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  • Examination of motivation in civic organizations

    The primary objective of my research is to examine and explore the specialties of the civil organizations composition and operation. In my study I describe the results of my research in Hajdú-Bihar County. The results concern to the features of motivation and incentive in civil organizations.

    Quantitative data from an empirical analysis is used for the research. My questionnaires were measured on a representative sample. The basis of this sample was the County Court of Justice’s website. Thus, my research on managerial tasks included in Hajdú-Bihar County. During the survey I examined the motivation from different sides. First of all, what was the purpose of establishing civil organizations? I also analysed the managers’ motivation. Why they participate in civic activities? Finally, I examined the perception of managers of incentive forms. The general findings beyond the context of the investigations were carried out on the basis of organizational parameters and characteristics of the interviewees.

    The results of my research arise from an analysis of data I collected. Civil organizations are established for a well-defined task or as a way of problem-solving. In terms of internal motivation of managers stated that it was mainly an internal urge and desire to help the cause, participate in the activities of civic organizations. In their motivational activities, the psychological incentives were classified as most effective motivators.

  • Motivation in various agricultural organizations

    As a PhD student I have studied the role of motivation within Hungarian agriculture among leaders of different levels and in several kind of organisations in order to find out the significance of various elements contributing to a motivated leaders and manpower.
    450 respondents were asked to describe their motivational situation by filling in a questionnaire.

    Pecuniary rewards are the most important incitement to  motivation within all categories of leaders followed by responsibility and result feedback. The possibility of punishment and job enrichment however, was not essential. Among limited corporation leaders result feedback and improvement of work conditions were the outmost source to motivation. Among cooperative leaders aim definitions and improvement of work condition were considered as the most important contribution to motivation. In their opinion punishment and job enrichment could not motivate.

  • Study on the Work Organization at Dairy Farms

    Joining the European Union Hungarian producers have advantages but they need to solve some problems too. Only those producers can compete who will be able to produce extra quality milk. However the circumstances of milk production are not up to the task.
    The author examined the work organization of 7 dairy farms in Hajdú-Bihar County. Data were collected about the situation of farms, equipment of barns, objets of production, work force, qualification of workers, and productivity of work. He examined the applied motivation methods at farms. He concluded that as the number of cows per farm increases work productivity increases too. From the examination it appeared that family farms applied different motivation system from bigger producer organizations. The author put forward proposals for motivation possibilities to improve milk quality, atmosphere, and general feeling of workers.

  • The comparative evaluation of the preparedness and development of graduates

    The skill of dealing with people was given a special importance by the persons interviewed during my examination by means of questionnaires although most of the specialist works I
    consulted did not pay too much attention to this fact. When asked about the particular fields of further studies, only a small proportion of the respondents regarded the development of their
    personality important. I think to dissolve this paradox is necessary as without the development of personality it is impossible to improve interpersonal skills, that is one of the basic pillars of good performance at work. Regarding that it is the graduates who fill managerial posts, dealing with people belongs to one of their tasks.
    Among the respondents if the first degree were from a college and not from a university, the greatest proportion of those studying further would live in Heves and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén counties. However, this connection cannot be proved in Budapest. Individual motivation is the main drive of studying further after obtaining a degree in a greater and greater proportion.
    The graduates’ studying further is significantly directed to acquiring extra knowledge rather than a totally new profession and they get a deeper insight into the knowledge necessary for
    their profession driven by their own motivation.

  • Methodological questions of the process structure benchmarking analyses planned in relation to the international Airport of debrecen

    From June 2012 continuous traffic has begun between London Luton and Debrecen at the International Airport of Debrecen, which is considered a milestone in the growth of passenger traffic. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the fact that growt of passengers depends, on the visitors satisfaction with services used by them. The research of the customer service requires to develop process structure that includes the services used by the passengers from arriving at the airport to leaving the airport. A process structure like this allows us to carry out a benchmarking method to compare the passaenger services of other cities. To build up a structure we have to make segmentation according to the travellers’ motivation because they use different services according to their motivation. A questionnaire of customer satisfaction will be presented which results are the basis of the creation of benchmarking and creation of process structures.

  • New challenges the establishment of district governmental offices and the regional public transport organising in Hajdú-Bihar county

    The re-establishment of historical district government offices in the Hungarian public administration system will ensure the availability of the provided public services on an integrated, citizen-friendly level. Reorganising of district borders and changing the district centres as well the settlement new administration services in the central cities will predictable restructure the citizens public transport attitudes. This study deals with the motivation, quantity and direction of the possible modifications on the public transport demand in Hajdú-Bihar County. The study goals to present the possible public transport organising interventions, and to find a balance between the changing demand and the regulation provided public transport instruments.

  • The supply of Liget-Thermal Spa and Experience Bath, according the opinion of the guests

    During the last decades health, body and soul control became important issues. In the modern world this values are closely connected to the term of success, because we can be successful in every aspect of life: work, and personal life, if we can maintain our health, and fitness in a long run. From that comes that modern people are willing to spend money and time to take an active part in sporty but relaxing activities in a healthy environment in order to keep their fitness or just feel themselves well.
    In my study I will show the main motivating factors and demand elements of wellness and healthtourism, according the opinions of the visitors of Liget - Thermal Spa and Experience Bath. I will introduce different services that are suitable for satisfying this demand, furthermore we can get an insight by the results of questionnaire survey, how the motivating factors and the demand changes in case of different age groups.

