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  • Az élettársi kapcsolat magyar szabályozása és az Élettársi Nyilatkozatok Nyilvántartása
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    Az elmúlt évtizedekben Magyarországon és egész Európában jelentősen megnőtt az élettársi kapcsolatban élők, valamint az élettársi kapcsolatból született gyermekek száma. E tények, társadalmi tapasztalatok miatt szükség volt az élettársi kapcsolatra vonatkozó magyar szabályozás jelentős módosítására is, amire az új Polgári Törvénykönyvben került sor. Az élettársi kapcsolatok nyilvántartásában ugyanakkor fontos szerepet kaptak a közjegyzők. Közjegyző-helyettesi munkám során azt tapasztalatom, hogy a viszonylag gyakori jogszabályi változások miatt az élettársak nincsenek tisztában az élettársi kapcsolat joghatásaival.

    Ezért rövid tanulmányomban bemutatom az élettársi kapcsolatra vonatkozó magyar szabályozás múltját, jelenét. Különös figyelmet szentelek a Magyar Országos Közjegyzői Kamara által vezetett Élettársi Nyilatkozatok Nyilvántartásának. Ez az áttekintés kitűnő lehetőséget biztosít a nyilvántartás kezelése során szerzett gyakorlati tapasztalataim és a nyilvántartásról kialakult véleményem megfogalmazására is.

  • „Egészen uj csődosztályzati projectum”: A csődjogi szabályok helyreállítása az Ideiglenes Törvénykezési Szabályokban
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    Az 1848-49. évi szabadságharc bukása után a neoabszolutizmus jelentősen átalakította a magyar jogrendszert, mivel az Osztrák Császárság jogi egységesítése céljából az osztrák törvénykönyvek bevezetésére került sor. Ferenc József az Októberi Diploma kiadásával enyhített a korábbi abszolút kormányzati felfogáson, valamint visszaállította az 1847 előtti magyar közigazgatási és törvénykezési szervezetet. Ennek keresztülvitelével az újonnan kinevezett országbírót, gr. Apponyi Györgyöt bízta meg, aki ebből a célból egy tanácskozást hívott össze. Ez a gyűlés a magyar történetírásba Országbírói Értekezlet néven vonult be, amely rendelkezett a magyar bíróságokon alkalmazandó joganyagról.

    Jelen tanulmányban ezen tanácskozás csődjogra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálom, amelynek keretében bemutatom az Országbírói Értekezlet e jogterületre vonatkozó rendelkezéseit és a gyűlésen készült jegyzőkönyv alapján a szabályozás „mozgatórugóit”. Az osztrák ideiglenes csődrendtartás helyett ugyanis ismételten hatályba léptették az első magyar csődtörvényt, az 1840:22. tc.-et. A szakirodalomban ennek kapcsán jellemzően csupán az jelenik meg, hogy az Országbírói Értekezlet a polgári korszak változásaihoz idomította a törvénycikk anyagi és alaki szabályait. A tanácskozás résztvevői által kifejtett álláspontok és levéltári források ismertetésével szemléltetem, hogy a módosítások ennél komolyabb változásokat generáltak. Emellett a csődönkívüli kényszeregyezség első magyarországi megjelenése is a neoabszolutizmus korszakához kapcsolódott, amelyre szintén reagált a magyar jogtudomány színe-javát felvonultató értekezlet.

  • A fizetési meghagyás kibocsátása iránti kérelmek közjegyzői vizsgálata
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    2010 marked the opening of a new chapter inthe more than 120 years history of the Hungarian order for payment procedure. Breaking with the Hungarian traditions, the notaries became competent to carry out these procedures instead of courts. The Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries established an accessible web-based computerised system for support of procedures. The registration of requests, the assignment of cases to notaries and the administrative handling of cases are carried out through this electronic network. The legislator’s aims when modified the regulation of this legal instrument was to reduce the duration of order for payment procedures and the workload of courts. In this paper I give an overview of the content of order for payment requests and of the practical experience of the notaries in connection with the examination of requests.

