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Search Results

  • Evaluation of Hungarian Sporthorse mare performance tests

    Results of the Hungarian Sporthorse mare performance tests were evaluated. Data from the period of 1993-2009 were used, covering
    scores of 618 3-year-old and 310 4-year-old mares, 109 of them were tested at both ages. Seventeen traits were scored on the tests, which
    covered ten conformational, three free jumping performance and four movement analyses traits, respectively. Breeding value estimation was
    based on BLUP animal model. Test year, age and owner were included in the model as fixed effects. Variance components were estimated
    with VCE-6 software package. Heritabilities ranged from 0.32 (frame) to 0.50 (saddle region) for conformation traits, from 0.39 (jumping
    style) to 0.49 (jumping ability and jumping skill) for free jumping traits and from 0.20 (walk) to 0.48 (canter) for movement analysis traits.
    Breeding value indexes were constructed for each trait group. Conformation index was computed based on the weighted scores of the
    breeding values of conformational traits. The conformational score scales were used as weightings. Free jumping and movement indexes
    contain the proper breeding values with equal weights. A total index was also constructed using conformation index, two times the free
    jumping index and two times the movement index. Each breeding values and breeding value indexes were presented with the mean 100 and
    standard deviation of 20 for the easier understanding.

  • New Integrated Breeding Evaluation Method Used for German Warm-blooded Horses

    In Germany, the new integrated breeding value estimation is based on a multiple-trait animal model, considering simultaneously information from performance test of stallion on station, performance test of mares as well as competition results of sport horses. The objective of this study was to estimated the genetic parameters of the traits used in the integrated breeding evaluation including all German warmblood breeds. The analysed data consisted of 4527, 40670 and six million records for performance tests of stallions, mares and for competition results, respectively. Genetic parameters were estimated with a multivariate BLUP animal model. Heritabilities for traits obtained from stallions tested on station ranged from 0.33 (jumping under rider) to 0.51 (trot) and for the traits from mare performance test from 0.27 (walk) to 0.38 (trot). Genetic correlations between corresponding traits recorded on performance test of stallions and mares ranged from 0.87 (canter) to 0.98 (free jumping). Heritabilities of competition traits from horses (build up for sport) were estimated as 0.12 and 0.11 for dressage and jumping, respectively. The use of all traits for estimation of genetic values of horses is expected to reduce pre-selection and optimal combines all information resources based on the estimated genetic parameters.

  • Upgrading breeding value estimation in beef cattle

    This paper gives a summary of the possibility for applying genomic information for breeding value estimation in beef cattle breeding. This process is called genomic prediction and is now widely used in dairy cattle globally as well as in some beef and sheep populations. The advantage of genomic prediction is a more accurate estimate of the genetic merit of an individual at a young age thereby facilitating greater annual genetic gain, predominantly through shorter generation intervals. Genomic predictions are more advantageous for sex-linked (e.g., milk yield), low heritability (e.g., fertility) and difficult-to-measure (e.g., feed intake) traits. The larger the reference population, on average, the more accurate the genomic predictions; additionally, the closer genetically the reference population is to the candidate population, the greater the accuracy of genomic predictions. Research is continuing on strategies to generate accurate genomic predictions using a reference population consisting of multiple breeds (and crossbred). Retrospective analysis of real-life data where genomic predictions have been operation for several years clearly shows a benefit of this technology.

  • Development of the reproductive tract of immature gilts

    Mechanisms of regulation of litter size in pigs are complex and depend on many factors, including genetic regulation and also physiological and anatomical development of the reproductive tract in gilts. Improvement of growth rate in present breed pigs raises the question as to whether, with the development of the reproductive tract, sexual maturity would also be attained.
    The aim of the study was to assess the morphometric traits of reproductive tracts taken from gilts slaughtered at 100 kg body weight, i. e., just when they may become actively sexual mature.
    This study was concluded on 80 prepubertal gilts of the Polish Landrace (PL) breed tested at the Pig Program Testing Station. The animals were kept in individual pens with control feeding and standard management. They were slaughtered after attaining 100 kg body weight. Immediately after slaughter, the reproductive tract was removed and carefully assessed. The morphometric estimation of the reproductive tract involved the
    measurement of uterus weight with ligament, vagina-cervix length, uterine horns and oviducts length, ovaries weight, height and width. Uterus volume capacity was also determined, based on volumetric method of Kwaśnicki’s (1951) with own modification.
    All pigs were divided into three groups in respect to age at slaughter: A – below 160 days (n=38), B – from 160 to 180 days (n=28) and C – above 180 days of age (n=14). The results were elaborated statistically computing the arithmetic means (x) for every traits and standard deviations (s). One-way analysis of variance ANOVA was performed. The significance of differences between age groups was estimated using Duncan’s test.
    Calculations were performed with STATISTICA 8PL Software.
    Obtained results are presented in the tables below. The most pronounced differences in the development of the reproductive tract are dependent on the age of gilts concerning only the uterus weight (P≤0.01) and uterus vagina-cervix length (P≤0.05). Gilts at age 160-180 days attained the full stage of reproductive tract development. Differences between the compared age groups of gilts dealing with the other morphometric traits
    and ovary characteristics were statistically not significant.

  • Investigation of genetic diversity in irradiated maize lines and its relation to hybrid performance

    Knowledge of genetic diversity among available parental lines is fundamental for successful hybrid maize breeding. The aims of this study were to estimate (1) genetic similarity (GS) and genetic distance (GD) (based on Jaccard index) in four maize inbreed lines; (2) to classify the lines according to their GD and GS; (3) to determine hybrid performance based on GD and heterosis for yield ability in 4x4 full diallel system. We used morphological description and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) for estimation genetic polymorphism in four maize inbred lines. We estimated the applicability of genetic similarity in SC and reciproc hybrids for prediction of their performance.
    Three primer combinations were used to obtain AFLP markers, producing 207 bands, 70 of whit were polimorphic. The dendogram based on genetic similarities (GS) and genetic distance (GD) and morphological description separated four inbred lines into well-defined groups. Morphological description just with AFLP analysis showed reliable results. In view of genetic distance, the UDL 1 line and their linear and reciprocal crosses showed significant heterosis effect, which was confirmed by heterosis calculation based on grain yield.

  • Using phenotypic correlations in the breeding evaluation of Hungarian Sport Horse mares

    The aim of this paper is to analyse phenotypic relationships between self performance test (SPT) parameters of Hungarian Sport Horse mares. Establishing these relationships may contribute to develop a breeding value estimation model. Data were given by the Association of Hungarian Sport Horse Breeders.
    The analysis is based on the SPT results of 3 and 4 year old mares from 1993 to 2004. Our aim is to determine practically explainable correlations among conformational traits (type, head, neck, saddle region, frame, forelegs, hind legs, regularity of movement, impulsion and elasticity of movement, overall impression); free jumping performance (jumping style, jumping ability, observation during training) and movement analysis traits (walk, trot, canter, overall impression, test rider’s score). A further aim is to determine correlations between free jumping performance and movement analysis traits.