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  • A polgári eljárások egyszerűsítése az Európai Unióban, különös tekintettel a kis pertárgyértékű ügyek szabályozására
    Megtekintések száma:

    Introduced to reduce obstacles to the free movement of goods and persons, judicial cooperation in civil matters has become part and parcel of the new European area of justice. Creation of this area is meant to simplify the existing legal environment and to reinforce citizens' feeling of being part of a common entity. The Conclusions of the Tampere European Council state in this respect that “in a genuine European Area of Justice individuals and businesses should not be prevented or discouraged from exercising their rights by the incompatibility or complexity of legal or administrative systems in the Member States.”

    At present, the judicial cooperation in civil procedures is based on the Hague Programme, adopted by the 2004 Europen Council in Bruxelles.The Hague Programme requires that the Commission should translate the Hague objectives into concrete measures. To this end, the Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the. European Parliament on the Hague Programme, consists of an Action Plan listing the main actions and measures to be taken over the next five years, including a specific set of deadlines for their presentation to the Council and the European Parliament.

    The chapter dealing with this area is named „Strengthening justice”, and it includes amongst others the following tasks:

    • Specific Programme on Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters (2007)
    • Support by the Union to networks of judicial organisations and institutions (continuous)
    • Creating a „European Judicial culture”
    • Evaluation of quality of justice (Communication - 2006)
    • Creation, from the existing structures, of an effective European training network for judicial authorities for both civil and criminal matters (2007)

    The European Union has set itself the objective of maintaining and developing the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice in which the free movement of persons is ensured. For the gradual establishment of such an area, the Community is to adopt, among others, the measures relating to judicial cooperation in civil matters needed for the proper functioning of the internal market.

    The Community has among other measures already adopted Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 of 29 May 2000, on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters; Council Decision 2001/470/EC of 28 May 2001, establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters; Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Council Directive 2002/8/EC, of 27 January 2003, to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes; Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003, of 27 November 2003, concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) 1347/2000; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European order for payment procedureProposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Small Claims Procedure.

    The disproportionate cost of litigation for small claims has led many Member States to provide simplified procedures for claims of small value which are intended to provide access to justice at a lower cost, thus influencing one of the three factors that determine the rationales in dispute resolution. The details of these procedures have been investigated and documented in detail in studies prepared for the Commission. The evidence from these reports suggests that the costs and timescale associated with the domestic simplified measures, and thus their use and utility to claimants, varies widely. A 1995 study for the Commission found evidence of how costs of cross-border claims were significant compared to the size of most potential claims, and that these costs varied substantially between Member States. The total costs of pursuing a cross-border claim with a value of € 2.000 was found to vary, depending on the combination of Member States, from € 980 to € 6.600, with an average quoted figure of € 2.489 for a proceeding at the plaintiff’s residence. The study also showed that due to different and conflicting costing rules part of the costs have to be paid even by successful plaintiffs.

    On 20 December 2002, the Commission adopted a Green Paper on a European order for payment procedure and on measures to simplify and speed up small claims litigation. The Green Paper launched a consultation on measures concerning the simplification and the speeding up of small claims litigation.

    The European Small Claims Procedure is meant to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, whilst reducing costs, by offering an optional tool in addition to the possibilities existing under the laws of the Member States. This Regulation should also make it simpler to obtain the recognition and enforcement of a judgment given in a European Small Claims Procedure in another Member State, including judgements which were initially of a purely domestic nature. In order to facilitate the introduction of the procedure, the claimant should commence the European Small Claims Procedure by completing a claim form and lodging it at the competent court or tribunal. In order to reduce costs and delays, documents should be served on the parties by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any simpler means such as simple letter, fax or email. The procedure should be a written procedure, unless an oral hearing is considered necessary by the court. The parties should not be obliged to be represented by a lawyer. The court should be given the possibility to hold a hearing through an audio, video or email conference. It should also be given the possibility to determine the means of proof and the extent of the taking of evidence according to its discretion and admit the taking of evidence through telephone, written statements of witnesses, and audio, video or email conferences. The court should respect the principle of an adversarial process. In order to speed up the resolution of disputes, the judgment should be rendered within six months following the registration of the claim. In order to speed up the recovery of small claims, the judgment should be immediately enforceable notwithstanding any possible appeal and without the condition of the provision of a security. In order to reduce costs, when the unsuccessful party is a natural person and is not represented by a lawyer or another legal professional, he should not be obliged to reimburse the fees of a lawyer or another legal professional of the other party. In order to facilitate recognition and enforcement, a judgment given in a Member State in a European Small Claims Procedure should be recognised and enforceable in another Member State without the need for a declaration of enforceability and without any possibility of opposing its recognition. Since the objectives of the action to be taken namely the establishment of a procedure to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, and reduce costs, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.

    The European Council underlines the need further to enhance work on the creation of a Europe for citizens and the essential role that the setting up of a European Area for Justice will play in thisrespect. A number of measures have already been carried out. Further efforts should be made to facilitate access to justice and judicial cooperation as well as the full employment of mutual recognition. It is of particular importance that borders between countries in Europe no longer constitute an obstacle to the settlement of civil law matters or to the bringing of court proceedings and the enforcement of decisions in civil matters.