  • Gondolatok a szerzői jogi törvény legújabb módosítása kapcsán
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    The Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright was amended by the Act CVLV of 2005 with effect of 15 April 2006 in compliance with the provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures and procedures to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (hereinafter: “Enforcement-Directive”). The Enforcement-Directive concerns the measures necessary to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent, trade marks, etc.). The Member States of the European Union had to provide for the proportionate measures and procedures needed to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights covered by the Enforcement-Directive. The amended and supplement provisions of the Hungarian Act on Copyright provide efficient shelter for the authors from the infringement of copyright law on the one hand and provide legal (procedural) guarantees for the potential infringers on the other hand.

    There are some new provisions which can be applied against the infringers not only by final judgment but also as provisional and precautionary measures. When a judicial decision has been taken finding an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, the judicial authorities may serve the infringer with an injunction aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. The judicial authorities can serve the alleged infringer, or the intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe a right, with an interlocutory injunction intended to prevent any impending infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, or to forbid the continuation of the alleged infringements of copyright or neighbouring right, or to make such continuation subject to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensation of right holder. The judicial authorities can be empowered to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence to their satisfaction with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or, that such infringement is imminent. The judicial authorities may order the publication or seizure of bank, financial or commercial documents. The judicial authorities may order the recall, at the infringer’s expense in appropriate cases, of the goods which have been found to infringe copyright or neighbouring right and may order that the goods which have been found to infringe the right, as well as the materials and implements used primarily for the creation or the manufacture of the goods in question, be disposed of outside the channels of commerce, without any compensation being due.  It can be also ordered, that the decision be displayed and published in full or in part in the newspapers or in the internet designated by the right holder.

    The most efficient protection against the usurpation can be satisfied by the parallel regulation of the civil and criminal law. The next steps to be done by the European Union are the criminal law provisions. Besides the regulations, consistent jurisdiction is necessary, in which the courts should play an important role.

  • Az üzemi tanács mint önálló adatkezelő
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    n most cases, the employer is the only one identified as a data controller in connection with employment relationships, even though other actors of employment such as the trade unions and the works councils also process data in relation to their activities carried out based on and in compliance with the Labour Code. Even so, while the data processing of the trade union does not raise any particular questions compared to other data controllers, issues do arise in connection with the works council. Works councils undeniably process the employees’ personal data in order to carry out their activities and fulfil their tasks, though without own assets and organisation separate from the employer’s, data processing of the works council could be attributed to the employer and considered as if it was the employer’s data processing, which would settle most of the possibly arising questions such as liability for infringing data protection rules. However, after the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU came into force in 2018, the definition of the data controller changed and includes now so-called “other bodies” as well, even if these bodies lack legal personality. Thus, the works council itself shall be considered as data controller which means that it must execute the obligations set in data protection rules. Despite the fact that based on the GDPR rules the works council shall be considered as data controller independent from other data controllers including the employer, this fact seems to be unknown for all relevant bodies, even for the data protection authority. Possibly because the works council is still thought to be a part of the employer’s organization and thus it is not obvious that the transfer of data between the employer and the works council is limited and conditional as they are two independent data controller, obliged to guard the employee’s relevant data even from one another. Hence, it is important to emphasize that the works council itself is an independent data controller in order to ensure a high level of protection for the employees. The aim of this paper therefore is to prove that the works council is clearly an independent data controller by analysing the relevant Hungarian and EU rules

  • Drónok a horizonton, gyerekjáték vagy új veszélyes üzem?
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    The reason why We have chosen this topic for my research is that new technologies have appeared in our environment, particularly the unnamed aerial vehicle. In Hungary, similarly to some other countries, there is a gap in the legislation concerning the use of UAV.

    The UAV technology raises many questions because these vehicles can be used for several reasons. It is necessary to analyse in depth the legal environment of UAV and to change our perspective because it is not enough to consider the legal context; technical and other aspects have to be taken into consideration as well.

