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Search Results

  • Discovering factors influencing study success of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in an interview study

    The focus of our research is on students with disabilities defined by the current National Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of the topic is that after the millennium, due to the expansion of higher education, the above-mentioned students appeared at universities, but regulations dealing with their presence in Hungary were laid down as late as 2007. Earlier researches have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and in Hungary, but only little attention has been paid to these students’ chances of acquisition and retention to higher education. Equal opportunities in higher education appear to be an important supporting factor in our research however, the overall social context of the individual has a great influence on successful entry and graduation. A further research opportunity, a deeper, more extensive quantitative study of the institutional presence of students with disabilities and the factors contributing to their learning success is emerging.

  • Az inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igény lehetséges kontextusai egy nemzetközi kutatás tükrében

    Tanulmányunkban az iskolai inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igénye (a továbbiakban: SNI) összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk egy nemzetközi kutatás keretében. Az elméleti részben vázoljuk a szegregációtól az integráción át az inklúzióig tartó folyamatot, mely alapján vitatott az egyes fogalmak használata. Az iskolarendszerben az integráció a fogyatékossággal élő tanulók szegregált oktatásával szemben kialakult megközelítést és gyakorlatot jelenti, melynek célja az elkülönített oktatás felszámolása volt. Az SNI nem diagnosztikus, hanem iskoláztatási fogalom, és a gyógypedagógiai és a jogi fogalomhasználat sem esik egybe. Kutatásunkba ukrajnai (kárpátaljai, 280 fő), lengyel (271 fő) és magyarországi (552 fő) tanulók kerültek. Az iskolai befogadást és a társas támogatást az iskolai sikerek alakítják, növelik. A sikerek képesek a tanulási problémákkal küzdő tanulók önbecsülését is növelni, ami együtt jár a társas támogatás növekedésének és a kirekesztés csökkenésének a szubjektív észlelésével.

  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • A felsőfokú továbbtanulási döntés determináns összetevői. - Empirikus kutatás a végzős Hargita megyei középiskolás tanulók körében

    Another choice after finishing secondary school: university or work? Does the decision taken earlier - on the choice of secondary school - affect the decision to be taken four years later? Behind every (further education) decision there are manifest and latent variables. The target population of our research is the senior students in Harghita County. We use a multistage group sampling. In the first stage, all the Hungarian-language theoretical high schools (lyceums) in the Szekler county (Harghita) were included in the sampling frame, and pairs of vocational high schools were matched. We were interested to find out which factors and arguments induce students' decisions for or against further education. The family background effect is also present in students' post-secondary school decisions, since there is little discrepancy between investment risk and probability of success for children of higher-status parents, and the same applies to the gap between aspirations and actual achievement.

  • The trial of digital education among cumulatively disadvantageous students

    This study has done research into the success of joining to the digital extracurricular education among cumulatively disadvantageous elementary and secondary school students in the North-Great Plain of Hungary. The characteristics of Hungarian education is inequality and selectivity, which phenomena have also been observable during digital education. The questionnaire that has been carried out concerning 216 students explored the students’ perspective of the characteristics of digital education, the methods of learning, the ways of contact, assistance and evaluation and the advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned to the knowledge of students, the effect of these to their digital competencies, the fulfillment of infrastructural conditions, the applied digital platforms. The results of the research show how these cumulatively disadvantageous students could take part in this new form of education less effectively.