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  • Finite Element Software for Rubber Products Design
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    Automotive rubber products are subjected to large deformations during working conditions, they often contact with other parts and they show highly nonlinear material behavior. Using finite element software for complex analysis of rubber parts can be a good way, although it has to contain special modules. Different types of rubber materials require the curve fitting possibility and the wide range choice of the material models. It is also important to be able to describe the viscoelastic property and the hysteresis. The remeshing possibility can be a useful tool for large deformation and the working circumstances require the contact and self contact ability as well. This article compares some types of the finite element software available on the market based on the above mentioned features.

  • Topology Optimization of Acetabular Cup by Finite Element Simulation
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    Hip replacements typically consist of a four-part piece. Our research will focus primarily on the acetabular component. Several different types of materials can be used when creating a hip replacement implant ranging from plastic to titanium. Different materials are used to accommodate for allergic reactions or circumventing potential health risks. Aside from the material, the size of the components plays a factor in terms of durability; a larger diameter head might avoid dislodgement though it could increase wear and tear on the stems through constant friction. A patient’s force applied to the hip replacement is usually measured through a number of physical assessments. Finite element analysis (FEA), a computer-based method of data observation, allows for us to accurately simulate hip forces and their impact on the hip replacements. Through this, it becomes easier to predict and calculate the performance of specific designs. Generative systems can also be used to support performance analysis and optimization through assessing a multitude of cases, many of which apply in real-world scenarios. By applying both systems, we designed and modeled an acetabular cup that when measured decreased the mass from 129 grams initially down to 52 grams, a 60% decrease in total mass. Furthermore, the design we created lessened the trauma on the piece through distributing force across the entirety of the piece rather than specific segments only. This shows an increased durability and life expectancy when compared to usual acetabular cups.

  • Composition basics and analysis of visual language of the product
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    The analysis of the visual language of the product demands deeper analysis of the user’s profile and built behavioral patterns. There is an existing group of factors that have relatively constant nature - gender differentiation, age differentiation, belongingness to specific group – social status, place in hierarchy, race, religion, people with special needs, etc. The analysis of the visual language of the product can be done by analyzing the basic arsenal of the composition - the means of composing form shaping: scale –related to the correct size of the products and their components; proportions –associated with organizing the form plastical and visual order of the whole and its parts; contrast - related to the shape of the product, semantical or bounded to past experience; color –bounded to both formal characteristics and plasticity, as well as to contrast and its meaningful designation; plastic of the form - linked to the proportions and scale, which determines not only the structural and formal characteristics of the products, but also the meaningful reading of the forms. The analysis of the individual composite devices is demonstrated by Ingo Maurer’s lighting fixtures.

  • A HR stratégiai szerepe Magyarországon és Szlovákiában a nemzetközi Cranet kutatás tükrében (2015-2016)
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    Közép-Kelet Európa országaiban döntően az elmúlt évtizedekben terjedtek el a nyugati-európai menedzsment irányzatok, köztük az emberi erőforrás menedzsment modern szemléletű megközelítései. Az új elfogás központi eleme a stratégiai partneri szerep, melynek hátterében az emberi erőforrások felértékelődése áll. A HR a versenyképesség szempontjából kritikus funkcióvá vált. A vizsgált országokban a gazdasági-társadalmi változásoknak köszönhetően rohamos változás állt be az ott működő szervezetek menedzsment módszereiben. Sok helyen azonban a személyügyekkel foglalkozó részlegek egyszerű átnevezése történt csak meg, melynek következtében az ottani HR szakemberek továbbra is inkább a hagyományos tevékenységeikre koncentrálnak. Ezeket a fontos tevékenységeket természetesen ma is el kell látni, ám hogy a szervezeti versenyképesség kialakításában és fenntartásában befolyásos szerepet játszhassanak, új típusú, stratégiai szerep alkalmazására is képesnek kell lenniük. A tanulmány a vizsgálatban résztvevő szervezetek HR stratégiai szerepvállalását vizsgálja a nemzetközi Cranet vizsgálat tükrében hazánkban és a szomszédos Szlovákiában elvégzett empirikus vizsgálatok alapján.

  • Study on Nonlinear Behavior of Variable Thickness Plates
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    The analysis of variable-thickness plates is much more complicated than that of uniform-thickness plates because variable coefficients occur in the equations. In reality, this analysis is of great interest in various engineering disciplines, such as civil engineering, aerospace engineering, machine design, and so on. Although there is extensive literature on analyses of plates with constant thickness, a rather limited amount of technical literature is available on the solutions to problems dealing with plates with nonuniform thickness. The reason is that the analytical solutions meet insurmountable difficulties. Besides, the nonlinear analysis process also faces more difficulties than the linear analysis of structures. For these reasons, the nonlinear behavior of variable-thickness plates based on a finite element procedure is presented in this study. Although the topic is not special, it will help the engineer have a specific view of the nonlinear bending of the plate with variable thickness. This survey will be based on the change in geometrical parameters. Numerical solutions are then presented to verify the simplicity of this proposed procedure.

  • Use of ANSYS Software for the Acetabular Cup Structure Analysis out of the Hip Implant
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    Modelling the hip implant has been one of the most important researches over the past few decades. In addition, using the ANSYS software for this purpose is well-known procedure to understand the real reaction of the hip implant parts during the daily life of the installed part. This study is to focus on the practical part of the use of ANSYS software to analyse the performance of the hip implant through the feature of structure analysis available in the ANSYS. The research applies the static loads behaviour only with the help of the static structural analysis to view the advantages and the disadvantages of every design, which helps us estimate the implant’s behaviour. The study investigates the optimization of the acetabular cup using the lattice optimization along with the infill option available in the ANSYS software in order to optimize the stress and the fixture of the cup inside the pelvis.

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