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Search Results

  • Possibilities of speciation following anthropogenous environmental changes in the central sandy area of the Carpathian Basin through the example of Festuca taxa

    Our goal is to check and revise the dominant Festuca species of vegetation types formed under extraordinary conditions through morphotaxonomic and ploidy analyses. To accomplish this, we had to add examinations of dominant species in grasslands further from the Danube in the Carpathian Basin and East Central Europe. Individuals of examined taxa were analysed using 26 parameters of the inflorescences. Ploidy was analysed using low cytometry. After deforestation and shrubcutting, bare soil patches of areas exposed to anthropogenous effects had provided an opportunity new vegetation to form. As a result of this work, new species Festuca pseudovaginata had been discovered here, which is endemic in the Carpathian Basin. Survey continues in order to clear other hardly identificable taxa. The results have confirmed the presence of the species, but we also have new occurences discovered.

  • Monthly changes in the production and content values of wet Hungarian gray cattle pasture and the relationship with species richness

    Grassland management tests were performed on different grazing loaded gray cattle pasture and hayland areas 4 times (April, May, June, September) during the grazing season in Tapolca-basin. 5-5 pieces of 2×2 m samples were examined on each sample area, prepared according to the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June and September and with this, we also measured the amount of biomass and its content.
    Based on results additional pasture had the largest gazing livestock carrying capacity but it had the weakest feed quality as well. During grazing season due to ongoing livestock grazing, species composition has changed the most in case of pasture and the number of species was the greatest here as well. Proportion of grasses declined in parallel with the amount of legumes, which grown till late summer.
    Nutrient content of pasture forage was the most appropriate because of high crude protein and less crude fiber content. Grazing for 34 days/year was not enough in case of additional pasture where Festuca arundinacea had the largest coverage. This is reflected in low number of species richness and small nutritional values of sample areas. For sedge rich low-lying areas mowing utilization is the most effective.

  • Comparison of vegetation of Hungarian Grey Cattle and Hungarian water buffalo pastures in a sample area of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

    In the present study, we aimed to investigate the coenology of the Kelemen-szék in the Kiskunság National Park. The coenological studies were carried out twice. We compared areas with different vegetation types. During these two surveys, we examined in total 90 quadrats of mixed grazed and fenced control areas.  Ones were grazed by Hungarian domestic buffalo and Hungarian grey cattle and others were no grazed. Based on these surveys, it is possible to conclude about spatial and temporal changes in vegetation as a result of livestock husbandry in the area. Due to the size and heterogeneity of the studied area, we intended to investigate small homogeneous areas and respective control areas. Coenological surveys were done on lower and higher lying pastures, saline soil areas and loess areas.

    In the study plots, grazing led to stability in the species composition of loess grassland and saline grassland, so that they also satisfy the requirements moof nature conservation. The dominant and character species of the associations, and the typical species of the genus Festuca have a significant cover value. The dense and tall Puccinellia swards require more attention, because they are more vulnerable against grazing. Grazing and extensive livestock husbandry, which can be applied in the future, is a suitable method for the management of lowland areas. In order to conserve the associations, preservation of grazing is necessary. To provide amount of biomass of areas, the grazing has a significant role. The conservation of native loess grasslands, even in the form of fragments, plays an outstanding function. Hence, based on the initial surveys, the combination of Hungarian grey cattle and water buffalo is beneficial in terms of nature conservation.

  • Biomass of the sandy grasslands along the Danube

    Festuca taxa are important grassland species in the pannonian vegetation, and are defining members of it where conditions are too extreme for most plants. Based on grassland management surveys, habitats of narrow-leaved or small Festuca species are an indicator of poor productive capacity, but are important in terms of nature conservation. The significance of these grasslands are likely to be increasing in line with climate change and expanding dry habitats.

  • Domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing as a habitat management and application option against invasive species

    In nature conservation, the aggressive expansion of invasive plant species and the preservation of valuable grasslands are a global problem. Based on this, the following question can be formulated: which animal species and breeds are suitable for habitat management? Is the water buffalo suitable for lawn care and to what extent? With the overview work, we review the results so far, highlighting domestic areas where we already have preliminary results and where previous data have already been produced. Based on this, the invasive Solidago was completely suppressed in the marshes of the Zámolyi basin, the pasture was completely transformed, and the dominant species became Sesleria uliginosa. Also in the area of the Zámolyi basin, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. You may find that buffalo grazing is a suitable habitat management method in both dry grassland and wet grassland. Therefore, in addition to being effective in the control of Solidago gigantea, grazing with buffaloes is successful both in terms of nature conservation and grassland vegetation from an economic point of view. The first stage of the long-term planned work is an overview of the work on the water buffalo. The research is supported by the creation of Innovation operational groups and the investment necessary for the implementation of the innovative project. call for tenders (VP3-16.1.1-4.1.5-4.2.1-4.2.2-8.1.1-8.2.1-8.3.1-8.5.1-8.5.2-8.6.1-17) and the Innovation and the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Technology code number ÚNKP-22-3-I-MATE/2 was supported by the grant funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and grant AKGF-119-1-202.

  • Horticultural applicability of Festuca taxa I.

    This survey is connected to OTKA-125423, which examines the vegetation of sandy grasslands along the Danube. During this survey, two potentially horticulturally usable Festuca species was analysed: Festuca wagneri and Festca tomanii. The main questions were the following: are they usable in an urban environment? Do the to species differ significantly? Have they any morphotaxonomic feature which can by utilized in horticultural practice? Specimens of the two taxa, which were planted either into normal garden soil or into pots differed greatly. Specimens of F. tomani were usually larger and more uniform. Both taxa had the pot treatment well. Though the average lengths of leaves and inflorescence stems tended to be higher on the soil mixed with perlite, the coverage values were lower on it; thus adding expensive perlite to the soil might not be rewarding for the farmer. The two species differed from each other in several morphological parameters. The diversity of Festuca wagneri showed well in this survey, and this taxons parameters would be also useful in horticultural practice. 

  • Sandy grasslands along the Danube are dominant Content values of Festuca species (preliminary study)

    There is a very old practice of grazing livestock in Hungary. Plants of the pastures are the most valuable feed for grazing animals. Supplementation of feed rations with fibre improves the saturation of the digestive tract, resulting in calmer animals and improved animal welfare. Grasses of pastures can be a useful supplement as they contain a lot of digestible fibre. Our purpose was to find out the grassland management values of sandy grasslands dominated by Festuca species along the Danube. We carried out cutting samples along the Danube, from the north-western part of the Little Hungarian Plain, through the sandy plains of the Carpathian Basin, Serbia, Romanian Plain to Bulgaria. The cut samples were analysed in the laboratory of MATE based on Weende analysis. The original dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and crude fibre content, as well as the measurement of fibre fractions (NDF, ADF, ADL) were analysed. The results showed that absolute dry matter, crude fibre and NDF contents were high in all samples. The five samples of Festuca species analysed showed significant differences in dry matter and crude fibre. Festuca wagneri had the highest dry matter content. The highest crude protein content was found in samples of Festuca vaginata, Festuca wagnerii and Festuca rupicola, but the highest crude fibre content was found in samples of Festuca tomanii.

  • On either side of the electric fence: A botanical study of the autumnal aspect of the drained lake bed of a domestic water buffalo pasture in the Zamoly Basin

    Our studies were carried out in a water buffalo pasture of the Zámolyi basin, in the area of the Csíkvarsai meadow, in the bed of a former lake, which was drained in 2022, then dried up by autumn and it was grazed by domestic water buffalo. The grazed area was surrounded by an electric fence. The vegetation of this part of the area and part of the outside was surveyed on 19 of November. We took 3-3 coenological surveys in both separated areas. Based on the results, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. Among the clover species, species with ground-running stems (Trifolium repens and T. fragiferum) were dominant in the grazed area, but in the ungrazed area, there was a coherent plant population of 30-40 cm high, densely located alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum) in the lake bed. In addition, the occurrence of swamp pricklegrass (Crypsis schoenoides) was a floristic new discovery.
    Due to the loss of water coverage, several Trifolium species have become abundant in the area, which is a result of the germination properties of the species. The thick seed coats were cracked by the loss of the effect of the water coverage on temperature equalisation, and germination could have begun, resulting in a dominant species in the area. During the present study, we have seen a very impressive result of the analysis of the vegetation of the lake bed in autumn aspect in the Zámolyi Basin, which is the result of the impact of water buffalo grazing. The number of species was more significant in the grazed area. Moreover, floristic rarities have been found and as an indicator of grazing, species of different life form types were dominant within the same genus.

