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  • A szervezeti belső kommunikációt gátló tényezők

    Kutatásunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a választott szervezet dolgozói mennyire tartják fontosnak a szervezeti belső kommunikációt, milyen gátló tényezők akadályozzák annak hatékony működését.

  • The Middle East perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East is gaining more importance than in the past. Although it still remains more about philanthropy and charity, it moves towards a more strategic approach which includes formalizing ways of giving, as a set of non-random actions, and focuses more on addressing social ills and environment, economic challenges, that are hindering development. However, the business in the region has not yet taken the step to fully integrate the CSR into their core business operations. The most common challenges that facing the CSR implementation are the lack of government requirements and incentives, spreading awareness, building CSR partnership model, going beyond the marketing and PR campaigns, and full integration of CSR into the business strategy. In this paper, we aim to introduce the current state of the CSR in the Middle East and its perspectives, besides reviewing its evaluation stages, motivations, and current challenges. Moreover, we aim to examine CSR common practices through examples from the financial sector. The research method applied in this research is based on secondary data sources and we have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Sports Civic Organizations-Conceptualization Issues and Trials

    Lately published statistics of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reveal such a phenomenon that in some years (between 2011 and 2015), that the number of sport related classic civic organizations has increased in the narrowing non-profit sphere. Inside, the role of sport has been intensified primarily among the sports associations, and not among the foundations. Considering the Central Statistical Office methodology, the questions arises and serves an issue that how can we conceptualize a sport civic organization. Regarding the same topic, we may face diverse databases, and it also seems that different conceptualization approaches exist, we do not have uniform regulation, and current data also raise further questions. Through a “from general to specific approach” we aim to reveal that in what way a civic organization can be considered to be a sports related civic organizations and also try to highlight the consequences of this plural approach.

  • Civic Organizations, Sports Civic Organizations and the Control

    Control, az a managerial function cannot be considered as one of the most frequently preferred examinational topics, and it is also valid for the matter of civic organization. Nevertheless, we must not forget about the increasing number and intensive non-profit sphere after the change of the regime, where the civic sphere inside has become determinant. In 2017, 15,2% of the 61 151 nonprofit organizations had a sport profile, and this ratio is higher, 16,2% regarding the 53 613 classic civic organizations (including only associations and foundations).  The specialty of these organizations is the strong relationship with subsidies, and it seems that it has turned into subsidy dependence by now (2/3 of the incomes are subsidies), as a conclusion from the data of the Hungarian Statistical Office. This topic may also become sensible in a way, when an organization cannot account the received subsidies or cannot meet expectations of the judicial expectations, which all raises managerial control related concerns. It also highlights the relationship between civic organizations and control. In this study, we aim to cover some relevant specifications of the topic through the control, as a managerial function, and based on the results we may conclude that a higher ratio of organizations cannot really perform by the expectations.   

  • Process Innovation Tools and Strategies in Production Management

    The method of process innovation helps to recognize the opportunities in production processes that represent clear competitive advantage. Using it, up to 30% change is available in increasing productivity and in the reducing of costs, stocks, and lead times. There is no need for complicated methods in the process development. The power of logical, simple tools relies on the fact that everyone can learn, understand, apply them and give quick feedback about their operation. Significant changes have been made in today's possibilities of designing and operating production systems. The emergence of cyber physical systems, the opportunities offered by big data, and the "Internet of Things" (Internet of Things) have shown strong research potential for more efficient logistics and manufacturing systems. The potential of network co-operation, information gathered from tracing materials in production and communication between machines provide a wide-range of optimization opportunities for manufacturing processes. The toolkit presented in the research cannot only be used in direct production; almost all parts of the value creation process can be broken down into routine actions, so the causes of the problems can be analyzed and the development of the process’ parts can be easier implemented.

