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  • Effect of the storage temperature onto the quality of the semen of rams of different breeds

    Semen of 10 Tsigai,3 Prolific Merino and 7 Barbados Blackbelly rams was taken in January, out of the season. Split samples of the diluted semen samples were kept at 23, v.s. 8oC and their motilitywas evaluated daily for 3 days by subjective microscopic investigation. The ratio of motile spermatozoa was strongly decreased during the first day, later the motility rate was sinking more slowly. It could be stated by multivariance analysis that the motility value of diluted semen of Prolific Merino rams was higher and showed a slower reduction as compared to the other two breeds. The decrease of the motility rates was slower at 8oC than at 23oC.

  • The age and the growth of the european weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis)

    The possibilities of examination the growth of fish species are  verry difficult, and much of methods are oblique. With the weather loach is the work especially complicated through the small scales. Till now the growth of weather loach is in Hungary unexamined.
    We applied self developed catch method in three explored channel. The length and weight measured on the fishes alive, as well the sexing. We analysed the datas with Bertalanffy-method.
    The growth of the fishes is different, but the growth of the body length was nearly the same in the three channels. The one year old fishes can growth to a maximum of 130-140 millimeters, the two years old fishes can growth to maximum of 180-190 millimeters. Longer fishes by 180-190 millimeters are 3 or more years old. The data of sex-ratio is deviant than the literature wroted. The fish from Fényes are growing faster, than the others. This species can be 190-200 millimeters long after 2 years from birth. It is a very fast growing.

  • Realitys and misbeliefs about microhabitat preferences of the weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis) (Preliminary results)

    I studied in this research, the weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis). This fish was in Europe common, but in our days desolated from several area. In Europe this fish was protected by law, and it got into the II. appendix of Habitat Directive. Although is it protected, the reserarchers don’t know too much about it’s optimal habitat needs. My aim was, to specify some habitat parameters of the weather loach. That’s why I analyzed the impression of some parameters, whichs I measured in an optimal habitat for weather loach.