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Characteristics of Knowledge Economy in Respect of Hungary
1-11Views:194The examination of the economic role of information, knowledge, human capital and investment into the human capital has come into the limelight over the last decades. Analyses include the characterisation of knowledge economy and the relationship between knowledge economy and market challenges. In this paper we examine the definition and indicators of knowledge-based economy. We analyse the trend of the participation rate in formal and non-formal education as a knowledge input, furthermore we examine the gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP with particular attention to Hungary.
Successful International and Hungarian Family Businesses
280-287Views:565The purpose of family businesses are maintaining market competitiveness, develop sustainably and achieve their results in the dynamic market environment. The family run businesses are contributing significantly to the economic growth. They are interested in long-term preservation of values. The study presents the charachteristics of the world’s TOP family owned companies. In order to proving the economic value and importance of the Hungarian family businesses the study contains some findings of a representative national.
Labour Economics - From the Technological Development Perspective
98-108Views:72The impact of technological advancements on the labor market and innovation processes is a critically important research area. The aim of this study is to examine the emergence and frequency of technological innovations in scientific publications, with a particular focus on the Journal of Labour Economics from 2000 to 2020. The research employs content analysis methods, searching for eight different terms and expressions related to technological development (e.g., technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning) across 1405 articles. The study also analyzes the number of occurrences and annual publication trends of these terms. A total of 9469 instances were identified, indicating that in 64,7% of the cases, at least one technological term appeared. An analysis of annual trends reveals an increase in the usage of certain keywords (technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning). In a smaller subset of articles, only 1%, technological terms were mentioned at least 50 times. The results suggest that although the topic of technological development plays a significant role in labor market research, the frequency of its appearance and the depth of analysis vary considerably. The increase in the appearance of technological terms is predominantly observed in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These findings are specific to a single journal, indicating the need for further research involving other labor market journals to ensure representativeness.
Szakemberhiány vizsgálata és feltételezett okai az építőiparban
1-9Views:142A munkaadók 36 %-a küzd a megfelelő munkaerő megtalálásával világszerte. Magyarország építőipari cégeinek helyzetét bemutatva megállapítható, hogy a megszűnő vállalkozások száma az építőiparban 2013-ra az előző évhez viszonyítva 50% felé emelkedett, amely tendencia 2014-ben tovább folytatódott. A szakmunkások közül sokan nem tudnak elhelyezkedni a hiányszakmának minősített szakmájukban, de sokan közülük nem is akarnak. Tanulmányom célja, hogy megvizsgáljam az építőiparban fennálló szakemberhiányt, illetve feltárjam ennek lehetséges, feltételezett okait.
Geothermal energy utilization in the Bükkalja region by reusing abandoned hydrocarbon wells
351-357Views:292Hungary is a country in an inactive volcanic area, but with a geothermal potentical recognized bot hat European and international level. The geothermal gradient of the country is ~ 45°C/km on avarage, while in other countries it is ~ 20-30 °C/km. Accordingly, the temperature can reach 55-60°C at 1 km and 100-130°C at depths of 2 km. There are many types of extraction and utilization of geothermal energy, of which a large group is energy recovery . This direction is not typical in Hungary, so it is worth developing. The developement of the sector is slow due to high initial invertment demand and the long planning phase. On the one hand, the aim of our reserach is to take steps to remedy this problem by examining the funcion change of a barren well. Int he foreground and peripheral areas of the Bükk Mountains, there are numerous unused hydrocarbon wells, which our work is examining for energy purposes with a view to their later utilization. The present study focuses on 13 abandoned wells in the Pünkösd Mountain, area of Bükkalja, Demjén.