Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)
Civil Engineering
Possibilities of Improving Salt-Related Water Quality on a Hungarian River
13-22Views:156The purpose of the study was the assessment of the salt related quality of river Kösely and its tributaries and to determine with calculations whether it is feasible to achieve improvement of the demonstrated water quality by the means of dilution in the frame of a PhD study. Besides data collection a series of twenty-eight Electrical Conductivity (EC) measurement was carried out at eleven sites along the river system. The resulting EC values all year long on every reach of the river exceeded even the tolerable values specified as irrigation water quality criteria and water quality standards in the Water Framework Directive. In the paper, we introduce the results of the survey along with authority surveillance data series from earlier years. Investigations in the water using anthropogenic activities causing this special water quality problem were also carried out and the results – quantitative and qualitative aspects as well – are introduced here. Since the pollutant is a conservative material, the calculations were performed using the simple dilution equation which is based on the law of conservation of mass. The findings of the calculations were the identification of those reaches of the river system where adequate water quality can be achieved by dilution considering the limiting factor of water delivery capacity. Our conclusion is that under current conditions of water management and water using activities there is no way to meet quality requirements with dilution. This can be achieved only by prevention or reduction of salt load.
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Sustainability Assessment of a Special Water Management Practice in a Hungarian River Basin
23-35Views:194The purpose of the study is to assess the sustainability of the current water management practice of thermal water usage for bathing. The methodological approach is material flow analysis since it allows to achieve results without regular or online measurements. The current river base management plan recorded the quality status of certain reaches of river Kösely and its tributaries - the receiving water bodies of the used thermal waters - regarding salt content as good and moderate. The ecological status is recorded as moderate and weak, respectively. Since the Water Framework Directive prescribes to achieve the goal of good ecological status, water management measures must be implemented to meet this objective. Since there is no BAT for salt removal from used thermal waters, the possibility to reduce salt loads remain the only feasible measure. The purpose of the study in the frame of a PhD study was to assess with calculations the yearly variations of water and salt flow in river Kösely and its tributaries in order to assess the sustainability of the practice of thermal water management in the river catchment. The result of the calculations is a flow scheme provided with numerical data of yearly water- and salt flow and a subsequent calculation of necessary rate of reduction of usage and discharge of thermal water
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Building’s Constructions and Structures. Part I. The Classification of Buildings by Supporting Structures
56-78Views:342In the paper we deal with the structures interpreted among the buildings constructions. In the present, first part we classify the buildings constructions by their functions. Two main groups can be formed. Analysing supporting construction group can be shown that the building can be well classify by supporting constructions. The classification based on vertical supporting constructions like wall and column gives fourelement classification: wall frame, column frame, mixed frame and frame without vertical supporting constructions. This classification is very simple. Take into consideration of the buildings technology of walls and columns there can be given a classification whit more elements. Different subgroups can be interpreted using connections of walls and columns with floor construction in the certain groups.
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Building’s Constructions and Structures. Part II. Changes of Structures in Supporting Structures of Buildings
79-99Views:123In the Part II. we deal with the changes of structures in supporting structures of buildings. The changes of the structure we will connected with new materials or new approach. We deal with two problems. First is the formations and change of the vault. The second is the change of the supporting structure of buildings in case of using new materials with bending or only stretching resistance.
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Environmental Engineering
Connection Between Human Excreta and Global Warming
139-154Views:196Our study would like to draw attention to an insufficiently investigated question: how human excreta and its different treatment methods are related to climate change. Human excreta is part of the biological cycle. Its CO2 content gets released to the atmosphere to some degree according to the treatment methods used. 40 55% of faeces’ and 11-17% of urine’s dry matter content is carbon (in the form of organic compounds). According to this, approximately 21-57 g/person carbon bound in organic compounds is produced daily, which means an emission of 58-183 million tons of carbon in the world annually in the form of human excreta. The environmental load of the widely spread flush toilet based water infrastructure is significant. However, neither the degree of CO2 emission caused by collection and treatment of waste water, nor wasting of organic and nutrient content of excreta are properly studied. Our study highlights the emission of CO2 caused by the energy demand of sewage water collection and treatment, by the oxidation of organic compounds of human excreta and by burning of methane produced as a result of anaerobic treatment of waste water sludge. Finally the possibility of utilization of human excreta by direct composting is presented, which technology has not significantly spread in the world yet.
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Management Sciences
A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése
100-107Views:499It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.
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Mathematics, Physics, Informatics
Security Analysis of a „Location-stamping” Protocol for GPS Coordinates
1-12Views:154Due to the rapid growth of GNSS based techniques in everyday life a service which can provide certified location information given by GPS coordinates became a worth considering idea. We designed two protocols that can achieve this goal, these can provide authenticate location and time information for any device which has a GPS receiver. In this article, I would like to prove -with the help of ProVerif software tool-, the latter statement. I investigated the authenticity and data integrity properties of the protocol.
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Application-oriented Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen
36-42Views:167At the Department of Basic Technical Studies, Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen we have been dealing with the methodological reforming of mathematics education for more than ten years now. The recently published course book “Mathematical Tools in Engineering Applications” is the result of this long term creative work. The book presents the applications of the most important mathematical tools (vectors, matrices, linear functions, complex numbers, differential and integration calculus) in the different fields of engineering, natural sciences and economics. The aim of the authors with the recent publication is the presentation and popularization of the above book together with the educational and methodological trend it represents.
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Study on Mathematical Competence and Attitude of Engineering Students
43-55Views:200Efficiency of the learning process is in the focus of studies dealing with the Hungarian higher education, including engineering education. The efficiency can be evaluated if the required competences are declared and systematically controlled. In this paper the results of a graduate student survey is presented. Students taking part in the survey have got a bachelor's degree in engineering and are first semester students presently in different engineering master programs. Mathematical thinking ability and creativity, as important competences in studying mathematics were measured with the questionnaire, rather than formulas and complicated calculation methods. Students’ experience in studying and applying Mathematics were asked in the first part of the questionnaire.
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Információ visszakeresésekor szöveg típusú állományoknál használt indexelési technikák
108-113Views:104Information retrieval from a typically not structured text became greatly important already more than two decades with the appearance of the Internet. Various methods are available for prosperous information retrieval. One of them is the use of inverted files that the general when searching for specific web content. This paper provides an overview of search unstructured text documents.
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Tips and Tricks for Making Examination in Moodle
123-131Views:140Electronic exams made with the Moodle system can greatly facilitate the examiners job, but only few people use this option. This paper will review the examination system of the Moodle, the uploading of the question bank, the creating of the test, and the range of the available statistics. Then answers some frequently asked questions and misunderstandings, and give tips and show tricks related to secure examinations.
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About a Math Textbook for Engineering Students
132-138Views:96What is the optimal amount of the theory in engineering mathematics education? How to be precise and effective at the same time? We present an attempt to answer these questions by a textbook containing higher level mathematics, especially calculus, for engineering students.
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Concept Images of Primary School Students and University Students About Function
114-122Views:298The concept of function is fundamental importance to the mathematics. Since the most mathematical concept is not acquired in one step [13], thus we have to take a long journey for developing of the function concept. One of the aim of this process to develop an effective concept image which have an important role in problem solution. The students decides on the basis of a concept image whether a given mathematical object is an example or nonexample of the concept. (Vinner & Dreyfus, 1989). In this paper we are looking for the answer of the following question: what are the concept image of the function concept formed of the students by the end of the primary school (8th grade) and the first year engineering university students?
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