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  • Egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos szokások egyetemi hallgatók körében

    The leisure time and the number of healthy lifestyle people are increasing at same time, what creating several health trends. These health trends affect two basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet. In this research, we examined the healthy diet, including two segments; vegetable and fruit consumption and fluid intake. The test sample was made by the students of the University of Debrecen. As a research method, we also performed primary and secondary research. In the case of secondary research, we also reviewed the international and national literatures, and compared the American and European healthy diet recommendations. In the case of primary research, we did a survey, during which we measured the healthy eating habits of the students. Our research shows that only 11,3% of the surveyed students consume vegetables and fruits what complies with the daily recommendations. However, in the case of fluid consumption, we got better result. The 65% of the respondents consume the appropriate amount of fluids.

  • Egészségügyi dolgozók sportolási szokásai az Észak-alföldi régióban

    The health of those working in health care institutions is at risk from several aspects. However regular physical activity may play a role in counteracting these adverse effects. During our research, we examined the sporting habits of employees in one of the largest healthcare providers in Hungary. The survey was conducted in a voluntary and anonymous manner using a questionnaire method. 45.1% of the 987 respondents does sport on a regular basis, at least twice a week. We also examined the differences between the various work groups – doctors, health workers, employees of other sort – and those related to gender.
    Based on the results it can be stated that health consciousness still needs to be improved in the region, and an especially important element of this can be the organized health promoting activity of the health care institutions.

  • Fogyatékossággal élő serdülőkorú fiatalok tápláltsági állapota és testképe Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg vármegyében

    From the point of view of learning a healthy lifestyle, adolescence is a very sensitive period, characterized by risk-seeking behavior and risk-laden period. This period is characterized by the appreciation of peer relationships, which can also be observed in children with disabilities. An incorrect lifestyle, obesity/overweight is a predictor of adult health. Persons with disabilities often live with co-morbidities and can count on a shorter lifespan. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of young people aged 12-18 with disabilities in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. According to the results, two-thirds of young people have an inadequate nutritional status, more than 30% are overweight or obese. Obesity/overweight occurs at a lower rate among children of families with above-average financial status.

  • Fő a mértékletesség! Fél évezredes életmódtanácsok fiataloknak

    This study presents some historical aspects of health sciences through the health education school book written in the 16th century for Transylvanian Saxon pupils. Paulus Kyr, doctor of Brașov (Kronstadt), a town in the Carpathian Arch, sums up the medical knowledge of his time for his pupils in a booklet called Sanitatis Studium. The booklet did not reach international fame, but serves with curiosities in cultural and health science history about the lifestyle of his time, and, at the same time, reveals aspects of the Renaissance’s reception in Transylvania. Kyr’s work has not lost anything from its topicality first and foremost due to the fact that appropriate lifestyle is being perceived as the key to preserving good health. This study reconsiders Kyr’s recommendations from the health sciences’ perspective of our days.