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Framework of Industry 4.0 Technologies
213-223Views:1431The increasing competition and globalization have changed the micro- and macro environment of companies worldwide. The number 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, bringing information technology and automation closer together leading to fundamental changes in production methods. It is not only about the penetration of technology but also about the paradigm shift in business processes. Industry 4.0 is becoming a daily reality for domestic companies as well, giving rise to the era of high-level interaction among production resources and different players. Industry 4.0 will transform the structure of production and change global competitiveness giving enterprises new opportunities to create added value. In my study I presented the concept of Industry 4.0, its framework and innovative technologies. I described the intelligent logistics solutions and the most important advantages of Industry 4.0. Essentially, the use of these tools include in addition to the explosive development of industry the digitalisation of the entire economy affecting society as a whole. It is of great importance that small and medium-sized enterprises also respond to new technological opportunities otherwise will significantly lagging behind in the digital transition.
Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services
1-13Views:451There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.
Efficiency Analysis of Production Management System
401-415Views:211Due to the continuously evolving technology, even more escalating market competition has emerged between the companies. This competition is not only about the logistics related processes, it also appears to be significant for the production since the manufacturing companies form the center of global sale streams and without them the items found in logistical processes cannot be created. The role of production’s optimization and efficiency in the supply chain continuously grows since this is the part where a company’s most cost is produced. Our research objective was the examination of a company that applies various manufacturing, assembly technologies, and the used tools and softwares for this purpose were the SAP Business One ERP system and it’s add-on, called PPS One, the latter originated in Switzerland. We used these softwares to provide solutions to companies, especially to those that are dealing with manufacturing and production, for the optimization of their workflows, operations, supervising and controlling of their material. We also monitored from production technology’s elements the capacity planning, production orders, schedules, production tracking and cost accounting. We have made proposals during the analysis that might improve the company's strategy, competitiveness and increase it’s efficiency in business, and at the same time they can facilitate the company's pricing and inventory management activities.
The Logistics Conception of the Value Chain of Wood
139-154Views:227The importance of the forest management and timber producing is highly determined by the value chain of timber. The forest management and timber producing can basically contribute to achieve the goals of the sustainable development as producing and processing the wood as a raw material. The relationship of the multifunctional forestry management as producing different scale of products and services results that changing a member of the chain might cause the total net alternation of the forestry system’s added value. The added value of the special areas of the appropriate and sustainable forest management is the infrastructural, recreational and touristic services.
Outlook of Precision Farming in Hungary
133-147Views:1192For agriculture, precision farming means the future by increasing incomes and reducing environmental loads at the same time Precision management produces a surplus in yield, revenue, result, but not immediately. The additional income potential is expected to increase by 20% to 50%. Farms mostly introduce precision farming in order to relieve workers. However, many farmers are afraid of the use of new technologies, but the use of information technology in agriculture will be unavoidable. Technology is fundamentally expensive, not even widespread, and farmers use only a few technology elements. Moreover, following the precautionary principle technology used in farming covers only a part of their agricultural land. So farms need to learn to produce more precisely than before in a knowledge-based manner.