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  • Career preferences of Roma young people

    The study presents and analyses the career preferences of young Roma people who have graduated or are currently graduating, and draws on quanti-tative and qualitative data from a comprehensive national survey to identify the patterns that characterise the Roma graduate population under study. The results of the questionnaire-based research will show the correlations bet-ween the qualifications, field of study, gender, age, place of residence, future plans, and the Roma linguistic/cultural group of the respondents in order to illustrate their career preferences. The qualitative research findings show that the experience of Roma identity plays a crucial role in young Roma peoples 39; s career preferences and future plans. Irrespective of their Ro-ma community affiliation, the main dimensions of the career preferences of the sample are exclusion, prejudice, self-perceived discrimination and the marginalised situation of the Roma communities.

  • Az iskolai szegregáció szerepe a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek és fiatalok lemaradásában

    Experts have long studied the relationship between school segregation and unequal opportunity for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Drawing on academic literature, research and statistical data, this paper examines the consolidation of school segregation in the country, the impact of segregation on the learning achievement of disadvantaged students in public education and on intergroup relations. The issue of educational segregation and integration is often a subject of debate, but research evidence favours heterogeneous composition to foster students' school careers, future labour market prospects and social inclusion.