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De Hongaren en het onderwijs aan de Friese universiteit te Franeker
33-80Views:39After the Fall and Destruction of Heidelberg (September 6, 1622) Protestant Students from Hungary and Transylvania came in a mass to the Northern Netherlands, in order to continue their studies there at the Dutch Universities, especially in Philosophy, Theology and Medicine. So the first group of Hungarian Students arrived at Franeker (in Frisia) at the end of August, 1623. Until the year 1811, as the University was closed, we can detect more than 1.200 Hungarian names in the Franeker Album Studiosorum, a much larger number of Hungarians than everywhere else in the Netherlands. In this article we offer some reasons, why the University at Franeker was such a favourite place for the Hungarians. Moreover we stress the direct interaction between these Students and the Franeker Professors, concerning the topics treated in their Lectures, f.e. in the case of Professor Nicolaus Vedelius (1596-1642), Professor Nicolaus Arnoldus (1618-1680) and especially Professor Johannes Cloppenburg (1592- 1652). Besides the Professors took often care for the publication of many books written by the Hungarians, to be used in the Schools and Colleges in Hungary and Transylvania itself, as f.e. Professor Johannes Coccejus (1603-1669) did, even by publishing his own Hebrew Psalter (1646) for that purpose. In this way the fame and the glory of the University at Franeker became a reality in the Hungarian Protestant World, even after the University was closed. Generally spoken the Hungarian Students took active part in the Lectures and the Disputations. Two of them got a Degree in Philosophy, five became a Doctor of Theology, and at least ten Students got their Degree in Medicine. The general academic circumstances resp. conditions under which the Hungarians had to study at Franeker, it means the rules for ‘Lectio’ and ‘Disputatio’, we sketch out in the final part of this article.
De bijdragen van Hongaarse studenten te Franeker in het Album Amicorum van Cornelis Burt Andriessen (1781–1782)
7-19Views:92In the summer of 2020, the Album Amicorum of the late Reverend Cornelis Burt Andriessen (1758–1845) came into the possession of the so-called “Academie van Franeker” Foundation. It is kept nowadays in the Library of the Foundation at Franeker. The Album contains six contributions written by Hungarian Peregrini during their stay at Franeker University, 1781–1782, where they met Andriessen as a student at the Faculty of Theology.
Ex libris Steph. S. Mányoki: Zeldzaam academisch drukwerk uit Franeker in de Klimo Bibliotheek te Pécs
11-35Views:146Some years ago, we discovered a Dutch item in the famous Klimo Library at Pécs. It is a Convolute, composed of 67 booklets, all printed in the Netherlands in the first half of the 17th century. The collection was made by a Hungarian student of theology from Debrecen, Stephanus / István S. Mányoki, during his stay as a peregrinus in the Netherlands, where he studied at the protestant universities in Groningen, Franeker, Leiden and Utrecht respectively (1646–1648). Later on, this collection of academic imprints came into the possession of Matthias / Mátyás Domsics (1691–1768), a Canon of the Cathedral at Pécs, in order to be used for his Refutation of the Protestant Doctrine of the Faith. However, Domsics could not finish his dogmatic studies. In 1767, the new Roman Catholic bishop of Pécs, Georgius / György Klimo (1710–1777), took over all the books Domsics had collected for that purpose. Thus, Mányoki’s Convolute of Dutch protestant academic imprints became a part of bishop Klimo’s library.
Mányoki’s Convolute makes a valuable contribution to current Dutch research in book history. This Convolute will be a great enrichment, especially for the “Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands” (STCN).