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  • A Simonffy utcától az Egyetem térig: az egyetemi könyvtár első évtizedei
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    From Simonffy Street to University Square: the First Decades of Debrecen’s University Library. The University and National Library of the University of Debrecen celebrated the centennial of its foundation on the last day of September, 2016. The institution, which boasts the second largest deposit collection in the country, emerges from the system on account of its unique national services, as well as of its extraordinary priceless collection. Several components of this valuable collection still await careful exploration for
    the purposes of promoting scientific and scholarly activity, as well as of ensuring the possibilities of access for the general public. The present study highlights the stages of the initial placement of the university library and its subsequent relocation in the University’s main academic building.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Centenáriumi Év programsorozatának nyitó rendezvénye
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    THE OPENING EVENT OF THE SERIES OF PROGRAMS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, FEBRUARY 3–4, 2012. A commemorative session of the University Senate, the inauguration of a memorial plaque, the opening of an exhibition, a theatrical world premier, and an evening ball were part of the opening program of the centenary year with which the University of Debrecen celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the foundation of its legal predecessor, the Royal Hungarian University of Debreczen. he brief summary below will evoke the respective events of the series of pertinent events.

  • Magyar nyelv és kultúra tanítása a Humbold Egyetemen
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    A berlini Humbold Egyetemen folyó magyar nyelv és kultúra oktatásának 100 éves évfordulóját ünnepelte 2016-ban. Ennek alakalmából jelent meg egy tanulmánykötet, melynek ismertetésére vállalkozott a cikk.

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