szám 16-17 (2020): Woord en beeld

Megjelent March 3, 2021




  • Ex libris Steph. S. Mányoki: Zeldzaam academisch drukwerk uit Franeker in de Klimo Bibliotheek te Pécs
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    Some years ago, we discovered a Dutch item in the famous Klimo Library at Pécs. It is a Convolute, composed of 67 booklets, all printed in the Netherlands in the first half of the 17th century. The collection was made by a Hungarian student of theology from Debrecen, Stephanus / István S. Mányoki, during his stay as a peregrinus in the Netherlands, where he studied at the protestant universities in Groningen, Franeker, Leiden and Utrecht respectively (1646–1648). Later on, this collection of academic imprints came into the possession of Matthias / Mátyás Domsics (1691–1768), a Canon of the Cathedral at Pécs, in order to be used for his Refutation of the Protestant Doctrine of the Faith. However, Domsics could not finish his dogmatic studies. In 1767, the new Roman Catholic bishop of Pécs, Georgius / György Klimo (1710–1777), took over all the books Domsics had collected for that purpose. Thus, Mányoki’s Convolute of Dutch protestant academic imprints became a part of bishop Klimo’s library.

         Mányoki’s Convolute makes a valuable contribution to current Dutch research in book history. This Convolute will be a great enrichment, especially for the “Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands” (STCN).

  • Een trouwe vriend van Hongarije: Ds. Han Munnik (1884–1969)
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    From 1921 on, the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands had a study fund, especially for Hungarian students. Until the Second World War, about 40 students studied with funding from that scholarship, neatly distributed between the Free University and the Theological School in Kampen. The chairman of the fund was Prof. F.W. Grosheide (1881–1972) of the Free University, its secretary was Rev. H.A. Munnik (1884–1969), from Zwolle. Both were involved in the fund from 1921 on, Grosheide retired in 1952, Munnik a few years later. Munnik became an honorary member of the Association of Hungarian Pastors and Honorary Professor in Debrecen (1938), Grosheide became Honorary Doctor in Sárospatak (1931), Debrecen (1938), and Budapest (1946). This indicates their significance for the Hungarian ministerial corps and for the contacts between Hungary and the Netherlands in those years.

  • George Pal, de vergeten Hongaarse Oscarwinnaar
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    The name of the Hungarian animation film maker and producer George Pal (1908–1980) is almost unknown both in his home country Hungary and in the Netherlands, even though he played a key role in the formation of the Dutch animation film industry and was later granted with eight Oscars after he had emigrated to the USA. Once personally for the invention of a new animation film making technique, the so-called Puppetoon system. In this article I would like to summarize and fill his biography with until now unknown facts. Besides that, I would like to introduce his development, the puppetoon-system and demonstrate why we should see Pal as the founder of the Dutch industrial animation production.

  • Reviewing the difficulties of Hungarian higher education in the first quarter of the 20th century and the role of university youth after the ‘Great War’: A newsreel supported pragmatic survey
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    The basic idea of this paper was generated by some motion pictures shot on October events of 1918. This, at that time fundamentally novel media of mass communication can be considered as a visual interpretation of the moral behavior and the role attributed to the contemporary university youth in the series of revolutions after the ‘Great War’. Young people, many of them from universities, collected shocking experiences in the war that generated their moral and behavioral transition. At the time of the turn of the century there were development processes initiated in the Hungarian higher education, however, the war caused a break in these processes and, there were also certain structural changes introduced during and immediately after the end of the war which resulted in chaotic circumstances that kept on deepening the stress of students. Both the traditional press together with other printed documents and the contemporary newsreel have provided us with the sources being necessary and enough for making an attempt to answer, in what here follows, the questions: how the drastically changed, consequently chaotic situation within the Hungarian higher education along with the declined activity of student associations influenced the students, as well as how the most highlighted phenomena, such as the impact of war on everyday life and economy, the emergence and spread of violence, the reactions to the increased admission of female and Jewish students at universities affected the entire society and within this the university circumstances immediately after the armistice, and why the violence, radicalization, and “brutalization” of the so-called “war generation” became featuring at demonstrations.

