
Assay of runoff conditions using a Digital Elevation Model

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Nagy, I., Bíró, T., & Tamás, J. (2007). Assay of runoff conditions using a Digital Elevation Model. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 26, 124-129.

We can get information about water conditions of plane areas by analyzing their relief. By using the Digital Elevation Model, we can get proper information about runoff conditions in the terrain surface, which is the basis for ponding analysis. In our study, a Digital Elevation Model of the sample plot in Hajdúsági-löszhát (loess ridge) was created that makes possible the determination of runoff conditions of the surface. Convergence and divergence of runoff direction showed the rate of ponding and the location of possible inland-water spots. By using this model, concrete location of those areas that tend to be overmoistured could be determined. Knowledge of this phenomenon can be an effective instrument for farmers in optimizing crop growing, and additionally in performing water management interventions in proper time and space.