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  • Ultrasonic Powder Atomization for Additive Manufacturing
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    The following article presents a special case of metal powder production, ultrasonic metal atomization. In this case, ultrasound technology is based on the capillary wave phenomenon. We verify the suitability of the produced powders for 3D metal printing with various tests. In the case of prints with a metal powder bed fusion (PBF), the properties of the raw material of the powder are extremely important. The main results of the tests carried out in the article (SEM images, EDS composition analysis, sieve analysis) were described.

  • Mechanical Testing of 3D Metal Printed Stainless Steel Specimens
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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a cutting-edge production method, which has come a long way since its first introduction in the ’80s. Back in the days its usage was very limited to stereolithography, and was only able to make weak structures, so it only worked for visualization. Four decades later it is one of the leading research fields in production areas, because of its flexibility and its ability to make almost any complex geometry. However, no matter how powerful it is, it is not omnipotent, there are certain size and shape restrictions even this method must apply to.

  • Meleg fémporszórással felvitt réteg kopásvizsgálata
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    A hagyományos értelemben vett felrakó hegesztés és a különböző fémporszórási technológiák alkalmazása során új felület felvitelével a jelentős igénybevételnek kitett alkatrészek kopásból eredő méretcsökkenését, esetleg kitörését pótolni, illetve ezek felületminőségét javítani lehet. Ezzel a megoldással egyszerűsíthető a gépelemek kialakítása és gazdaságossági szempontból is jelentős megoldás, mivel nem kell cserélni az egész munkadarabot. A felrakó hegesztéssel ellentétben a meleg fémporszórás esetén diffúziós kötés jön létre, amelynek számos előnye mutatkozik meg a felhasználás során. Kutatómunkánk célkitűzése, hogy a felvitt réteg kopással szembeni ellenállását vizsgáljuk különböző rétegfelviteli technológiák alkalmazásával. Ebben a cikkünkben meleg fémporszórással kezelt minták koptatóvizsgálatának eredményeit reprezentáljuk, különböző por alapanyagok esetében.

  • Application of Topological Methods in the Development of Vehicle Components
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    Many areas of the industry are characterized by continuous changes, which define new directions of development in product design. The development of computers and software, the spread of modern production tools and the development of material technology make it possible to expand traditional production technologies with modern processes. Integrated CAD systems have occupied their place in the product design and development process for decades, reforming classical design methods. Popular optimization procedures in integrated CAD systems, such as shape optimization, topological optimization and the new generative design process, provide effective solutions for design engineers in more and more industrial application areas. Experience shows that modern design methods can be used in many areas of industry. The appearance of metal powder printing and additive technology make it possible to test the designed prototypes or even to produce the final products. The following article aims to support the above with the help of a case study.

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