  • Az elektronikus közigazgatás stratégiai kérdései az Európai Unióban
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    Radical changes could be observed at the of the 20th century and can also be found especially in the 21st century regarding the electronic administrative procedure both in the European Union and in the Member States. These changes primarily originate from the technical development, to which administration has to reflect; furthermore administration should be more faster and can be made closer to the citizens. I review the European Union's strategies and priorities concerning electronic administration in this paper. The European Union's powers are mainly focused on the implementation of such services in all Member States approximately at the same time in this field, if possible on the same technical grounds because only this way can the real interoperability between the different systems be guaranteed. But the interoperability of the national administrations is significantly limited by the linguistic diversity of the European Union because in the absence of a common official langugae real interoperability is limited by the different official languages used in the Member States. Such fields are for example the company registers and its accessibility through the European e-Justice Portal. Although, the efforts for e-administratation of the European Union do not cover all areas of the national administrations, furthermore while the European Union's regulation is focused on the economically efficient activites, Member States have to prioritise issues of citizens' and legal persons' everyday lives when creating and realising eloctronic administration.

  • A strasbourgi bíróság jogfejlesztő tevékenysége és az „európai konszenzus”
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    The European Convention on Human Rightsin collaboration with the European Court of Human Rights created a jurisprudence which is simply the most effective system in international human rightsprotection. Based on the Convention’s Preamble, European countries intend to create a common European legal system and develop the cooperation between the “likeminded European countries” through the common heritage of democracy and the rule of law. Keep pace with the needs of present-day society would be difficult for the Court, but using the principles of interpretation of the Convention, the court seems to be able to maintain a balance between development and stability.With the use of evolutive interpretation, the Convention is a so-called living instrument which means that the Court interpret the document according to the present-day conditions. Based on this assumption, I wish to examine the principle of evolutive interpretation adopted by the Strasbourg Court, which has a major role in the so-called European consensus. In the first part of the essay, I discuss the types of consensus-analyzes using by the Strasbourg court, and later I scrutinize the historical aspects of the evolutive interpretation and its practical relevance in the Court’s case-law. After that, I analyze the justification of the principle and I mention the criticisms formulated against the evolutive interpretation. Finally, I consider that the purposes about the closer union among the European countries established by the Preamble and the effective protection of human rights could not occur without the implementation of evolutive interpretation

  • Határokon átnyúló egyesülések és felvásárlások az európai szabályozási keret tükrében
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    A tanulmány az egyesülések és felvásárlások globális gazdaságban betöltött szerepét vizsgálja. Tárgyalja az ügyletek végrehajtásának kihívásait, előnyeit és kérdéseit a törvényesség, a társadalom és a kultúra szempontjából. Emellett egy empirikus vizsgálatot is tartalmaz, amely az egyesülések és felvásárlások alkalmazását elemzi különböző társadalmi és kulturális munkakörnyezetek jelenlétében.

    Az írás kitér arra is, hogy az ilyen típusú ügyleteket milyen jogi eszközökkel szabályozzák a világ különböző területein, különösen az Európai Unióban. Kitekint az Európai Unióban az egyesüléseket és felvásárlásokat szabályozó jogi eszközökre, és megkérdőjelezi az Európai Unió alapvető szabadságainak alkalmazhatóságát a határokon átnyúló egyesülési és felvásárlási irányelvek fényében. A tanulmány vitatja továbbá az Európai Bíróságnak a letelepedés szabadságával és a határokon átnyúló M & As alkalmazásával kapcsolatos megközelítését.

    Végül a cikk bemutatja a határokon átnyúló egyesülési irányelvek rendelkezéseinek hátulütőit, és megkérdőjelezi az európai jogalkotó azon döntéseit, melyeket az említett irányelvek kidolgozásakor hozott.

  • Atipikus szerződések Magyarországon és Szerbiában
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    The paper analyzes the notion and types of atypical contracts, primarily in the Hungarian and
    Serbian law, but also in wider, European perspective. The analysis sheds light on the different
    terms used in different legal systems to denominate contracts that do not fit explicitly into the
    range of nominate contracts, that is into the range of contract-types envisaged by the civil
    code or code of obligations, respectively. According to the Hungarian legal literature, all civil
    law contracts are divided into two main groups: nominate and innominate contracts. The
    former group is further divided into the categories of typical and atypical contracts, while the
    latter into the categories of mixed contracts and de facto innominate contracts.
    The authors conclude that there is a tendency in Europe, both in the jurisprudence, the
    legislation and the application of law, to create a unified and coherent law of contracts, which
    affects the range of atypical contracts as well. Most notably, the Draft Common Frame of
    Reference, the normative proposal of the Study Group on a European Civil Code and the
    Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), contains model rules on franchise, timesharing,
    commercial agency and treatment contracts, just as rules on electronic commerce, on
    the one hand. The legislation of the European Union, on the other, aims at the highest possible
    level of harmonisation of laws which, from the aspect of protection of consumers and
    competition law, affects the range and statutory content of atypical contracts. Finally, the
    paper refers to a series of decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union that tackle
    certain features of the atypical contracts, whereby the Court in the determination of issues of
    contract law applies a rather functional approach.

  • A jogszerű adatkezelés a GDPR rendelet után
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    Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), became effective on 25 May 2018. With the regulatory form the legislator raised the regulation of the right to the protection of personal data within the European Union to a higher level. The legislative act has a fundamental impact on the legal systems of the member states showing various differences from each other. Further, it can be stated as a general experience that the right to the protection of personal data and the nature of such right are less known either to those affected or to the data controllers. The new legislative act and the penalties with increased amounts [Article 84 of the GDPR] demand the elaboration of a study understandable for laics, too. Finally, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, the institution system ensuring the protection of personal data has fundamentally changed, so, therefore, it is also necessary to examine the authorities of the member states and the Union, as well.

    The study primarily approaches the occurring problems from the practice side. Accordingly, the examination conducted by the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) against Google is described, as the first significant penalty imposed based on the General Data Protection Regulation.

    The first part of the study is intended to present the right to the general protection of personal data. The historical part addresses in details the major elements of the historical development of data protection and the development of its contents, with particular regard to the appearance of the right to information self-determination based on the so-called “census-judgement” of 1983 of the BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany). Finally, this part touches upon the theories defined in connection with the historical generations of the right to the protection of personal data. After the historical part the study addresses the peculiarities of the right to the protection of personal data, paying particular attention to separation from the neighbouring legal areas.