  • De tuinman, de geldschieter, de koelie-werver en de mandoer: Vier portretten van László Székely en de Delische Kunstkring
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    The Hungarian planter László Székely was active as a painter on Sumatra during the first decennia of the 20th century. In 1923 he painted four portraits of people from the plan­ters’ community: The Mandoer, The Moneylender, The Toekang-kebon and The Koelie recruiter, which appeared in the weekly paper De Zweep. In this article I will give an over­view of the cultural life in Deli and place Székely’s work in this context. Further­more, I will explain the uniqueness of Székely’s portraits, using the theory of the English cultural historian Peter Burke.

  • Thuiskomen in Nederland: migratiegeschiedenis schrijven met Delpher
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    Delpher is the largest collection of full-text Dutch-language digitised historical news­papers, books, journals and copy sheets for radio news broadcasts available on a website. This article shows the possibilities of Delpher for doing research on Dutch-Hungarian relations by showing the results of an explorative study on a part of the migration history of one Hungarian family in The Hague. The author shows some very specific parts of the micro history of this family based on the content of newspaper advertisements. These sources were identified by addresses, telephone numbers and unique names.

  • De originaliteit van het plagiaat. Gimmick! eigent zich op postmoderne wijze postmoderne beeldende kunst toe
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    Gimmick! written by Joost Zwagerman is a postmodern artist’s novel. The protagonist Walter van Raamsdonk, in short called Raam, is a visual artist, just like his friends Groen and Eckhardt. This article analyzes the novel as a postmodern phenomenon centered on postmodern visual art. Because the novel and the visual arts in the novel can be characterized as postmodern, it is investigated which characteristics of the post­modern can be found in both disciplines. To what extent does the novel reflect post-modern art? Citing in both disciplines has far-reaching consequences for the appearance of visual art and for the novel.

  • Woord en beeld: Iemand had twee zonen (Lucas 15:11-32)
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    As an ecumenical theologian I studied all my life the words of the Holy Scriptures. I am also interested in images, strengthening the power of expression of words and the Word, and the other way around. In our present time the culture of images seems to be more and more important. One image can tell you more in a minute than many words can do. The Bible is interpreted by many interpreters and preachers in books, sermons and meditations. How can images interpret these Bible Stories? It is a challenge to show the correlation between the words of the Bible and its images. In this essay, I focus on the parable of the prodigal son. It shows three personalities: the father and his two sons. This raises the question: what about the mother? What is the interference between this story and the way individual artists managed to shape it in paint, pencil, stone, woodcut, and other materials? The youngest son is a spoiler. His life is adventure and pleasure and he has no limits. The eldest son is responsible and obedient, but he also has his dark side. Both of them could be a question to us. With whom could we identify ourselves? Some artists in their finest imagination did not stick to the story and made images of the mother or even of a prodigal daughter.

  • Een toeristische brochure: een oefening in persuasieve teksten: Casus: de Nederlandstalige brochure over Zagreb
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    Persuasive documents are defined as documents that transfer the information to the reader with the purpose of influencing their attitude. Travel brochures, like the brochure of the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, also belong to this category. Since tourism plays an important role in Croatia’s economy and since every year the number of Dutch speaking tourists visiting Zagreb is growing, a two-part study was conducted to test whether the Dutch translation of the brochure fulfils its purpose, i.e. whether it is convincing or not. The first part of the study was carried out using Hoeken’s (Het ont­werp van overtuigende teksten) pros-and-cons method. Six subjects participated in the study: three from the Netherlands and three from Flanders, Belgium. The second part of the study consists of authors’ analysis of the brochure based on Hoeken’s method as well. Finally, advice is given on how the brochure could be improved.

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