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  • Framework of Industry 4.0 Technologies

    The increasing competition and globalization have changed the micro- and macro environment of companies worldwide. The number 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, bringing information technology and automation closer together leading to fundamental changes in production methods. It is not only about the penetration of technology but also about the paradigm shift in business processes. Industry 4.0 is becoming a daily reality for domestic companies as well, giving rise to the era of high-level interaction among production resources and different players. Industry 4.0 will transform the structure of production and change global competitiveness giving enterprises new opportunities to create added value. In my study I presented the concept of Industry 4.0, its framework and innovative technologies. I described the intelligent logistics solutions and the most important advantages of Industry 4.0. Essentially, the use of these tools include in addition to the explosive development of industry the digitalisation of the entire economy affecting society as a whole. It is of great importance that small and medium-sized enterprises also respond to new technological opportunities otherwise will significantly lagging behind in the digital transition.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • The Situation of Digitization in the Hungarian Food Processing Industry

    Thanks to various technologies, such as nanotechnology, the next decades will completely transform the individual production processes and sectors. With the rapid advancement of information technology, the digitalization and automation of industrial processes pose new challenges for food business operators. Hungarian food companies will be able to keep up with their competitors and be the winners for the next decades if they can successfully adopt these technologies. However, this requires a strong focus on digitization, digital strategy, and directing investment, technology change and R&D activities in this direction. Digitization is one of the decisive directions of the future, which is why I felt it essential to study the level of digitization of Hungarian food companies, IT infrastructure and Internet usage, the use, and role of enterprise management systems, decision support and business analysis tools, and business readiness, Industry 4.0 technology change. Based on the 205 evaluable responses to the questionnaire, it can be said that only a tiny proportion of Hungarian food companies have a digital strategy and only a few have digital transformation.

  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • Comparative Analysis of Collaborative Robots

    In our study, we provided a comparison of four robot arms used in industry to determine  the most suitable model to adopt in university education. We investigated robot arms from the following manufacturers: ABB, Kuka, Universal Robots, and Techman Robot. The multi-criteria system was grounded on the important factor and experience. Following this, each aspect was ranked using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In addition, the order among the four alternatives was established by using the Kesselring method. The present study describes a selection method for industrial robots in the academic area.

  • Present and Future of Industrial Robotisation

    The following paper analyzing the installation of industrial robotisation in sectors and regions, in addition carry out forcastings on historical data. In recent years, automation and the use of industrial robotics have increased exponentially in the manufacturing sector. Given that companies prioritize enhanced production efficiency, quality assurance, and safety, it is evident that substantial investment and implementation of automation continue to occur in manufacturing facilities worldwide. The number of industrial robots globally has been growing steadily since 2010. However, the rate of growth has slowed from 2020 onwards. The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic was still felt in 2020, but the deployment of industrial robots increased significantly in 2021. Global industrial robot deployment is projected to continue to grow in the coming years, although the rate of increase may vary between regions and countries. The analysis showed a number of differences between regions in the number and growth rate of industrial robot deployments. Asia and Australia are the largest markets for robots and the number of robots deployed is expected to continue to grow in the future. Europe is the second largest market and, although growing at a slower rate, industrial robot deployment is also increasing steadily. In the Americas, growth is slower than in other regions, but still increasing. Global growth trends suggest that there will be further growth in the coming years and that the deployment of industrial robots will become more widespread in different parts of the world.

  • Designing Aspects and Classification of Bearing Industry Box Handling Apparatus

    It has been an accepted tendency in the industrial practice since the last third of the 20th Century to decrease the living labour demand of the manufacturing processes. One of the main tools of it is the automation of production. In the design, the construction and the programming of the developed automata, the results of electronics, informatics and mechatronics can be used. All of the scientific fields mentioned above undergo intensive development. By the application of the results achieved in the design of the applications, the monotonous, dangerous and tiresome work not requiring expertise can be assigned to machines. In the longer run, the application of the automata is beneficial also in financial aspect, since the costs of living labour are continuously growing, while that of the mechatronic and technological devices show a rather decreasing tendency. Reliability is also an important aspect. It is well known for everyone that a well-designed and programmed automatic device performs its task without mistakes. If there is any objection or breakdown, on the basis of the currently valid safety technology rules, the machine stops, does not trigger any damage and after its repair, work can be continued.

  • The Challenges of the Labour Law and Economic in the Future Labour Market

    The aim of the study is to examine how the effects of globalization affect the global labor market, and how high-level automation and digitalization affect the expectations of labor market actors and the world of labor law. We analyze the legal framework and the economic and social utility of acquiring competences for new challenges in the industry. We will look in more detail at the future of the low-skilled labor force in a changing labor market as a function of acquiring new competencies. We believe that changes in the labor market and novel processes will also pose new challenges for employers and employees. Changes in the labor market raise the question of what kind of benefits an outgoing worker will receive until he or she acquires new competencies. Is the social welfare system in the current sense capable of supporting lifelong learning, or is it necessary to explore alternatives such as basic income? All this needs to be done in the light of the legal and economic scrutiny of the concepts of efficiency and economy. This is because acquiring competences for the new employee also brings new added value.

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