    The second part is intended to present the prevalence of the right to information self-determination according to the GDPR. It is the institution system protecting personal data that has undergone the most significant change. The Work Group under Article 29 has been replaced by the Data Protection Agency set up based on the GDPR. Setting up the Agency, enlarging its scope of authority and its stronger independence from the executive powers of the Union can, by all means, be evaluated positively. As regards the security of personal data, the practice, major directives and opinions of the Work Group under Article 29 have been examined. It is a significant step forward that the GDPR has made the sphere of special personal data more specific, promoting by this the increase of the extent of protection. It is important that, as a general rule, the Regulation forbids controlling special personal data. The definition of the concept of personal data is an essential condition for understanding the regulation. In addition to the principles of controlling personal data, the legal fundaments of data control have particular significance, with special regard to the consent and the data control necessary for performing the contract. In my view, the consent is a legal fundament of auxiliary nature for data control, which is also supported by the opinions of the Work Group, too. Granting the consent and the individual excluding circumstances occurring in connection with this, were examined on a case-by-case basis. In my opinion, the automated decision making process and the regulation of profile creation are one of the most cardinal issues of the GDPR. The way in which profiles are created, their use and the permissibility of such use are discussed in details. In my view, the regulation of the GDPR is deficient as regards the automated decision making process and the profile creation. The decision making necessary for performing the contract is not separated sharply enough, and it is not necessary for this. In my opinion, in respect of this latter sphere of cases the GDPR is not strict enough and may easily serve as a basis for misuse on the part of data controllers. In my view, granting the consent should be made stricter in respect of creating profiles and the introduction of the (contradictable) legal presumption of refusal would also be desirous.

  • Gondolatok a szerzői jogi törvény legújabb módosítása kapcsán
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    The Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright was amended by the Act CVLV of 2005 with effect of 15 April 2006 in compliance with the provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures and procedures to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (hereinafter: “Enforcement-Directive”). The Enforcement-Directive concerns the measures necessary to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent, trade marks, etc.). The Member States of the European Union had to provide for the proportionate measures and procedures needed to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights covered by the Enforcement-Directive. The amended and supplement provisions of the Hungarian Act on Copyright provide efficient shelter for the authors from the infringement of copyright law on the one hand and provide legal (procedural) guarantees for the potential infringers on the other hand.

    There are some new provisions which can be applied against the infringers not only by final judgment but also as provisional and precautionary measures. When a judicial decision has been taken finding an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, the judicial authorities may serve the infringer with an injunction aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. The judicial authorities can serve the alleged infringer, or the intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe a right, with an interlocutory injunction intended to prevent any impending infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, or to forbid the continuation of the alleged infringements of copyright or neighbouring right, or to make such continuation subject to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensation of right holder. The judicial authorities can be empowered to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence to their satisfaction with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or, that such infringement is imminent. The judicial authorities may order the publication or seizure of bank, financial or commercial documents. The judicial authorities may order the recall, at the infringer’s expense in appropriate cases, of the goods which have been found to infringe copyright or neighbouring right and may order that the goods which have been found to infringe the right, as well as the materials and implements used primarily for the creation or the manufacture of the goods in question, be disposed of outside the channels of commerce, without any compensation being due.  It can be also ordered, that the decision be displayed and published in full or in part in the newspapers or in the internet designated by the right holder.

    The most efficient protection against the usurpation can be satisfied by the parallel regulation of the civil and criminal law. The next steps to be done by the European Union are the criminal law provisions. Besides the regulations, consistent jurisdiction is necessary, in which the courts should play an important role.

  • A szabadalmi jogi szerződés és hatásai a hazai jogban
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    Significant changes have happened on the field of intellectual property law in the last few years. The emphasis placed on the material relations and economy became stronger. These changes caused that creations of the man came into the limelight. Of course the legal background became also very important.

    We can feel the re-regulation of this legal field. Legal institutions became regulated in new Acts to be adjusted modified circumstances. There were several causes of the necessity of these changes. First of all, the new economic and social environment after the change of the regime claimed to modify the legal materials. On the other hand the international environment changed rapidly and it is still in progress. So the Republic of Hungary had to face with the obligations that are stated in international treaties and we had to put a strong emphasis on our member status in the European Union: EU regulations and directives. By now we can tell that re-codifying this area is over, we can only expect to small modification in the near future.

    Modifications in most of the cases prepared for the future. But it does not mean that we can count on a very crystallized legal material. In the dynamically developing world of IP law it is not rare to use smaller modifications. We have to examine the legal practice too, that helps us finding the correct way in the fast changing economical and social relations. Performing the harmonization duty, legislator could not always take into consideration the national significances, legal practice. The lack of examining these circumstances can cause modifications in the legal material.

    The Patent Law Treaty adopted at Geneva on June 1st, 2000. The provisions of the Treaty and the Regulations shall apply to national and regional applications for patents for invention and for invention and for patents of addition, which are filed with or for the Office of a Contracting Party. The Patent Law Treaty became applicable on April 28th, 2005.

    Hungary joined the Treaty at the beginning, because of the need in 2008 to change the Hungarian patent law. The Treaty suggests the European Patent Convention, however in many ways it is the complementary. The Treaty gives types of applications permitted to be filed as international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, divisional applications of the types of applications referred to in item.

    Earlier the rules of Hungarian patent law were complicated, the process of registry was less favorable for the patentee. The harmonization of process rules effects that the patentee cannot lose his patent rights. The new rules introduce an electronic process in patent law, which makes the process easier, cheaper, and faster. But not all the procedures became electronic: only the lodgment of petition. In the future that should be better to reach electronic procedure on every level.

