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  • Adalékok Pap Károly tanári portréjához

    THE PERSONALITY AND STAMINA OF KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE IN THE EYES OF HIS STUDENTS. he essay describes Károly Pap, the irst professor of literature at the University of Debrecen and a main representative of the positivist literature research, as a teacher based on the reminiscences of his former students. Among the literature researchers after 1948, he was considered – rather undeservedly – a negativ igure in the history of the University. Most of the people remembered him as cold and distant teacher with aristocratic behaviour. he essay demonstrates the professional taste of the wrongfully underestimated professor in literature, and draws a iner picture about the conlicting personality of Károly Pap.

  • Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

    Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

  • Vajthó László kapcsolata a debreceni egyetemmel

    LÁSZLÓ VAJTHÓ’S LINKS WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. A literary historian known for his text editions and teacher of Dániel Berzsenyi Secondary Grammar School in Budapest, László Vajthó received habilitation for Privat-docent in 1935 at the Faculty of Arts of Debrecen’s István Tisza University and subsequently he obtained full professorship in 1944. In 1942, following the retirement of literary professor Károly Papp, it was L. Vajthó who was expected to occupy the vacant chair. However, somebody else was nominated for the position, and when the chair fell vacant again in 1945, he was repeatedly by-passed. Relying partly on Vajthó’s recollections at old age and partly on the correspondence between László Vajthó, literary
    historian Ferenc Zsigmond, and Margit Kis, a teacher of Nyíregyháza and a muse to both, the study highlights László Vajthó’s connection with the University of Debrecen.


    1959 was an important year for pedagogy education in Hungary because this was the year that saw the beginning of pedagogy higher education start in eleven institutions of the country. These institutions started out as anonymous, and none of them were named after prominen cultural and/or  historical Hungarian figures. The  ministry wanted to rectify this shortcoming as early as 1959/1960, therefore they organized a dedicated director’s session to discuss potential eponyms for each of the institutions. As a follow- up, the Pedagogy Training Division of the ministry requested the directors of the institutions in early 1960 to provide a brief justification for their name selection. The Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza chose József Eötvös who was the most prominent benefactor of Hungarian public education, and a dedicated supporter of the development of teacher training. In this paper we present the invitation from the ministry and the response to this call from the director of the Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza. Although the naming process was stalled in 1960, we believe that it is still worthwhile to acknowledge the intent that was not realized because it shows the will of the directors in Nyíregyháza to carry legacy and nurture traditions.

  • Papp Károly irodalomprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1924-25. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1924–1925. Károly Pap was born in Beregrákos, he conducted his university studies at Kolozsvár, and later in Budapest, where he earned a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and Latin, and later he received a doctor’s degree in Hungarian literature. In Budapest, from 1898 he was teaching at Veres Pálné secondary school for girls and from 1908 he became professor of Hungarian literature at the Arts Academy of the Reformed College. From 1914, until he retired in 1942, he served as ordinary public professor at the Department of Hungarian literature at the University of Debrecen. In the 1924–25 academic year he served as president of the university. His main professional interest was Hungarian literature of the 18th and 19th centruries, and he was regarded as a conservative historian of literature.

  • Gyula Mitrovics, Professor of Pedagogy the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza University of Debrecen of the Academic Year 1940/41.

    Professor of Pedagogy Gyula Mitrovics was Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1940-1941. His profound interest in the arts and his Protestant identity
    shaped by the oscillation between the Sárospatak versus Debrecen axis constituted the basis and the framework for an overarching career which the child of a Sárospatak family of educators could fulfill in the Hungary of the first half of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the success of his early publications and the affirmative critical responses beckoned the young and upcoming teacher to a career in art history or to the calling of an aesthete, the interests of the arts faculty of the ”newly born” university of Debrecen dictated a different professional alternative. His attention turned to pedagogy, of which he became privat-docent in 1917, then full professor in 1918. Starting from this juncture, he led parallel professional lives rooted in aesthetics and pedagogy. In the year before his retirement he was elected rector of the university. His attitude in this supreme office was characterized by seeking compromises, which was a direct consequence of the priorities of the age in which he lived. It was during his rectorship that the university was to surrender its science departments. However, the diplomatically sensitive rector was able to attain the continuance of instruction in the disrupted departments by employing external lecturers. During his retirement as pensioner his life assumed a tragic turn: int he year 1949 – prompted by outside advice – he resigned his position as corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy then, in the middle of the 1950s he left Hungary. The one-time Debrecen professor of pedagogy spent his remaining years in Stuttgart and that is also where he died in 1965.

