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  • A munkahelyi egészségfejlesztés és az egészségturizmus kapcsolata Magyarországon

    Demographic changes have made it particularly important in European societies with an ageing population to ensure that workers' health is as good as possible, so that they can continue to work reliably and to a high standard for as long as possible. However, for a number of reasons, workers are unable to meet this expectation, based on workplace health surveys and absenteeism rates. Health promotion at the workplace has therefore become a priority not only for employees but also for employers, with the aim of enabling people to remain active for as long as possible and to prevent the onset of chronic diseases. In the present study, we will discuss the interconnection between health promotion and healthy lifestyles, and the possible means of achieving this, primarily by describing the Hungarian situation in the context of health tourism.

  • A külföldi munkavállalás hatása a sportolási szokásokra

    Earlier research on foreign employment has shown that the target country not only offers benefits, but can also pose risks to people that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The question in this matter arises concerning the importance of being aware of the role of regular exercise in the health of the people working abroad and whether the frequently occurring illnesses observed among them may be correlated with the possible lack of regular exercise. During our research, we asked Hungarians working abroad - in Germany - about their sporting habits. 60 respondents, in contrast to expectations based on data from previous studies, reported higher levels of regular physical activity during their stay abroad than before (in Hungary). The combined effect of a number of factors can affect the concerned individuals in this respect, mostly the social and built environment. This validates the need for the nation-wide development of a health-conscious lifestyle in Hungary.

  • Egészségügyi dolgozók sportolási szokásai az Észak-alföldi régióban

    The health of those working in health care institutions is at risk from several aspects. However regular physical activity may play a role in counteracting these adverse effects. During our research, we examined the sporting habits of employees in one of the largest healthcare providers in Hungary. The survey was conducted in a voluntary and anonymous manner using a questionnaire method. 45.1% of the 987 respondents does sport on a regular basis, at least twice a week. We also examined the differences between the various work groups – doctors, health workers, employees of other sort – and those related to gender.
    Based on the results it can be stated that health consciousness still needs to be improved in the region, and an especially important element of this can be the organized health promoting activity of the health care institutions.