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  • Study of the University Electronic Games E-sports League and Its E-sports Players

    E-sports are competitive video games coordinated by different leagues and organisations. E-sports players belong to teams or different managements, which are sponsored by various economic companies and establishment. In the beginning, only offline and then online competitions were organised, and nowadays an offline final takes place in sports halls at the end of an online qualification round. The primary objective of the present research is to study the e-athletes participating in the University Electronic Games (UEG) e-sports competition.  In addition to the e-sports players, I consider it important to examine the tournament itself, how the players interviewed rate it and what motivated them to participate again. I conducted an online questionnaire survey among the participants of the three seasons of the UEG online tournament organised by the University of Debrecen. UEG is the largest university e-sport tournament in Hungary in terms of its number of participants, which is why it was selected for the study. The participants in the study are motivated to compete in order to achieve success and enjoy competing to win, for them e-sports is a self-fulfilment. They keep up to date with national e-sports news and competitions through social media and the university mailing system. In general, the participants rate the UEG e-sports championship highly. The organisers need to improve the organisation of the tournament and their preparedness to run a tournament of this size. Their strengths are their helpfulness and their accurate and precise information about the tournament.

  • Efficiency Analysis of Production Management System

    Due to the continuously evolving technology, even more escalating market competition has emerged between the companies. This competition is not only about the logistics related processes, it also appears to be significant for the production since the manufacturing companies form the center of global sale streams and without them the items found in logistical processes cannot be created. The role of production’s optimization and efficiency in the supply chain continuously grows since this is the part where a company’s most cost is produced. Our research objective was the examination of a company that applies various manufacturing, assembly technologies, and the used tools and softwares for this purpose were the SAP Business One ERP system and it’s add-on, called PPS One, the latter originated in Switzerland. We used these softwares to provide solutions to companies, especially to those that are dealing with manufacturing and production, for the optimization of their workflows, operations, supervising and controlling of their material. We also monitored from production technology’s elements the capacity planning, production orders, schedules, production tracking and cost accounting. We have made proposals during the analysis that might improve the company's strategy, competitiveness and increase it’s efficiency in business, and at the same time they can facilitate the company's pricing and inventory management activities.

  • Sport, the Remedy of Stress

    The study examines the relationship between mental health, resilience and perceived stress among leisureand competitive athletes. Three questionnaires (Keyes Mental Health Continuous Scale, Detected Stress Questionnaire, and 10-item CD-RISC Questionnaire) were studied, filled out by a total of 436 people, of which 297 were competitive athletes and 139 leisure athletes. The main question of my research was whether there is a difference between these three variables, and how resilience and perceived stress affect three factors of mental health, athletes in leisure and competition. The results show that for all variables the athletes of the competition achieved a better average value than the leisure athletes, and I could show a significant difference in the mean values in the case of the emotional and social well-being variables. Moreover, perceived stress had a greater impact on emotional well-being, while resilience had a positive effect on psychological and social well-being.

  • Framework of Industry 4.0 Technologies

    The increasing competition and globalization have changed the micro- and macro environment of companies worldwide. The number 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, bringing information technology and automation closer together leading to fundamental changes in production methods. It is not only about the penetration of technology but also about the paradigm shift in business processes. Industry 4.0 is becoming a daily reality for domestic companies as well, giving rise to the era of high-level interaction among production resources and different players. Industry 4.0 will transform the structure of production and change global competitiveness giving enterprises new opportunities to create added value. In my study I presented the concept of Industry 4.0, its framework and innovative technologies. I described the intelligent logistics solutions and the most important advantages of Industry 4.0. Essentially, the use of these tools include in addition to the explosive development of industry the digitalisation of the entire economy affecting society as a whole. It is of great importance that small and medium-sized enterprises also respond to new technological opportunities otherwise will significantly lagging behind in the digital transition.

  • The Factors of Digitality and Sustainable Competitiveness in the Domestic Context

    The recovery of international relations and the development of technology are in correlation with the increasing globalization tendencies. These processes increase the interdependence of countries, but also the competition between them. The factors of competition are constantly changing and being revalued. As a result new elements appear in addition to the traditional elements, and there are assimetries between existing components. The economic performance of a country increasingly depends on the knowledge and technology, its economic success on the use of knowledge. The purpose of the study is to present and analyze the proxies that define and shape the role of Hungary by IMD Competitiveness Research Center and by the complex indicators developed by Korea-based SolAbility. It also draws attention to all the factors that will significantly effect our country's economy in the future.

  • Grants Rating Due to Operative Public Procurement Law and by Applicable Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new legal regulation public procurement procedures become significantly faster and transparency and competition is increasing. The law entered into force on the first of November in 2015, but has been modified several times since then. A year ago, the National Parliament adopted the law on State Program Evaluation cover. The legislation aims to make the European Union resources for projects in an objective, transparent and independent from the interests of the operators assessment system.

  • Liquidation of Public Procurement Due to Operative Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new lwgal regulation public procurement procedure sbecome significantly faster and transparency and competition are increasing. Hence forward the rules of procedures under Europian Union limit won’t be standard. Innational pro curement procedures the rules are differentiated from estimate value. Important change in connection with valuation base dont he lowest price is succeeded by the method of proportion price and value.

  • Industry 4.0 Concept and Key Elements

    Growing and constantly changing international competition, increasing market volatility and demand for increasingly customised products (personalised manufacturing), and shorter product life cycles create significant challenges for companies that traditional production systems can no longer meet. Industry 4.0 is a new manufacturing paradigm focused on creating intelligent products and processes. The focus has been placed on achieving fully effective customised production under conditions suitable for mass production. Make-to-order replaces make-to-stock. Despite the growing interest in Industry 4.0, it is still not a consensual concept. There is no clear idea about this new manufacturing paradigm, so I attempt to present the available definitions of Industry 4.0 through the presentation of the scientific literature, declare the concept's technical elements, and present them in detail to get a clearer picture of the concept.

  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

  • Fraud in the Financial Sectors

    The competition for social resources encourages economic players to break ethical business rules to gain an economic advantage. Digitized data is making it increasingly difficult to verify their content of reality. The Wirecard scandal and the COVID-19 crisis will transform the environment around us, change our way of thinking about the world, accelerate discussions on the possible control of data produced by digitization tools, and the issue of the widest possible introduction of international accounting. Since the economic crisis of 2007, there has been a general and measurable increase in fraud in public procurements in construction industry, real estate, oil and gas, heavy industry and in mining industry, and in the financial sectors, which some governments of countries are trying to prevent it by using new tax control methods. In the stagnant economies of the economic crisis that is likely to materialize as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, economic players will share on fewer and fewer orders, and as competition increases, the possibility or compulsion of fraud increases. Crises either begin in the financial sector or it will become one of its victims. Although financial scandals have not shaken confidence in the financial sector in recent decades, but it has violated the generally accepted public opinion that the financial sector is strictly regulated and it is non-fraudulent, non-infected area. International events affecting the financial sector have shown that internal procedures that ensure the lawful operation of a company in financial institutions have not prevented internal abuse because some of the perpetrators came from leaders.Due to the generalizations, the integrity of financial and supervisory organizations not directly involved in financial scandals are also significantly damaged, and trust can only be restored again through joint efforts, legal tightening and appropriate communication of it.

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