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Parameter Estimation of Drag Coefficient and Rolling Resistance of Vehicles Based on GPS Speed Data


Copyright (c) 2020 András Szántó, Sándor Hajdu

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Kiválasztott formátum: APA
Szántó, A., & Hajdu, S. (2020). Parameter Estimation of Drag Coefficient and Rolling Resistance of Vehicles Based on GPS Speed Data. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 5(2), 109-115. https://doi.org/10.21791/IJEMS.2020.2.14.

In this paper, a parameter estimation method of the model-based design approach is applied to estimate the drag coefficient and the rolling resistance coefficient of a vehicle. In fact, a constant-force parameter (c_const) and a velocity-square-force parameter (c_square) are in the vehicle model, and these result in the sum force applied along the translational DOF that models the vehicle. It is only an assumption that the constant force is the rolling resistance and the force proportional to the square of the velocity is the drag force of the air. Only GPS speed data is used for the estimation process. The conclusion is that parameter estimation is a good alternative when expensive measurement devices are not available to measure the force losses separately and directly.

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