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Keresési eredmények

  • On the Torsional Rigidity of Orthotropic Beams with Rectangular Cross Section
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    The paper deals with the torsional rigidity of homogenous and orthotropic beam with rectangular cross
    section. The torsional rigidity of the considered beam is defined in the framework of the Saint-Venant theory of
    uniform torsion. Exact and approximate solutions are given to the determination of the torsional rigidity. The shape
    of cross section is determined which gives maximum value of the torsional rigidity for a given cross-sectional area.
    The dependence of torsional rigidity as a function of the ratio shear moduli of beam is also studied.

  • Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Process
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    Simulation and modelling of sheet metal forming process are well common today in different industries (automotive, aerospace) and several research centers regarding its huge impact for both on production and reliability of the lifecycle of the equipment, and the quality of the product. However, to obtain the best configuration possible with the inputs parameters to achieve high level of production and increasing the durability of the tools needs some extra methods for the optimization for this problem using mostly finite element method cooperated with iterative algorithms based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [1]. Whereas this research is focused on modelling of stamping process of stainless steel AISI 304 to investigate to formability of the material, and studying the influence of the friction factor on the quality of the product as well the energy required for each set configuration.

  • Neutral Inhomogeneity in Circular Cylinder Subjected to Axial Load on its Lateral Boundary
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    In this paper we consider the problem of single circular elastic inhomogeneity embedded within a circular cylinder whose curved boundary surface is subjected to surface traction acting on axial direction. We investigate the displacement neutrality of the coupled system of host body and inclusion. Neutral inhomogeneity (inclusion) does not disturb the displacement, strain and stress fields in the host body. The deformation of the considered inhomogenneous cylinder is antiplane shear deformation.

  • Üreges csonka gömb alakú rugalmas test csavarása
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    Jelen kutatás tárgya olyan forgástestek csavarási problémája, melyek alakja üreges csonka gömb. A kérdéses test anyaga homogén, izotrop, lineárisan rugalmas. A csavarási feladat megoldásához a Michell elméletet használjuk fel, mely változó körkeresztmetszetű tengelyek csavarására lett kidolgozva. Analitikus megoldást mutatunk be a nyírófeszültségek és elmozdulások meghatározására. A felírt módszer illusztrálására egy numerikus példát is bemutatunk. A példa eredményei felhasználhatóak, mint benchmark megoldás más numerikus módszerekből, például végeselem módszerből nyert megoldások pontosságának elemzésére.

  • Pure Bending of Homogenous Isotropic Elastic Curved Beam
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    In this paper a detailed analysis is given for the pure bending problem of curved beams. The material of the curved beam is homogenous isotropic linearly elastic. The mantle of the curved beam is stress free and there is no body force on the curved beam. The plane of the curvature of the beam is the plane of symmetry for the whole beam. Paper gives the expressions of circumferential and radial normal stresses. A strength of material approach is used to derive the governing equations. A numerical example illustrates the application of the presented solutions. 

  • An Analytical Solution for Static Problems of Cantilever Curved Beams with Variable Cross Sections
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    This paper gives an analytical method to obtain the deformation of a cantilever curved beam. The curved beam considered has circular centre line and the thickness of the cross section in radial direction depends on the circumferential coordinate. The kinematics of the Euler-Bernoulli beam model is used to formulate of governing equations. The curved homogeneous and isotropic elastic beam is fixed at the one of the end cross section and on the other end cross section is subjected to concentrated forces and a couple. A numerical example illustrates the applications of the derived formulae.

  • An Analytical Solution for the Two-Layered Composite Beam-Column with Interlayer Slip and Constant Axial Load
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    The authors present an analytical solution for the two-layered composite beams with imperfect shear connections. The considered beam is simply supported at both ends. The beam is subjected to transverse and axial loads. The kinematic assumptions of the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory are used. The connection of the beam components is perfect in normal direction, but the axial displacement field may have jump. The shear axial force derived from the imperfect connection is proportional to the relative slip occurring between the layers. The determination of the analytical solution is based on the Fourier method. Two examples illustrate the application of the presented analytical method.

  • Prediction of FLD using Abaqus and Gurson Model for Simple Flat Spacemen
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    In the past century, in many industries, such as, metal forming industry, it has been important to predict ductile damage and fracture of metals under complex loadings. Regarding damage mechanics, one of the most classical models is the GTN, which was originated from Gurson and later enhanced by Tvergaard and Needleman. The inprovement was achieved by introducing an equivalent void volume fraction f and two more parameters called q1 and q2 into the yield function of Gurson’s model.

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