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Keresési eredmények

  • Inbound and Outbound Tourism in China: A Perspective Article
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    The tourism industry in China has undergone significant changes due to globalization, technology, and changing consumer preferences. This perspective article, based on a systematic literature review, examines examines trends, challenges, and opportunities in inbound and outbound tourism in China, focusing on the industry's dynamism. Both inbound and outbound tourism have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted new strategies and environmental adaptations. China has changed its priorities within the country to encourage domestic travel and support local firms. The rise in internationalisation and the growing middle class in China have led to an unprecedented rise in outbound travel. Chinese travellers are affecting travel habits and spending all around the world in the tourism sector. Language barriers, cultural differences, and safety concerns are some of the challenges that come with travelling abroad. To reach its full potential, China needs to adapt to the shifting global environment and take into account the specifications and preferences of both inbound and outgoing tourists. 

  • Lakás 4.0 – Intelligens otthonok
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    A „Lakás 4.0” cím értelmezéséhez tisztában kell lenni az ipari forradalmakkal, azok közül is a jelen korunkban zajló negyedikkel, melyet szokás „Ipar 4.0”-nak is nevezni. Az iparban egyre jobban teret nyerő automatizálási folyamatok, valamint a mechanizmusok és erőforrások leképezése a kiber-fizikai térben kezd beszivárogni a háztartási szektorba is. Innen a címben szereplő kifejezés. Megvizsgálásra került a jelenleg rendelkezésre álló okos otthon technológia lehetőségei és megalkotásra egy szempontrendszert, ami alapján megépült egy valós körülményeket szimuláló modell. A modellt egy központi vezérlőegység irányítja, melynek a kezelőfelülete és vezérlőprogramja is elkészült. Olyan fontos funkciók kerültek megvalósításra, mint a világítás-, hűtés-, és fűtéstechnika, behatolás-, és tűzvédelem, szórakoztató elektronika, locsolás-, és nem utolsó sorban a motorvezérlés.

  • Modern Applications of Aluminium Foams
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    The implementation of aluminium alloy foam has more and more attention. Application of closed cell aluminium foam has made an impact in automobile and aerospace applications where crash energy absorption, vibration and weight reduction are obligatory [1,2,3]. The aluminium alloy foam is an advanced lightweight material providing high strength and stiffness at relatively low density. The technological use of aluminium alloy foam is difficult with the currently available technologies. In the case of open cell aluminium foams, the most common research areas for application are heat exchanger components, filters and sound damping elements [3]. The manuscript focuses on the manufacturing techniques of the aluminium alloy foams according to the application areas. First step is the investigation of the requirements for the application: what are the loads and the circumstances and why can we use aluminium foams. Second step is the knowledge of the producing methods of the foam or the component. And the last step is the investigation of the possible testing methods.

  • Analysis of the Policy Background of Transport Related Use of Renewable Energy
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    The EU energy policy prioritizes the following principles: sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply and addresses the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a priority. The related EU policy (including the White Paper on Transport) outlines these principles, identifies goals and opportunities for action. At company level methodological guidelines and standard procedures can be used to assess the carbon footprint of the organization, to generate efficiency goals and to prepare action plans. In the Hungarian policy framework, a comprehensive National Sustainable Development Framework Strategy defines the basic principles for the analysis of the sectorspecific or regional strategies. Sustainable Energy Action and Climate Plans (SECAPs) integrate energy and climate issues and include interventions and improvements for the better use of renewable energy sources in transport at municipal level. As a summary it can be stated that exploration of the policy background would needed to influence the use of renewable energy sources for transport and definition of the development goals can help economic organizations to transform their mobility patterns and reduce related carbon footprint.

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