    The harmonization of patent rules means liberalization, the notification will be easier and faster, which effected growth in the trust of business. Process rules need more harmonization in the future, and hopefully the final goal will be one global process at in all member states of the European Union. 

  • MINTHA-követés - Globalizációs problémák az önkormányzati fejlődés példáján
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    In Hungary almost every reform has its reference to the integration in the west, especially European Union. The explanation for failures is the difficulties of adjustment. The dilemma is what kind of reasons result this problem: is it a national feature or the original distress of Hungary. We can say that the root of it is the problem of following patterns. The origin of these patterns are from the western world but these patterns needed years or sometimes ages to reach the present situation. It was an organic development.

    In our modern world we can find plenty of legislative elements of globalization, unifying and harmonizing rules and institutions. Most of the international economic organizations make every effort to harmonize economic institutions, but the example of European Union shows that borders are not as simple as it seems. This harmonization and unification has to surpass it to a wider perspective (e.g. administration, public education, telecommunication or private law institutions, etc.).

    In the study I examine the development of self-governing and local governments. In Hungary over the last years – since the birth of self-governing – many changes could be found. Reforms followed reforms. According to a survey the most important fields of reforms are the following:

    • decentralization
    • privatization
    • decreasing the role of public sector
    • reform of the law for public servants
    • information technology
    • financial and budgetary management.

    Reforms of local governments are part of the globalization especially in those countries where change of the regime has happened. To reach the desired western pattern some lemmas are necessary:

    • constitutional state
    • territorialism of state
    • guaranteed financial sources
    • stability from the perspective of economy and policy.

    These foundational criterions are spread by international organizations like NAFTA, GATT, WTO, IMF, WB, OECD or EU itself. Plenty of recommendations exist on this field for administration and local governments. The Council of Europe has a basic document, the Charta of European Local Governments.

    If we examine the problem closer we can see that in spite of every recommendation or regulation, local governments are in trouble for example in Hungary. There are exact rules or principles to ensure the liberty or free space for them, but financial problems always exist.

    In the essay I analyzes the way of following patterns in typical countries and try to show how hard is to introduce a pattern from a moment to another that has prestigious past.

  • Fogyasztói magáncsőd az Európai Unióban
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    A modern polgári jogrendszerek szinte mindegyike kiemelt alanyi jogként tekint a tulajdonjogra, amely azt jelenti, hogy megfelelő bírósági eljárás nélkül a személyeket megillető tulajdonjog nem korlátozható és nem vonható el. A fizetésképtelenségi eljárások esetében a tulajdonhoz való alanyi jog sérelmet szenved, hiszen az adóst megfosztjuk az őt megillető tulajdonjogától. Ezen helyzetekben az adós és a hitelező tulajdonjogi igénye feszül egymásnak, akár olyan szinten is, hogy az adós megélhetése veszélybe kerül a hitelezői igények kielégítése által. A fizetésképtelenségi eljárások során a kötelezett magatartása következtében a jogosult oldalán megbomlott tulajdonjogi jogviszonyt kell úgy helyreállítanunk a kötelezett vagyona terhére, hogy biztosítjuk az adós érdekeinek védelmét is, az eljárás mindkét fél érdekeit szem előtt tartó voltát. A nemzeti jogalkotóknak több szempontot is figyelembe véve kell tehát megalkotni azokat az anyagi és eljárási jogszabályokat, amelyek alapján a magánszemélyek vagyona is fizetésképtelenségi eljárás alá vonható. Mindezt egy olyan környezetben kell a nemzeti jogalkotóknak megtennie, amikor a globalizáció hatása miatt már közel sem biztos, hogy az adós és hitelező azonos ország állampolgára. Épp ezért fontos azt is megnézni, hogy az Európai Unió a tagállamai számára hogyan szabályozza a nemzeti határokon átnyúló, de az Európai Unió tagállamai közötti fizetésképtelenségi eljárásokat.

  • A biotechnikai találmányok hazai és nemzetközi jogi szabályozásának sajátosságai
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    In my study I say about that change, which became at the area of biotechnology. The revolution of DNS technology contain a lot of chance, but it has more danger. We need select from the modes.

    My column I checked what happens with the species the biotechnology invention flag. The first observation that the changes faster than other territories, and these changes are complex and interrelated. The post control and correction are also important. It’s got to be introducing the health nutrition compliance. The new products will not harmful for the human and animal health. The legal condition shall prescribe the human defense of human and animal body. One of the most important international convention in that question the European Union Council about the biomedicine. It said need consent of the persons concerned for the biotechnological research. Create new human species, and cloning of human beings, human body use for commercial is prohibited by this convention.

    In my opinion that need promoting the knowledge and biotechnical awareness of consumers. Must be regulated the relations between public order and public morality and biotechnical inventions. It is also necessary to ensure the patentability of biological matter. „Biological material” means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system. Inventions which concern plants or animals shall be patentable if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety. The discussion on the patentability of sequences or partial sequences of genes is controversial. The 98/44/EK Directive, the granting of a patent for inventions which concern such sequences or partial sequences should be subject to the same criteria of patentability as in all other areas of technology: novelty, inventive step and industrial application. Whereas the industrial application of a sequence or partial sequence must be disclosed in the patent application as filed.

    The biotechnical patent need particular importance in the legislation. The Hungarian rules are conforms to the European Union legislation. However, certain additional rules should be laid down. Have to think about the control test in the patent process. The expert can see the applicability just on the test.