  • Egy nyugalmazott címzetes rendkívüli egyetemi tanár baráti és tanítványi köre

    A HONORARY PROFESSOR EMERITUS AMONG HIS ACADEMIC FRIENDS AND STUDENTS. he study reviews the friendships of Ferenc Zsigmond, the private university teacher endowed with the honorary professor emeritus title in the last 15 years of his life. Zsigmond gave lectures until 1934 in Debrecen, then he lived in his birth village until his suicide in 1949. he reclusive scientist sufering from depression, kept up with scientiic developments through his friends and correspondents who played a signiicant role in his life. hese friendships meant a retention force for him, diverted his attention from his illness and postponed its progression. It is not surprising that his illness had turned really serious when he left the capital and moved to his birth village, Kunhegyes, where his regular correspondence ended and the lack of professional discourses weakened the oversensitive scientist.


    . The source referred to in the title is the script of a literary-cultural event from 1965. At that time, it was customary for higher education teacher training institutions to organise “Institute Days” with the aim of boosting motivation and enthusiasm in students towards their chosen profession. At these events, the emphasis was laid on the beauties of a teacher’s job, highlighting their role in shaping future’s society, rather than on the presentation of the real difficulties of the profession. The published script is also a reflection of this intention, for the organisers of the event were trying to reinforce the belief in prospective teachers that they would become respected and highly esteemed members of the society. The programme also recalls the struggle and humiliation that teachers had to endure in the 1920s and 1930s, with the goal of emphasising the fact that, by contrast, teachers of the 1960s were in a much better situation and that they did not need to cope with such problems as their predecessors. In reality, the contrast between the two eras was not that sharp, since the layer of junior school teachers continued to be an underpaid and not particularly esteemed employment group in the society.


  • Teológushallgatók doktorálása pedagógiából a debreceni egyetemen 1949-ig

    THE DOCTORAL STUDIES OF THEOLOGY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN UNTIL 1949. Based on the minutes of the doctoral culminative exams at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen before 1949, the essay comes to the conclusion that numerous doctoral students in the Faculty of Arts between 1917–1949 completed their studies as students of the Faculty of heology. It has been proven that it is not only a unique practice in Debrecen, but it is a continuation of an established practice in Kolozsvár. he author decsribes the practice in Kolozsvár and how it was adapted at the University of Debrecen. Based on some memoirs, the author shows that numerous signiicant representatives of Pedagogy started their careers as students of Theology.

  • Debreceni bölcsészhallgatónő egy nemzetközi diákkonferencián 1925-ben

    An Arts Student from Debrecen at the International Conference in 1925. A conference was held by the World Student Christian Federation in Herkulesfürdő (Băile Herculane, Romania) in 1925. The University of Debrecen was represented by Margit Kis, an arts student in her second year. The conference was an exhilarating experience to the young and enthusiastic lady; she even held a presentation about it to the Debrecen club of the Magyar Evangéliumi Keresztyén Diákszövetség (a Hungarian Christian Student Organization). It was the script of her presentation that she, as a retired teacher, inserted into her memoir a few decades later. We have selected the script of her presentation from her still-unpublished memoir to issue it in the columns of Gerundium. It provides us with valuable information about the main themes of the conference; it is the renewal of the methods of Evangelization the author tells us about the most.

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