  • Comparison of vegetation of Hungarian Grey Cattle and Domestic water buffalo pastures in a sample area of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

    We made a coenological study on the Kelemen-szék in the Kiskunság National Park. The coenological studies were carried out twice, in 2014 and 2015. During these two surveys, we examined in total 90 quadrats of mixed grazed and fenced control areas by domestic water buffalo and Hungarian Grey Cattle. Due to the size and heterogeneity of the studied area, we intended to investigate small homogeneous areas and respective control areas. Coenological surveys were done on lower and higher lying pastures, saline soil areas and loess areas.

    The studied areas were assessed based on the Borhidi relative plant ecological indicators NB (relative nitrogen values) and WB (relative groundwater and soil moisture indicator values). The distribution of nature conservation value categories (TVK) and social behavior types (SzMT) were used to assess the areas. Cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to evaluate the data.

    The data were assessed based on both habitat condition in terms of naturalness condition. On the other hand, relative ecological indicators of the occurred species. Our objectives were to provide a detailed description of the vegetation composition of the study areas, to assess the changes in grassland composition and their conservation impacts as a result of grazing and its abandonment, to assess the impact of grazing on the occurrence of protected species and weed species, and to assess grazing as a conservation habitat management practice.

    The examination of the species composition showed that the loess and saline soil areas grazed by domestic water buffalos and Hungarian Grey Cattle provided a better composition of grassland in terms of natural condition compared to the control areas. In the dense and tall Puccinellia swards vegetation type, grazing requires more attention, because it is more vulnerable to grazing, has fewer species and is more damageable.

  • Természetes és telepített homoki gyepek vegetációja és biomassza-vizsgálatai kisalföldi mintaterületeken

    Vizsgálatunkban két eltérő típusú nyílt természetes homokpusztagyep és élőhely-rekonstrukció során telepített gyepek vegetációját és biomassza-produkcióját hasonlítottuk össze kisalföldi katonai mintaterületeken (Gönyű és Győrszentiván). A vizsgált természetes nyílt gyepekben az uralkodó faj a Festuca vaginata volt, a záródó gyepekben pedig a Festuca rupicola dominált, de mellette a F. javorkae is előfordult. Minden mintaterületen és vegetáció típusban 6-6 db cönológia felvételt és 50×50 cm-es kvadrátban biomassza-mintákat vettünk. A mintaterületek közötti eltéréseket a variációs koefficiens (CV%) és egyutas ANOVA segítségével elemeztük, diverzitási értéket számoltunk. A cönológiai felvételekben lévő adatstruktúrát a nem metrikus többdimenziós skálázás (nmds) ordináció segítségével a Bray-Curtis távolságindexek felhasználásával elemeztük. A nyílt homoki gyepek Festucetum vaginatae típusaiban a legfajgazdagabb az eredeti állomány volt, amihez már hasonlóvá vált a vizsgálat 5 éve alatt a vetett és a spontán gyepesedő vegetáció. Az égetett állományok fajkészlete szegényebb volt, és a diverzitási értékek is alacsonyabbak voltak. A Festuca rupicola dominálta gyep fajszáma és a diverzitási értékei is magasabbak voltak az eltelt időszak alatt. A biomassza értékek tekintetében is a záródó Festuca rupicola gyepek mutattak nagyobb értékeket, és a fajösszetétel tekintetében is gyepgazdálkodási szempontból fontos fajok nagyobb arányban fordultak elő. A vizsgált területeken a restaurációs munkák természetvédelmi és gyepgazdálkodási szempontból is sikeresnek mondhatók.