  • Irányelv a fogyasztók jogairól (a tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok vonatkozásában)
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    In the past years the European Union has been walking – with its directives, like the 2005/29/EC Directive on consumer rights and the 2008/48/EC Directive on credit agreements for consumers - on a new way, on which it doesn’t let the Member States to regulate (widely). So, minimum clauses are no longer used and the aim is the total harmonization.

    The perfect example for this procedure is the Directive on consumer rights, which was published in the end of 2011 in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    The aim of this paper is to introduce the new directive, but from the rules there will be only the demonstration of the rules which are in connection with the unfair commercial practices.

  • A „távollétes ügyek” egyes elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései a büntetőeljárásban
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    The idea of simplification of the law of criminal procedure has been an interesting topic in the science of law for a long time. Practical necessities, namely the overburdening of the criminal courts and the new challenges of the criminal law called this concept into life. Finishing up a procedure in a reasonable time limit is a very crucial interest – as it was pointed out several times by the Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers and also the Hungarian Constitutional Court. As the international principle declared in the Human Rights says everyone has the right to plead its case within a reasonable period and it can only be achieved that way.

    Because of the reasonable time limit required for a procedure, various simplifications of methods have been introduced into the national systems of criminal procedure. As a part of this process several legal institutions were introduced in the Hungarian law system aiming to accelerate the legal procedure. One of them, which is called special procedure against absent accused, is regulated by Chapter XXIV. of the Law of Criminal Procedure.

    This essay deals with this special procedure in details. Firstly I show through a short international outlook how the procedure against absent accused appears in the practice of the European Council and the European Union. Hereafter a certain case is examined in details where the European Court for Human Rights considered the necessity of the accused person’s appearance. The Court established a principle if the absence of the accused had hurt the requirements of the fair trial. According to this the appearance of the accused person is necessary if it could play a role in the forming of the Court’s opinion.

    Next, I examine the problems connected to the Hungarian regulations because recently serious constitutional worries have appeared related to this legal institution. As a result of this the Constitutional Court made its decision (n. 14/2004) and found many paragraphs of the then existing legal institution unconstitutional. Based on this Decision I go through in details all the problems and requirements related to this procedure. In the light of this, the regulation effective from the 1st of January, 2005 is described, which – according to my opinion – meets the requirements made by the Constitutional Court, so it is exceptional and provisional.

    In the next chapter certain practical experiences of the procedure against absent accused are examined. Here it is stated that the application of this legal institution is the rarest among the legal institutions aiming the acceleration of legal procedures. I explain it by the fact that this is a relatively young legal institution and there was not enough time since it was introduced to give certain conclusions, moreover the application is limited concerning the range of individuals. As a conclusion it can be stated that the application is more common in those cases where the accused is abroad but does not stay in an unknown place. I call the attention to some problems emerged in the practice as the protection of the accused, or the delivery of the copy of indictment and summons, etc.

    As a final conclusion it can be stated that using this legal institution is not so common but the importance of this will increase in the future by joining to the EU because of the easier way of crossing the boards. Hopefully the regulation, which suits to the requirements of the Constitutional Court, will be proper to gain its original aim, namely to simplify and accelerate the legal procedure.

  • A munkahelyi mediáció lehetőségei az Európai Unióban
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    A munkaerőpiac és a munkaügyi kapcsolatok világa olyan terület, ahol a konfliktusok és viták a működés elkerülhetetlen „velejárói”, függetlenül a foglalkoztatás formájától. Ezenkívül a munkaügyi viták egyéni és kollektív szempontból is egyaránt megjelennek, ahol egyéni szinten a szemben álló felek a munkáltató és a munkavállaló, kollektív szinten pedig a munkáltató(k) és a és a munkavállalók csoportja, tipikusan képviselve egy szakszervezet vagy üzemi tanács által.

    Ha egy konfliktus vagy vita egyeztetés útján nem oldható fel, a jog vitarendezési mechanizmusokat kínál a résztvevők számára. Ennek okán számos jogi mechanizmus alakult ki a viták rendezésére, kezdve a klasszikus bírósági peres eljárást, amikor is a bíróság ítélete állapítja meg a vita eredményét, valamint a vitarendezés más alternatív formáit, például a választottbírósági eljárás, a közvetítés és a békéltetés lehetőségét, ahol a felek képesek döntésre vagy egyeségre jutni az állam rendes igazságszolgáltatási rendszerén kívül.

    Az Európai Unió tagállamai különféle szabályokat vezettek be a munkaügyi viták rendezésére, amelyek mindenféle egyéni és kollektív vitára kiterjednek. Az alternatív vitarendezési módszereket a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet (ILO) is támogatja. A 92. (1951) számú ILO Ajánlás, kifejezetten azt fogalmazta meg, hogy az önkéntes egyeztetést rendelkezésre kell bocsátani a munkáltatók és a munkavállalók közötti munkaügyi viták megelőzésének és rendezésének elősegítése érdekében. Az Európai Unió égisze alatt számos eszköz alakult ki annak érdekében, hogy kidolgozzák az alternatív vitarendezési rendszerek működésének alapelveit a vállalkozások és a fogyasztók közötti jogvitákkal összefüggésben. A fogyasztói viták alternatív rendezéséről szóló 2013/11 / EU irányelv („alternatív vitarendezési irányelv”) és az online vitarendezésről szóló 524/2013 / EU rendelet a fogyasztói jogvitákról („vitarendezési rendelet”) biztosította, hogy a fogyasztók a minőségi alternatív vitarendezési szervezetekhez fordulhassanak különféle fogyasztói/kereskedelmi jogvitáikkal, és létrehoztak egy EU-szintű online platformot is a fogyasztói viták rendezésére.

