tihanyi félszigeten, a Belső-tótól délre eső gyepterületeken, melyeket egy sokéves felhagyott állapot után néhány évig kaszáltak, majd 2002-től máig folyamatosan szürkemarhával legeltettek. Fő kérdésünk a következő volt: az eltelt időszak alatt mennyire volt eredményes a legeltetés, természetközelivé vált-e a gyep? A területen az első cönológiai felvételek 1994-ben készültek, majd 2002-től (néhány év kihagyással) évente újra megtörténtek a vizsgálatok. Jelen munkában a 2018-19-es évek eredményeit tesszük közzé. A kvadrát minták elemzésekor igénybe a Raunkiaer-féle életforma-kategóriákat, a természetvédelmi értékkategóriákat (TVK), valamint a szociális magatartási formákat (SBT) alkalmaztuk. A cönológiai felvételek a legelő két különböző részén készültek: a felső (I), illetve az alsó (II) egyharmadában a területnek, amit az állatok pihenőhelyként használnak. Ily módon nem csak a lejtőhatás, hanem az igénybevétel intenzitásának vizsgálatára is lehetőség nyílt. Eredményeink alapján a legelő állatok folyamatos jelenléte stabilizálta a természetvédelmi szempontból értékes gyep fajösszetételét. A gyomfajok mennyisége az alsó szakaszon jelentősebb volt, a teljes fajszám viszont kisebb. A lejtő felső egyharmadában ez az érték már 50 fölé emelkedett. A pázsitfüvek relatív mennyisége is jelentősebbé vált, ami legeltetési szempontból is értékesebbé tette a gyepet. Dominánsként a kisebb termetű Festuca fajok jelentek meg, más gyepgazdálkodási szempontból fontos pázsitfű fajokkal együtt. A pillangósok fajszáma és borítása is jelentőssé vált. Eredményeink alapján a helyes természetvédelmi kezelési gyakorlat kulcsa a területen a megfelelő számú állattal történő legeltetés lehet, ami jelen esetben megvalósult. 

  • Analysing of yield and nutritional value of Zselic pastures and its evaluation by D-e-Meter system

    The future way of grassland management is greatly influenced by the new functions of the grasslands relative to the environment. This means that the role of raising nutrition will be expand by the role of keeping the natural resources. In the EU the price of the arable lands are controlled by the supply and demand, so the quality of the arable and the value of it come asunder. The market economy has to evaluate the arable reliable and accurate. In according to these sentences it is necessary to show the real value of soil quality, of arable in the register of estate. An important part of the sustainable developing is to find the adaptation to the local area and the nature. This aspect could be found in the multifunctional European Agricultural model and in the rural development too. Nowadays we use the way of the land evaluation known as the “aranykorona”, which is an obstacle to the way of the sustainability. The evaluation of grasslands in Hungary is not solved, the details we have are disused, so it is hard to plan the yields of the grasslands, we can estimate them a posteriori. In the D-e-Meter grassland module we start the evaluation with the DM yield of the characteristic grass. This starting point is modified with the factors proper to the area. The measured and the estimated DM yield were compared to each other at 3 grassland at Bőszénfa. To evolve an up-to-date evaluating system we analysed grasslands at the University of Kaposvár Deer Farm at Bőszénfa to find answers to the followings:

    • Soil analysis of the humus, the N, P, K levels and the pH of the grasslands

    • Describe the botanical composition by the Balázs-method

    • The quality and the nutrition value of the grasslands

    • Yearly yields of grasslands

    • Analyzing of the results by the D-e-Meter system

  • Economic aspects of grasslands

    There are several products can be originated from the grass-land but their economic value in some cases are uncertain. The article shows the social benefits of the grass-land products answering the same time for the question: what the value is of the product in practice and how can it be determined. There are considered the market and non-market type of product of the grass-land and a new category is introduced; the animal keeping value of the grass.

