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  • Why Public Sector Projects Fail or Succeed in Pakistan- A Model for Evaluating Impact of HR Management Practices on Project Success
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    Employees are the most important assets of an organization. As quality human resources become scarce, companies need to pay more heed to the satisfaction and motivation of their employees. If employees are motivated towards work, then it is likely to yield better results. This study will examine the role of Human resource management (HRM) practices upon New product development (NPD). NPD involves technical, marketing, and financial risks organizations undertake for developing new products and services. Effective project planning and control are valuable for decision-making. The analysis of the impact of HRM practices on NPD, project success, and organizational benefit is based on data collected using a cross-sectional design via a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of items related to HR practices, New product development, Project Success, and Organizational benefits adapted from previous studies. Respondents working in 10 large-scale public sector projects executed by National Database & Registration Authority, Pakistan were selected for the study. Therefore, the results of the study can be generalized to similar projects executed by the public sector in Pakistan. From the findings of data analysis, it has been concluded that there is a significant association between HR practices and project success, but no significant relationship has been established between new product development and organizational benefit. Therefore, it can be concluded that HR management practices have a significant impact on public sector project success in the case of Pakistan.

  • A Case Study on Human Resource Management Practice of a Sport Organization
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    Human resource with the adequate ability and skills is of decisive importance in all organizations, irrespective of the field of activity in which they operate. It is no different with the life of sports organizations. The human resource management of sports organizations is peculiar which is influenced by, on the one hand, the operating form of an organization, on the other hand, the nature of employment. Those well-known jobs can be also found in the sport organizations which are necessary to operate an organization and carry out the general tasks, at the same time, the amateur or professional athletes turn up as specific human resources. Aim of the study is to explore the specific characteristics of the human resource management of a particular organization, namely Debreceni Egyetem Atlétikai Club Sport Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (University of Debrecen Athletic Sport Non-profit Public Benefit Purpose Ltd., hereinafter: DEAC Ltd.), primarily focusing on the traditional HR functions. After reviewing the domestic and international specialized literatures, the practice of the examined sport organization will be described by means of case study, document analysis and managerial interview methods. Based on the results, it can be determined that there is no separate HR manager in case of the examined sport organization, due to its size, but the managing director carries out the tasks as an economic and HR manager in one person. From the aspect of organizational operation, the practice of HR functions is similar to the practice of other SME business organizations, at the same time, the management of athletics as human resources means its specific characteristic where the managements of labour supply, career and talent has other interpretation.

  • Külföldi hallgatók által alkalmazott benyomáskeltési stratégiák
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    Ebben az írásunkban egy általános emberi magatartást, a benyomáskeltést vizsgáltuk egyetemi hallgatók körében. Az embereket érdekli, hogy mások hogyan vélekednek róluk. Szervezeti szinten is előnyük származhat abból, ha mások pozitívan ítélik meg őket. E pozitív kép kialakítására tett erőfeszítés a benyomás menedzselés (Impression Menedzsment), melynek számos mérési lehetőségét kidolgozták már. Ebben a tanulmányban a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar Bachelor in Business Administration and Management szak első éves külföldi hallgatói körében végeztünk kutatást az általuk alkalmazott benyomáskeltési stratégiákról. Elemzésünkben a Bolino és Turnley által kifejlesztett 22 kérdésből álló kérdőívet használtuk. Elemeztük, hogy mely stratégiák jellemzőek a vizsgált hallgatói csoportra és milyen mértékben? Vannak-e különbségek a férfiak és nők által alkalmazott stratégiákban, valamint a kulturális háttérből adódóan.

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