    A munkahelyi közvetítést (mediáció) széles körben és sikeresen alkalmazzák az Egyesült Államokban kizárólag foglalkoztatási célokra, mind a magán, mind az állami szektorban. Megjegyzendő, hogy az Egyesült Államokban az „employment at will” doktrína érvényes, ami alapvetően azt jelenti, hogy a munkaviszony gyakorlatilag bármikor indoklás és azonnali hatállyal felmondható, tehát a munkavállalók – hacsak kollektív szerződés vagy munkáltatói szabályzat másként nem rendelkezik – nem férnek hozzá olyan jellegű a jogorvoslatokhoz, mint az EU-ban, ahol a jogszabályok széles körű védelmet biztostanak az önkényes vagy indokolatlan munkaviszony-megszüntetés ellen. A közvetítés azonban hatékony megoldást kínál a munkavállalók és a munkavállalók számára egyaránt, még akkor is, ha a munkajog védőbástyáin kívül esnek

    Míg a fogyasztói alternatív vitarendezés és mediáció szerepe az egész Európai Unióban növekszik, a munkahelyi és a munkaügyi mediáció továbbra is „szürke zónát” képez. Az EU számos jogforrásában, valamint a nemzeti jogi rendszerekben a fogyasztókat és a munkavállalókat azonos figyelemmel veszik számításba, így protektív szabályozással ellensúlyozzák gyengébb és egyensúlyhiányos helyzetüket jogviszonyaikban, a vitarendezési formákhoz való hozzáférés tekintetében jelentős, és nem mindig ésszerű differenciálás mutatható ki. Ugyanakkor, bár a mediáció elérhető eszköz az egyéni munkajogi ügyekben is, jelentősége elhanyagolható, és a legfeljebb csak a kollektív viták megoldására szolgáló jogintézményként tekintenek rá. Mindezek okán jelen tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa és összehasonlítsa a meditáció különféle stílusait, kifejezze azok legnagyobb előnyeit és kiemelje azokat a területeket, ahol a mediáció jobban alkalmazható lehetne a munkahelyi viták során.

  • Gondolatok az európai szerződési jog új irányairól
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    On the field of contract law the European Union started a wide legislative effect at the end of the 20th Century. Despite of the originally economic and public legal goals of the Communities recently the competence of the EC institutions conquest a major field in the area of private law. To ensure the fast and non-problematic acceptance of these directives concerning to contract law EC chose two important solutions. Most of the directives focus on the neglected area of the so-called atypical contracts (hawk contracts, e-commerce contracts, leasing contracts, factoring contracts, etc.). As these contractual forms were born in the hands of business actors, most of the European civil codes do not deal with them in an explicit way. As a gap of law this area is the best approach to create unified legal institutions in all Member States’ legislation. The other relevant factor is the law of consumer protection. This is not only a fashionable topic in Europe but a rather underdeveloped issue in – especially – the new Member States. Almost all legal institutions in the EC directives in connection with contract law contain a strong link to protecting customers. As and indirect effect, these new institutions (such as consumer’s right to withdrawal) found their ways in the national codes to be flagships applicable for all consumer contracts. This essay contains thoughts about these relevant changes in approaching contract law from the rather unique EC perspective.

  • A nemzetköziesedés jelentősége a felsőoktatásban
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    The internationalisation of the Hungarian higher education has a crucial role in the overall operation of the Hungarian higher educational system. The increasing presence of the international students at the Hungarian universities can alleviate the negative impact of the demographic decrease of the secondary students’ number in the country and can help the higher educational institutions to secure their needs in order to sustain their operation – mostly in an economic way.

    Several dilemmas emerge with the internationalisation of the higher education globally. One of these problems is the provision of the equal access to international higher education. If the equal access is not provided – and honestly this is the actual situation in most of the countries – than the differences in the social background of the students can have a great impact on the international education possibilities. Those students who have the possibility to study abroad can earn that much benefits during their education which is unavailable for those students who can only learn in their home countries. This tendency with respect to the cultural reproduction theory can widen the gap between the different social groups and so called social classes based on economic but not knowledge or talent differences.

    One of the most important elements and prerequisites of the successful functioning of the international higher education is the effective and suitable legal background. Hungary as a member state of the European Higher Education Area and of the European Union have several benefits from its memberships because this institutional and legal background will make the diplomas issued by Hungarian universities accepted in several countries. The international comparability of the knowledge incorporated by the Hungarian diplomas can be granted by the harmonisation of the different acts and the legal systems of the member states. The Hungarian results on this field are impressive.

    Based on these information we can analyse the importance of the international higher education in case of the labour market. One of the leading occupation tendencies in the 21st century is the internationalisation of the labour market. The companies are trying to employ the best workforce available on the labour market and the lack of suitable workforce pushes them to find the suitable employees abroad – or on the domestic universities and they have much more possibilities if international students are also studying there.

  • Egyes formatervezési mintaoltalmi alapfogalmak a joggyakorlat alapján
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    The Committee of the European Union after the issue of the Directive 98/71/EC found that the integrity of the internal market needs an easily accessible uniform protection of designs that covers the whole territory of the Community. For this reason was issued the 6/2002 EC regulation on Community Designs. The most important definitions and the grounds for invalidity are absolutely identical in the directive and the regulation. May aim by this short essay is to interpret the main definitions of design law by analysing some published cases of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM). The case law has important role in the field of design law since the requirements of protection and the grounds of invalidity contain a number of unique terms can be construed only by practice. As a consequence of the harmonised design law the practice of the Office can exercise a strong guiding effect not only on the application of community design law but national level design laws in the procedure of the national offices and courts. . 25 (1) point b) is the most used ground for invalidity in practice when a conflict with Art. 4-9. occurs. Within this point lack of novelty, individual character and prior disclosure shall be mentioned first of all. In the relation of novelty and individual character it seems of the cases that lack of novelty always excludes any further examination of individual character since individuality can be considered a narrower definition of novelty. By analyzing the overall impression produced by a design to an informed user the Office always underline that the difference must be instantly and obviously recognizable. The impression shouldn’t be based on through examination of the informed user. The invalidity division stated that any prior design in important databases on internet shall be deemed to be known by the specialised circles and can result the disclosure according to the regulation. In connection with features dictated solely by its technical function the Office stated that designs contain only elements of merely technical purpose (in this case an engine block and engine parts) specific position of such elements and the general impression of the whole enough to provide legal protection for such features. There is no ground for invalidity pursuant to this reason if the same technical function can be achieved by different design.

