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  • Operating a Webshop in Rural Areas

    The importance of e-commerce in Hungary is unquestionable. 66% of the population is regular internet users (I3), every fourth person uses it on a daily basis. Online sales have increased from 137 billion HUF in 2010 to 427 billion HUF in 2016, while offline sales were not able to reach this growth (I1). Undoubtedly, online sale has become a very valuable market. The age group really valuable as consumers spends about 6 hours a day online, out of which 3 hours are active usage (I2). The Internet is also the most important source of information and keeping in contact, as 41% of the population uses it method. The availability of the Internet in Hungary is literally independent of the geographic location, thanks to the Digital Renewal Action Plan in Hungary's current strategy, as one of its main chapters is "Enhanced and Secure Infrastructure for All." (Botos 2013) plan. There are many unfavorable processes in Hungary's rural areas. Of these, emigration and the abandonment of the local economy are outstanding. To stop these processes, the "National Rural Strategy" (2012-2020) was created. Its most important areas are employment growth, balanced and diverse land and forest management, production structure, restoration of local food production and food markets, local energy production, strengthening the local communities, improvement of population patterns and conservation of natural systems and the biodiversity. The integration of rural economies into the on-line marketplace and their linkage to different DBEs not only vertically but horizontally can be one of the keys to their survival and development. The situation of businesses on the on-line marketplace in the countryside is very special. On the one hand, they are more favourable in many aspects of their operation, but in some cases they have disadvantages that fundamentally threaten their survival. The purpose of this article is to get to know this environment, map its benefits and drawbacks. For this, we use the results of in-depth interviews conducted with businesses operating on an on-line market in rural settlements.

  • Outlook of Precision Farming in Hungary

    For agriculture, precision farming means the future by increasing incomes and reducing environmental loads at the same time Precision management produces a surplus in yield, revenue, result, but not immediately. The additional income potential is expected to increase by 20% to 50%. Farms mostly introduce precision farming in order to relieve workers. However, many farmers are afraid of the use of new technologies, but the use of information technology in agriculture will be unavoidable. Technology is fundamentally expensive, not even widespread, and farmers use only a few technology elements. Moreover, following the precautionary principle technology used in farming covers only a part of their agricultural land. So farms need to learn to produce more precisely than before in a knowledge-based manner.

  • Parametric Programming Applied to the Optimal Production Structure in Determining

    The agricultural planning often the question arises, how the different input (fertilizer, feed, irrigation, etc) from what to use on a production (land, animals) unit basis, and to what intensity. The input transformational efficiency experiments by setting analysis and evaluation. For example examined the nutrient replenishers fertilization experiments, the effect of nutritional values of the feed on the body weight gain, milk production in animal experiments. The input input efficiency to the external environment (weather, soil conditions, unexpected events), the technology used and the biological factors both influence. The farmer must be chosen in each sector, taking into account the magnitude of these inputs and environmental requirements. The economic optimum is usually trying to approach the sectoral level, which serves as the basis for future planning data. The mathematical programming models using relatively simply and quickly determine the optimal production structure. The models provide the specific resource requirements for, and the limitations of the objective function coefficients are calculated on the basis of sectoral. This becomes a deterministic model, and we can get the appropriate sectoral analyzes outstanding results of production structures. Therefore the relationships within sectors directly incorporate mathematical programming model and corporate interests placed above the interests of the industry to determine the intensity of the sectoral inputs. in their article a fertiliser application example, we present the production structure and the plant production sector fertiliser input of a time optimization, in which the fertilizer for specified sectoral relationships appear in the model objective function.

  • Analysis of labor consumption in Hungary in the last 5 years

    The main idea of ​​my research was the statement of the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (Ferenc Apáti), according to which the main obstacle to the future development of horticulture and the development plans of horticultural enterprises is capital shortfall factors). The employment of seasonal workers in the production of grapes and fruit and in horticultural farms is of the greatest importance. As a result, in my research, I examined the use of labor by those working in agriculture over the past 5 years. I reviewed how the coronavirus has affected the time spent by seasonal workers at work in the recent past. Since there are a lot of work phases in agriculture where there is a temporary use of labor, I considered it important to get around this topic better. As seasonal agricultural workers are often able to reach their agricultural jobs through travel and border crossings, government regulations (travel restrictions, border closures) have made it more difficult for these people to access jobs.

  • Material flows and stocks of a service company from Debrecen

    Over the past 25 years, many renowned scientists from a number of research institutes have developed a new research method, a new family of methodologies which is the MFA (Material Flow Analysis). The importance of MFA is given by the extent of excited material flows created by mankind. The basis of MFA's growing success is a radically new, interdisciplinary vision that requires collaboration between the natural and social sciences (ecology, thermodynamics, and economics), not only as an effective tool for examining material efficiency of production and environmental pressures, as well as the security of supply of the strategic material requirements of the system under investigation. In our article, we conduct an enterprise level analysis of the input and output side material flows and materials of a service company in Debrecen for 2018 using the MFA method. MFA indicators capture environmental pressures in a natural dimension, that is, in terms of mass, energy, or land, respectively, in terms of kilograms or tons, of the company's raw materials and their changes, or material inputs.

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