    Most academic sources concerning the usage of UAV focus on the military use of UAV. In my research I focus on the topic from the aspects of civil law; the reason for this is that I consider the legal restrictions concerning the ordinary vehicles used for everyday purposes not for governmental ones.

    The main goal of our paper is to study how the usage of UAV can be legally controlled. This question is important because the number of these vehicles are gradually growing which leads to several legal issues, for instance privacy or tort.

    In our research We have analyzed the international laws and regulation plans, the international laws, draft legislation. The „abnormally dangerous activities” that appear in the title of the paper is only a call for attention to evaluate the liability in the civil law.

    The other aim of our paper is to make a proposal to set up a work group who is going to work out the regulations in detail. Legislators and researchers could participate in the work group, among whom are technical and legal professionals as well.

  • MINTHA-követés - Globalizációs problémák az önkormányzati fejlődés példáján
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    In Hungary almost every reform has its reference to the integration in the west, especially European Union. The explanation for failures is the difficulties of adjustment. The dilemma is what kind of reasons result this problem: is it a national feature or the original distress of Hungary. We can say that the root of it is the problem of following patterns. The origin of these patterns are from the western world but these patterns needed years or sometimes ages to reach the present situation. It was an organic development.

    In our modern world we can find plenty of legislative elements of globalization, unifying and harmonizing rules and institutions. Most of the international economic organizations make every effort to harmonize economic institutions, but the example of European Union shows that borders are not as simple as it seems. This harmonization and unification has to surpass it to a wider perspective (e.g. administration, public education, telecommunication or private law institutions, etc.).

    In the study I examine the development of self-governing and local governments. In Hungary over the last years – since the birth of self-governing – many changes could be found. Reforms followed reforms. According to a survey the most important fields of reforms are the following:

    • decentralization
    • privatization
    • decreasing the role of public sector
    • reform of the law for public servants
    • information technology
    • financial and budgetary management.

    Reforms of local governments are part of the globalization especially in those countries where change of the regime has happened. To reach the desired western pattern some lemmas are necessary:

    • constitutional state
    • territorialism of state
    • guaranteed financial sources
    • stability from the perspective of economy and policy.

    These foundational criterions are spread by international organizations like NAFTA, GATT, WTO, IMF, WB, OECD or EU itself. Plenty of recommendations exist on this field for administration and local governments. The Council of Europe has a basic document, the Charta of European Local Governments.

    If we examine the problem closer we can see that in spite of every recommendation or regulation, local governments are in trouble for example in Hungary. There are exact rules or principles to ensure the liberty or free space for them, but financial problems always exist.

    In the essay I analyzes the way of following patterns in typical countries and try to show how hard is to introduce a pattern from a moment to another that has prestigious past.

  • Termékszavatosság – egy új jogintézmény a fogyasztói érdekek védelmében
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    This study presents the product warranty, a new element of the Hungarian system of law. The author describes the main features of product warranty in comparison with warranty and product liability. The author states some comments on the regulation. In the end the importance of product warranty is presented by stating a case.


    Egy új jogi szabályozás megjelenésekor adott a lehetőség az elméleti és gyakorlati szakemberek számára, hogy a korábbi normaszöveghez történő hasonlítással tárják fel és elemezzék a változásokat. A Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 2013. évi V. törvény (Ptk.) nem vitásan érinti a civiljog teljes spektrumát, új elemekkel frissítve a már kialakult magánjogi intézményrendszert. Jelen írás a termékszavatosság szabályainak elemző bemutatására tesz kísérletet.

    A magyar jogi szabályozásban előzmények nélküli jogintézményről van szó, ezért a meghatározó jellemzők bemutatása más, a hibás teljesítéshez kapcsolódó jogintézményekhez történő hasonlítással történik meg. Ennek során a kiindulási alapot a hibás teljesítésből eredő igények „anyajogának” tekinthető kellékszavatosság jelenti, ezen túlmenően a hibás teljesítéssel okozott károk megtérítésére (a továbbiakban: kártérítés), valamint termékfelelősségre vonatkozó szabályok kapnak szerepet.