    Value of grassland products

  • Botanical and natural conservation comparison of seminatural and man-made grasslands in Paskom near Csakvar

    During the survey, the vegetation, botanical composition and grassland management values of a grassland were studied. The study site was originally a pasture, then was transformed into an arable land and finally back to pasture. The 160-ha-sized area is called „Szűzföld” and is located in the Zámoly Basin, West Hungary. In 1998, grazing of Hungarian grey cattle has begun on the grassland. The changes in the vegetation were followed from 1998, making records in every 6th year (1998, 2015, 2021). 6 coenological records were made in each type of grasslands, by recording the list of the occurring taxa and their cover values. During the survey the main questions were the following: considering nature conservation, coenology and grassland management, in which direction does the vegetation evolve with the grazing? Was the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle successful?
    Based on the results, the grasslands became much more mosaic-like; drier and wetter vegetation patches could be separated (2015, 2021). As the grazing continued, species richness and diversity increased, especially in the wet areas.
    The number and the cover of economically important grass taxa and legumes have increased. The following taxa became dominant: Festuca pseudovina in the drier parts, Agrostis tenuis and A. stolonifera in the wet ones. Based on the life form system of Pignatti, the area is not overgrazed, as rosette and reptant taxa did not became dominant. Based on nature conservation values, cover of the taxa of natural grasslands increased.
    During the grazing, the meadow was universally covered mainly by weeds in 1998, and became much more valuable by 23 years later by means of nature conversation and grassland management. Moreover, this state has been stabilized according to the diversity values.
    Based on the results, the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle was successful by both nature conservational and economical means.

  • The role of sheep grazing in nature reservation

    Economic and social changes in the last two decades reduced the grazing animal systems more or less to the nature reservation areas. The main objective of these grazing systems on these areas is the preservation of natural treasures herited from the past. Beside that, grazing systems have social (employment) and economic (production) roles as well in some areas of the country. In this paper connections between sheep grazing and the maintenance of different grassland associations of Hungary are investigated from the point of nature reservation friendly farming systems. In general sheep grazing have more positive effects on nature reservation grasslands than its negative effects. It is not difficult to identify the negative effects and to apply proper practical methods avoiding or reducing these effects. Sheep grazing is a proper tool to handle the fragmentation of some of the national grassland areas so it must be kept on as a critical method in the natura friendly farming practices.

  • Study of the agronomic value of artificial extensive grasslands

    The agricultural value of an extensive, alternativly used grassland with three seed densities (500 seed m-2, 1000 seed m-2 and 1500 seed m-2) and at two sowing times was examined in an established grassland experiment with herbs on sandy brown forest soil in Gödöllő in the spring and autumn of 2002.
    The results showed that treatment No. 3 (=1500 seed m-2) had the highest agricultural value. It can be concluded that the highest seed norm resulted in the highest grass cover. Through the estimated agricultural value, we have also proved that the grass established in autumn grows more vigorously than the dicotyledonous species. This follows from the biological characteristics of the two plant groups. The grasses are tolerant towards cold and perennial species, while most of the dicotyledonous are annual and prefer milder conditions.
    Grassland areas with the same ecological basis differ greatly as far as their plant composition is concerned, depending on seed density. In addition, the plant composition changes continusly according to sowing time.

  • Data on botanical and animal feeding investigations of a sheep pasture in Káli Basin with special reference to nature reservation

    Sample grassland sites were investigated in Kővágóőrs (Káli Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary). The sample quadrates were designated in the following places: close to (0-100 metres) and away (250-500 metres) from the stable. Comparative coenological studies, forage values were investigated. Changes of species composition and ground cover, measure of possible regeneration or degradation were evaluated. It was examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of over-grazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition influenced the nutritive value of the grassland. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds poisonous and/or protected species, as well. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined grassland show the effects of grazing. According to results, observed grasslands have unfavourable species composition due to improper management practices and insufficient technological conditions.

  • Flow cytometric genome size estimation of Hungarian grass varieties

    In Keszthely, the breeding of grass species have several decades long history. Among other things, the aim of the maintenance work of the registered varieties is to preserve the ploidy levels that have been reported in the variety descriptions. Flow cytometry is a fast, modern tool for examining plant DNA content. In our pilot study, we compared the genome size of the four grass species maintained at the MATE Georgikon Campus with the data of known samples of similar ploidy levels published for the given grass species in the international database. Our results showed a high degree of agreement with the theoretically expected values, supporting the applicability of flow cytometry in plant breeding and in variety maintenance.