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Keresési eredmények

  • Üreges csonka gömb alakú rugalmas test csavarása
    Megtekintések száma:

    Jelen kutatás tárgya olyan forgástestek csavarási problémája, melyek alakja üreges csonka gömb. A kérdéses test anyaga homogén, izotrop, lineárisan rugalmas. A csavarási feladat megoldásához a Michell elméletet használjuk fel, mely változó körkeresztmetszetű tengelyek csavarására lett kidolgozva. Analitikus megoldást mutatunk be a nyírófeszültségek és elmozdulások meghatározására. A felírt módszer illusztrálására egy numerikus példát is bemutatunk. A példa eredményei felhasználhatóak, mint benchmark megoldás más numerikus módszerekből, például végeselem módszerből nyert megoldások pontosságának elemzésére.

  • Development of Efficient Drive Based on Self-help
    Megtekintések száma:

    The efficiency and the life rating are essential characteristics of mechanical drives. The traction drives with proper geometry can avoid the geometrical slip and their efficiency can exceed that of the gear drives. The elements has hardened steel surfaces, the lubricant is rheopectic. There is no danger for thinning the oil film and consequently for connecting the asperities. The traction drives are relatively noiseless, they are applicable for increasing speed in particular. There are some problems to be solved in friction drive. This is the necessity of clamping force. A simple machine element usually make a constant clamping force, a tensioning mechanism can be too complicated. The ideal solution is a simple design which assure a clamping force that is proportional to the instantaneous external load requirements. The authors suggest a modified machine element – a helical torsion spring, an elastic one, instead of the original, rigid annular wheel – that comprises both the driving and clamping functions, and the latter one is proportional to the external load, so that the principle of self-help operates.

  • On the Torsional Rigidity of Orthotropic Beams with Rectangular Cross Section
    Megtekintések száma:

    The paper deals with the torsional rigidity of homogenous and orthotropic beam with rectangular cross
    section. The torsional rigidity of the considered beam is defined in the framework of the Saint-Venant theory of
    uniform torsion. Exact and approximate solutions are given to the determination of the torsional rigidity. The shape
    of cross section is determined which gives maximum value of the torsional rigidity for a given cross-sectional area.
    The dependence of torsional rigidity as a function of the ratio shear moduli of beam is also studied.

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