             In my essay I focused on the most the above mentioned most relevant parts of some definitions. My future plan is to analyse the differences between the legal practice of different European countries concerning this issue.

  • A munkajog területén megvalósuló egyenlő bánásmód követelménye, valamint megsértésének módjai az Európai Bíróság és a magyar bírói gyakorlat tükrében
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    Employment and occupation are crucial to ensuring equal opportunities for all and in large measure contribute to the full participation of citizens in economic, social and culture life. However, many cases of discrimination have been identified in the field of employment and the labour market.

    In this study I try to examine how the equal treatment works in the EU Law and Hungarian national law, and I try to present the case-law of the European Court of Justice and the Hungarian Courts in this area. The first part of the study deals with the definition of key concepts (direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment), and include its legal background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and the Hungarian legislation. The second part tries to describe the legal concept of indirect discrimination, mentioned as justification (statutory derogation, objective justification). And finally I try to present the special burden of proof, which is used in discrimination cases.

  • A szabadság szabályozása és joggyakorlati szempontú értékelése, különös tekintettel az igény érvényesítésére
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    A tanulmány a szabadságra vonatkozó legfontosabb szabályokat járja körül. A célom az volt, hogy segítséget nyújtsak a munkavállalóknak és a munkáltatóknak abban, hogy ki rendelkezik a szabadsággal, mikor kell a szabadságot kiadni, hosszabb tartamú keresőképtelenség után jár-e szabadság, kiadható-e heti egy nap szabadság. Választ adok arra, hogy mi a teendő az év végéig ki nem adott szabadsággal, a munkáltató gazdasági érdeke indokolhatja-e annak megszakítását, lehet-e és mikor azt pénzben megváltani, és az ez irányú igény meddig érvényesíthető, azaz mikor következik be az elévülés. Bemutatom azt is, hogy mi a megoldás a munkaviszony megszűnése, vagy megszüntetése esetén, amikor a munkavállaló kevesebb, vagy éppen több szabadságot vett ki, mint ami időarányosan megillette volna. Fókuszba helyezem, hogy kinek mit kell bizonyítani az eredményes igényérvényesítéshez, milyen jelentősége van a munkáltató nyilvántartási kötelezettségének. A célom elérésében szemléltetem a szabadság európai uniós és hazai szabályozását és felhasználtam az Európai Unió Bíróságának és a Kúria néhány érdekes és irányadó döntését is. A téma végére érve arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy a bíróságok az eléjük kerülő egyedi ügyekben igyekeznek a jogszabály helyes értelmezését megadni, melyek precedens jellegüknél fogva más ügyekben is kötelező érvényűek.

  • A GDPR-ról – különös tekintettel a könyvtárakra és levéltárakra
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    Nowadays data has become one of the most important value which raises the question of protecting personal data. The European Union responds to the challenge by legal instruments: since 25 May 2018 it has been obligatory for the member states to apply GDPR. In the article, first I study the novelties of GDPR. Then I examine to what extent the provisions apply to libraries and archives.

    The novelties can be divided into several larger groups. Some of them belong to the data subjects (data portability, right to be forgotten, pseudonymisation), the other parts are principles like data protection by design and by default or the closely related accountability principle. The Regulation also introduces a new legal institution, the data-protection impact assessment and requires the notification of personal data breachConcerning the expected impacts, it is clear that the Regulation strengthens the rights of the data subjects but imposes new obligations on data controllers and strengthens the role of control. GDPR is a determinative law for the undertakings and business life, and it must also be applied by libraries and archives. For archiving purposes in the public interest, however, the Regulation allows for exemptions concerning libraries and archives. The provisions require libraries and archives to identify the risks that may occur while processing personal data as well as to examine their regulations.

  • A munkaviszony megszűnésének és megszüntetésének új szabályai a korábbi szabályozás tükrében
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    From the 1st of July 2012, Act XXII of 1992 on the Labour Code, which was effective from the 1st of July 1992, had given place Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (New Code). The New Code has brought a lot of changes concerning the cessation and termination of the employment. The univoque aim of the legislator, near reducing the number of the labour suits, was resolving the inconsistency of the practice, corresponding to the changing social and economic relations, furthermore harmonising the Hungarian law to the law of the European Union. The rules concerning the termination of the employment have not substantially changed. The New Code broadens the list of cases regulated previously. Concerning the termination of the employment, the New Code determines the ordinary dismissal as dismissal, whereas the extraordinary dismissals as dismissal with prompt effect.
    At the same time, it is a new rule, that the parties could terminate the definite term employment with dismissal, if the conditions determined by the New Code emerge. The New Code has brought substantial changes concerning the rules of the dismissal protection. It constricts the number of cases when the dismissal protection could be applicable and respecting the application of the dismissal protection, it considers authoritative the moment of the notification of the dismissal. For example an expectant mother could refer to the dismissal protection, if she had notified the employer about the pregnancy before the notification of dismissal.
    According to subsection 3 of section 65, there are cases, when the dismissal should not be communicated, whereas according to subsection 2 of section 68, the dismissal could be communicated, but the termination period would start earliest after the last day determined by the New Code.
    The New Code, contrary to the old one, determines 6 months as the longest term of the dismissal period. The rules of the acquittal and the severance pay have not changed substantially. Regarding the dismissal with prompt effect, the legislator makes a distinction between the termination with motivation and the termination without motivation. It is a substantial modification regarding the unlawful termination of the employment, that according to the rules of the New Code, the employee could claim for damages as arrears of salary, which could not exceeds the 12 months amount of the absence fee. The restoration of the employment could be executed only in the few cases determined by section 83 and only if the employee requests for it.

