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  • Tenability of ram semen

    It could be stated that the diluted semen of Awassi rams taken in the breeding season preserved its fertilizing abilityat different temperatures for different periods of time. The motility of spermatozoa kept at 23 vs. 8oC was checked daily. The largest spread of data was observed 24 hours after taking the semen, then the motility rate of cells showed a linear decrease. Motility results of fresh and frozen-thawed samples were compared also after heat resistance test and significant differences were found between these groups. Significant individual differences were observedin the sperm motility after heat resistance test.

  • Effect of the storage temperature onto the quality of the semen of rams of different breeds

    Semen of 10 Tsigai,3 Prolific Merino and 7 Barbados Blackbelly rams was taken in January, out of the season. Split samples of the diluted semen samples were kept at 23, v.s. 8oC and their motilitywas evaluated daily for 3 days by subjective microscopic investigation. The ratio of motile spermatozoa was strongly decreased during the first day, later the motility rate was sinking more slowly. It could be stated by multivariance analysis that the motility value of diluted semen of Prolific Merino rams was higher and showed a slower reduction as compared to the other two breeds. The decrease of the motility rates was slower at 8oC than at 23oC.

  • Study of the rams’ jumping order

    The bevahiour of Babolna Tetra, Ile de France and Suffolk rams was studied at semen collection by artificial vagina. The sequence of rams coming out of the group to the place of semen collection and the number of jumpings needed to ejaculation were observed. It was investigated if there were changes in these characters at different occasions, and did they show connection to the body condition. The number of jumpings before ejaculation was different in the different breeds. Semen was taken at the first jump from 63% of the Suffolk, 56% of the Babolna Tetra and 55% of the Ile de France rams. There was no early ejaculation at the Ile de France, but it was common among the Suffolk rams. The greatest changes in the jumping order between different semen collections were observed in the Babolna Tetra breed. There was a medium correlation in the Suffolk breed between the jumping order and body condition in the autumn and spring, which was tight and significant in winter.