  • Reflections on the use of subsidies received from the Agriculture and Rural Development Operational Programme and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in the micro-region Ibrány-Nagyhalász

    Hungary’s accession to the European Union caused major changes in the country’s life. Rural development subsidies can be received through extensive application mechanisms. This is particularly challenging for lagging micro-regions. My study presents the lagging microregion of Ibrány-Nagyhalász, focusing on what types of organizations and upon what grounds received subsidies in the framework of the Agriculture and Rural Development Operational Programme 2004–2006 (AVOP). I focus on the same parameters when examining the measures in the third axis of the New Hungary Rural Development Programme 2007–2013 (ÚMVP), followed by a comparison between the two programmes’ effectiveness. I conclude that due to the experience collected throughout the period of AVOP, both the number and the quality of applications have risen from the year 2007. Still, due to the lack of competence, cooperation and motivation, the region's planned improvements are not yet fully met and the capabilities of the region are not yet fully exploited. For the future, even more complex and more feasible projects are needed.

  • Study of Educational Motivation among Agricultural Managers

    It is a priority for companies to utilise human resources as much as possible. The form and effectiveness of the utilisation of labour largely depends on how much the manager of the company and the human resource management area support and encourage labour to develop individually and work more efficiently – as far as the size of the company justifies and allows. Effective incentive methods have to be set and run. Training incentives will have to play an important part in the future.
    There has been no major difference between training incentives between managers and subordinates. Material incentives continue to be the key factor. For managers, exchange of information is currently a primary training incentive, as is the opportunity to meet other experts and exchange their ideas. Further, performance-related payment and bonuses applied jointly are also some material incentives. In the future, material incentives will gain in importance. For subordinates, the operation of material incentives is currently highly important as a training incentive. This is not expected to change in the future either, while expectations linked to quality work will strengthen.

  • Motivation for and Possibilities of Increasing Table Beet Root Cultivation

    Due to its manifold nutritional-physiological effects, table beet root would deserve more attention. Its active components and their role in human therapy and prevention should rank it higher in our list of vegetables.
    The actual some 100 ha area under beet root could be considerably increased, if its role in nutrition and its varied products were universally known.
    Most of the physiologically favourable effects are related to its pigment content. Pigment content can be increased by choosing proper varieties and applying cultural methods which, favourably influence red pigment synthesis (optimal sowing date).
    The high Mg-content and advantageous ion ratio must also be mentioned. They can be increased by Mg leaf fertilisation, as can solids content and foliage resistance.
    The special knowledge accumulated in literature ought to be made known to experts so as to help them to set up trials and to introduce results into practice.

  • Indicators and main motivations of environmental awareness in the enterprises of the Hungarian processing industry

    This paper focuses on the corporate environmental performance and its motivating factors. The background of the study is a questionnaire survey covers 82 Hungarian manufacturing companies. The identification of the environmental performance based on the study of György Pataki and László Radácsi who create a group of environmental indicators. The motivating factors are several stakeholders of the companies who have affect on an organization's environmental actions. These motivations can be divided into internal and external factors. According to the questionnaire survey the combination of internal and external factors seems to the most important to the better environmental performance.

  • Examination of the current and idel organisational culture and leadership elements at the municipalities of the North Great Plain region

    The connection between organizational culture and leadership has been examined by several researchers (Schein, Schmircik, Bass) and it is proven that there is a link between them. The leader shapes the organizational culture and at the same time the organizational culture shapes the leader too. The middle managers of local governments place the major emphasis on the dimension of goal orientation for the future. From the leadership perspective they find charismatic, goal and team oriented leadership necessary for the future.

    The local governments have to answer the challenges of the rapidly changing environment. Quick responses and adjustments are only possible if the leader possesses a clear future vision and not only sets short-term goals but plans for the future and estimates the necessities on the long run. It is important to have a leadership with utmost dedication to the organization and to the objectives of the organization. The leaders must raise the interests of the employees, involve them in the process of setting goals and in finding ways to meet those goals, and that the employees should no longer strive to realize their own personal ambitions but focus on the common objectives. This brought transformational leadership to light.

    The leader establishes and shapes the organizational culture but the individuals and teams working for the organization have impact on the organizational culture as well. This becomes apparent in the organizational culture as middle managers would place the major emphasis on performance orientation. Performance orientation is a dominant motivation based on excellence, hard work, pre-calculated risk, fore planning, goal orientation and regular feedback, which shapes the leadership too, as the leader has to change as well, in order to run the organization.

    Scheins’ standpoint reflects the best the relationship between the organizational culture and the leadership. Schein claims that organizational culture and leadership are interwoven phenomena, as the leader shapes the culture but after a while the organizational culture itself shapes the leader too.

  • Examination of the Effect of Transaction Costs in the Hungarian Beef Sector

    technical and economic characteristics, which give rise to high levels of uncertainty and greater control in the supply chain. In order to investigate the role of different transaction costs in marketing behavior, we carried out research in the central region of Hungary among beef retailers and wholesalers. This research is based on primary data collection and examines the motivation of choices in the beef sector on distinction among different marketing channels and the role of transaction costs in procurement. Since this case can be regarded as a qualitative choice situation the hypothesis that transaction cost’s variables are significant is judged by the application of multinomial logit model in order come up with the variables that can influence the supply chain structure and the choice of different marketing channels. This analysis enabled us to explore the structure in data and confirm or reject the expected interrelations of causative variables. Our
    1 A szerző témavezetője Dr. Fertő Imre.
    2 A kutatás az OTKA F038082 sz. „Vertikális koordinációs és integrációs modellek az élelmiszer-gazdaságban” c. programja keretében valósult meg.
    3 A szerző köszöni Dr. Fertő Imrének és Dr. Szabó G. Gábornak, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Közgazdaságtudományi Kutatóközpont tudományos főmunkatársainak a kutatás során nyújtott nagy értékű segítséget. results partly support and contradict the basic predictions of transaction cost economics.