  • A drónrepüléssel összefüggő magánjogi igények
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    The technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are most commonly known as ‘drones’, is one of the most rapidly developing field of modern science. That is largely owing to the fact that drones are used in more and more fields of economy, from architecture and media to agriculture and logistics, etc. According to predictions of the European Union, the drone industry may have an income of € 10 billion annually, by 2035, and could create about 100,000 workplaces as well.[2] In addition, the number of hobby drone users is also increasing quickly, with millions of registered drone users in the United States of America alone.[3]

    The nature of drones, namely the fact that these devices can soar up to 30 or more metres in the air and carry out different kind of operations (including taking photographs) by an operator on the ground may cause a lot of conflicts between drone operators and people not taking part in the operation. However, these conflicts, are unlikely to be solved without legal interference, which makes it necessary for both lawmakers and organizations applying the law to prepare for these situations in order to be able to give proper answers to the problem.

    In my research, I have indicated the development of drones in a historical context and also specified the classification of drones, which allowed me to outline those types that are relevant to the subject matter. I also presented the legal background of drone flight in force, on the level of the EU legislation and also gave an insight to the previous, Hungarian legislation. Then, I started to identify those legal claims that can be especially relevant on the terrain of civil law, and concluded three main claims can be named: liability for damages, infringement on personal rights (right to one’s image and, in particular) and the civil tort of trespass to land.

    I analysed all of these claims separately and in connection with each other, and found interesting problems that could have huge relevance in a legal dispute before a court. I intended to support my findings and arguments with opinions from legal scientists, court decisions from Hungary and abroad, and legislative solutions from abroad. At the end of my writing, I concluded that the described problems, and the solution that is given to them, are indeed crucial, because they will most definitely affect the way people can use drones, and neither too strict, nor too loose rules are appropriate to decide upon the subject.

  • A menekültügyi őrizet elrendelésének anyagi jogi feltételei az uniós jog tükrében
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    Hungary lies in the route of the stream of refugees coming from the Balkan. It is a transit country, so the refugees do not typically intend to stay here, they rather wish to travel torwards to West- and North Europe. Particular sections of Hungary's border also mean the external borders of the European Union, the area of freedom, security and justice, which has a common asylum system. Significant part of illegal immigrants presents asylum claim only to avoid the aliens procedures.

    From the 1st of January 2013, the legislature terminated the aliens detention against asylum applicants. From 1st of July 2013 the Hungarian legislature reintroduced the possibility of detention of applicants. The new regulation has been placed in Act LXXX of 2007 on the Right of Asylum, Sections 31/A-31/H by Act XCIII of 2013 on the Amendment of Particular Laws Concerning Law Enforcement. The introduction of asylum-seeker detention and the practice of its application have raised dust. In my essay I am introducing the connections between the reasons of ordering asylum-seeker detention in the Act on Asylum and its backgroud in the EU Directive. I am not dealing with the question of compatibility of asylum detention and human rights and with problematic procedural issues, because I consider it more important to review the substantive conditions of asylum-seeker detention and the certain practical questions of its application therefore I am focusing on this segment of jurisdiction.

  • Tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok – végrehajtás és gyakorlat az Európai Unióban
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    The first aim of this paper is to show the rules of the 2005/29/EC Directive on unfair commercial practices (hereafter: UCPD) on enforcement and the rules of the Member States of the EU on enforcement. The second aim is to show some cases on unfair commercial practices (from the European Court of Justice (hereafter: ECJ) and from national organizations too). This time „enforcement” means only „practice”, so this paper won’t deal with control or supervisory activity.
    At the first point there are the rules on enforcement from the UCPD and some rules of some Member States. At the second point there are the decisions of the ECJ. First, there are the decisions in connection with the implementation and the harmonization. Second, there are the decisions in connection with the rules of the UCPD and advertising. At the third point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with the UCPD. At the fourth point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with advertising.

  • Jogérvényesítési lehetőségek az egyoldalú hatalmasság visszaélésszerű gyakorlása esetén a munkaidő területén
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    A Munka Törvénykönyve munkaidőkeretre vonatkozó szabályait módosító 2018. évi CXVI. törvény korábban említett rendelkezéseitől eltekintve sehol nem lelhető fel hatályos joganyagunkban a munkavállalói egyetértés érdemleges igénylése a munkaidő témakörében, ami pedig – akár egy munkáltatói ultima ratio fenntartása mellett – álláspontunk szerint rendkívül előnyös lenne, nem csak alapjogi, nem csak szociális, de gazdasági-hatékonysági szempontból is. Az előzőekben említett európai uniós jogharmonizációs kötelezettség teljesítése nem kétségesen ezen a területen is előnyöket rejtene magában. Észre kell vennünk ugyanakkor, hogy az Európai Unió jogalkotása sem ad a fenti problémákra kielégítő megoldást, hiszen maga sem tartalmaz a munkavállalói oldalt a munkaidővel/munkarenddel kapcsolatos döntésekbe kellő mélységben bevonó jogszabályi rendelkezéseket. Álláspontunk szerint megoldást kizárólag egy olyan hazai jogalkotási reform jelenthetne, amely az európai Unió jogával összhangban, de saját utas megoldásokkal választ adna a tanulmányunkban felemlített problémák összességére.