  • Testing the Sametest-effect in a BSc-level Business Communication Course Examination

    Using secondary data, we empirically examine two biasing effects that may arise in the written evaluation of large groups of students. Suppose the students take the examination in consecutive groups, and we wish to avoid the distortion caused by tests of different difficulty. In that case, we can decide to use the same examination questions. However, the danger of the "same test effect" arises, according to which the group writing later can perform better if it receives information from the examinees in the previous round. Using the same examination tests cannot be recommended if that effect is significant. Another related potential phenomenon is the "revealed sameness effect". Accordingly, if the examinees are aware of the repetition of the questions, it significantly increases the scores of the following group. We tested these phenomena using the data of a three-round written examination. A previously published analysis of a larger sample found that the "same test effect" can be expected if the students decide in which round they take the examination. Since it was possible to freely register for the examination rounds for the assessment analyzed in this study, we assume that the "same test effect" will be significant. Based on the literature, we also expected that the "revealed sameness effect" would occur in the third round. The performed linear regression analysis (N=77) only found some weak evidence for the 'revealed sameness effect' but not for the 'same test effect'.

  • Sport Civic Society – Approaches and Facts

    After the change of regime in Hungary in 1989, the domestic civic sphere started to improve, and after numerous change in the legal regulation, currently the Act on Civic Organizations (Act 174/2011.) rules the operation of the sector before all, supplemented by additional legal background. The vital component of the new regulation is possibility of the appearance of the novel organizational form, the civic society, which is quite odd even considering the past and even on international level. The database enabling the statistical overview of the domestic nonprofits publish the end of 2019 provides no information on the data and operational features for this organizational form, which provides a thorough reason for the researcher to be interested in the topic and the organizations. Through the possible secondary data, a primary database of a lately done sports civic organization related research includes such basic data (even its sample height is small), which may be considered as a starting point at the examination of the specifications of the sports related civic societies.

  • The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students

    The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.

  • The presence of stress and leisure sports in the life of today’s people

    Today's people are extremely busy with a lot of things, such as work, family, learning, so they try to spend their free time with activities that promote them in relaxation, reassurance, recreation. It can be said that the people of today's world are burdened, more stressed and nervous, trying to do the best they can to live properly. A lot of people have a hard time communicating, community life. There are a lot of people who are forced to work from home, as projects and weeks' deadlines don't wait. Besides, there are many things to be done, children need to be dealt with, you have to have fun, you have to pay attention to health, you have to run a household, etc., so there is little time for people to do what they really love. In my research, I assessed the leisure habits of the inhabitants of Romania and Hungary, but their attitude to active reclamation activities (N=273) was their activity in sport. The results show that passive leisure activities (watching TV, reading, listening to music, internet) are still the most popular among people, although most of us do sedentary work. People who play sports in their spare time felt more refreshed, and they had a better mood, more positive. The sports that people can play outdoors and in parks come to the fore.

  • The characteristics of civil organisations for sports with special regards to employment

    The aim of our article to compare the characteristics of the civil organisations operating in Hugary and in Romaina with special regards to the employment characteristics of the sport civil associations. We ascertained during our research work that the civil sector of the two investigated countries show several similarities. One of these similarities is the lag from the same sectors operating is Western-European countries. The use of volunteer working is a main characteristic of the employment in the civil sector however the paid work plays an important role too.

  • Study on Learning Motivation of Master's Students in Management and Leadership at the University of Debrecen

    The aim of our study is to present the topic of adult learning. To do this, we first define the definitions and importance of learning in a person’s life. We then turn to the historical background and evolution of adult learning. The motivation of adult learning as a function of different motivational theories is presented. In the second half of the study, an initial research focusing on the motivation of adult learning is presented. The subjects of our research are young adults who are pursuing their master's degree in management and organization at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. We want answers to the extent to which different factors motivate young adults in studying. With the results, we want to give an idea of ​​how the learning motivation of the students can be characterized by both lecturers and human resource professionals working in the private sector. We intend to expand the research to a larger sample in the future.

