
Acta Medicinae et Sociologica (AMS) is an interdisciplinary journal of health, social and educational sciences which accepts papers that encompass researches in connection with the three disciplines as well as closely related co-disciplines, including sociology, epidemiology, education, psychology, social policy, law or economics. Papers can be analytical works based on empirical examination, theoretical papers, critical source analyses, case studies with a strong theoretical framework, or reviews. The journal accepts original articles which have not been published elsewhere. Editorial considerations have cultivated and extended the tradition of presenting social, sociological and lifestyle specialities of different regions, and have provided academic researchers with the opportunity to become members of an internationally recognised research community.

With regard to the professional and scientific aspects of teachers’ training, including health education at the Faculty, one of our priorities is to publish papers in the field of educational science.

The internationalisation of the editorial committee have made it possible to develop new perspectives while preserving the traditions of our journal. In addition to our national research base, AMS welcomes fellow researchers from abroad, an have been investing to be able to publish papers which will be widely known, read and cited, and this effort has contributed to form an international research network.