  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

  • Volunteering in Sport

    The subject of our research was the examination of the sports ambition and its motivational background. Our aim was to examine the volunteer experience of young adults in volunteering. Our goal was also to analyze the areas in which sports are chosen most voluntarily and what motivates them in sport. The basis for our questionnaire research was the concept of volunteering "4 W" (who, what, where, why). The questionnaire was designed to answer these questions in relation to sports ambition. The data of the questionnaire completed by 371 young adults (mean age = 23.93, sd = 9.93) were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, where we calculated basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, median, mode) and Chi2 test. More than 75% of the respondents have already worked as volunteers. One of the most popular areas of volunteering was sport. The most frequented volunteering area was among schoolchildren and students as well as university sports among young people, after which the area of competition and recreational sports proved to be the most popular. The main motivation of young volunteer workers was the following, : „I had a good mood”, „I loved sport”, „teamwork”, „work experience”, „learning and skill development” and „career perspective”. Organizations, marketing and communication areas in the field of sporting events and sportsclubs volunteering were the most popular in the area where the respondents had experience. A significant difference was found in the field of organizing and marketing volunteering in sports events, 61% of Hungarians worked, while respondents from other countries were only 34.2% (p <0.05). In the field of communication, higher values of respondents from other countries (45.7%), compared with Hungarians (33.7%) (p <0.05).

  • Sportcivil szervezetek – számok a támogatások növekedése mögött

    A KSH adatgyűjtési tevékenységének köszönhetően a nonprofit szervezetekre vonatkozó átfogó adatok mind adatbázis, mind tájékoztató formájában elérhetőek. A gazdasági adatok között feltűnik az az évről-évre hasonló nagyságú, domináns támogatási részesedés. Különös tekintettel a klasszikus civil szervezetekre ez egyértelműen jelzi azt, hogy a szféra támogatáskitett és támogatásfüggő. Ezek a szervezetek ugyanis kimondottan alkalmasak támogatások fogadására. Tanulmányunkban szeretnénk másodelemzés révén rávilágítani arra, hogy a sporttal foglalkozó civil szervezetek/sportcivil szervezetek száma milyen összefüggésben van a támogatásokkal, különös tekintettel két specifikus támogatási formára, a NEA-ra és a TAO-ra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy van összefüggés a támogatások összegének növekedése és a sportcivil szervezetek számbeli növekedése között, és ez kifejezetten igaz az egyik legrégebbi és legújabb támogatási forma esetében is.

  • Menedzsment módszerek az Ipar 4.0 tükrében

    The fourth industrial revolution poses major challenges for organisations in terms of technological aspects and from a management point of view, too. Good (effective) management is vital as it can help overcome the difficulties arising from shortages of skilled labour and from cost-cutting pressures, and it can help improve efficiency of resources. Innovations require management methods that support the introduction of industry 4.0. In my review of the literature, I aim to find out how the current level of sophistication in this new field can help managers of SME to better embrace change. Based on the reviewed literature, from management point of view, organisational structure, leadership style and HR practices are key to creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and innovation. In terms of structure, researchers do not suggest one thing to apply, but emphasise that industry 4.0 is characterised by an unstable, changing environment, so it is worth developing a structure that is characterised by decentralisation, few rules, horizontal communication and collaborative teamwork, i.e. much more organic than mechanical. In terms of different leadership styles, it is the transformational leadership that is the most often mentioned, however, in case of industry 4.0, we need even more because it can have various limitations. Even before industry 4.0, literature has highlighted that the recommended leadership style can be defined as the combination of transformational and transactional leadership; research in industry 4.0 in recent years also emphasises that it is the expanded construction of a knowledge-driven leadership style that blends the two, which can best facilitate innovation and learning. Managers can develop employee skills and improve their learning abilities through a variety of HR practices. So the right structure, leadership style and HR prepare the organisation for industry 4.0 by facilitating learning, improving skills and innovation.

  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

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