    A termékszavatosságra vonatkozó rendelkezések a Ptk.-nak a kötelmi jogi szabályokat tartalmazó hatodik könyvében, annak XXIV. fejezetében, a hibás teljesítésre vonatkozó rendelkezéseknél szerepelnek a kellékszavatosságra és kártérítésére vonatkozó szabályokkal együtt. A hibás teljesítésből eredő fogyasztói igények körében további igényérvényesítési lehetőséget teremtő termékfelelősségi szabályok ettől eltérően a szerződésen kívül okozott kárért való felelősséggel szabályai között, a LXXII. fejezetben kaptak helyet.

  • Az élethez való jog néhány jogelméleti kérdéséről
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    Nowadays in vitro fertilisation raises relevant controversies at the point of view of jurisprudence as well. The distinct approximations of in vitro embryos, such as to be considered as personae or objects, are also resources of several theoretical and pragmatical questions. It is essential to give a compendious summary about what kind of jurisprudental environment had been contributed to the intrumental comprehension of human embryos too, otherwise it is difficult to understand the scientific quandaries connected to the subject correctly. Merely thereafter the international and the Hungarian regulation of in vitro embryo’s status seems to able to be dissected, in particular the case-law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court related to the right to life and the constitutional funds of the oncurrent re-regulation in our country.

  • Hugo Grotius újraolvasva, avagy a „Nemzetközi jog atyja” gondolatai a XXI. század elejének nemzetközi jogában
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    There are several theories when the birth date of international law was. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) was the first who systematized these specific rules and raised it to a scientific level. In this essay I examine how Grotius thought about important institutions of international law and what kind of impact these considerations have to our modern age.

    War cannot be seen only as an unlawful act, because most of the original human instincts can be recognized in fighting to each other. This point of view proclaims that international law does not denounce war generally. Existence of international law is important to determine the rules of warfare. To suit to the criterions of lawful war, a war should perform two requirements: opposite parties have to be main authorities in their state and both of them have to keep special formal rules during their fight. Main supremacy means that this power is absolute in its territory, so there are no other relevant human factors to limit it. In our age we have to mention that this criterion is no longer applicable without reservation, because the attack against USA on 11th September 2001 demonstrated that not only states can fight to each other.

    Grotius gives importance to the reasons of war too. Three reasons exist: defence, regain possession and punishment. Defence means self-defence, which is a right for everybody to protect himself against unlawful injuries, but this solution has to be the last one. Self-defence can be applicable only if it is necessary, sudden and proportional. After the attack against USA a question was born: is it possible to protect before the real attack, when the enemy is in the period of planning an injury. This preventive self-defence is supported by USA, but UN appreciates the right to self-defence only if there is an armed attack against the state. According to Grotius reasons of war can be pretexts or real reasons. Fear of uncertainty can be a pretext for example, because it is not the most proportional instrument to avoid conflict.

    Grotius examines not only ius ad bellum but ius in bellum, rights during a war. These regulations are formal obligations, which give frame to the lawful war and show direction to the opposite parties. Grotius says that there are regulations strictly from the law of nature. A great example is that every instrument can be applicable if it is necessary to reach the major aim of war. It is obvious that today this sentence is intolerable, because technical revolution created such weapons that have power to destroy a whole country suddenly. That is why certain prohibited weapons and methods of warfare exist in international treaties. Grotius deals with the problem of traitors, who support the enemy. There is a slight distinction between the nature of dispatched goods. If these goods can be used for fighting, i.e. weapons, traders are enemies too. If these goods are luxury ones, no traitors can be found. The third situation is more problematic, because if these goods can be used in and outside a war too, the exact situation has to examine to judge the intention of the party.

    Groitus has interesting thoughts about prisoners. All prisoners and their descendants become slaves. It means the enemy can do anything against prisoners. By now we have certain rules how to treat with prisoners and it is a general regulation that torture and murder against prisoners is strictly prohibited.

    An interesting question is in connection with the law of contracts. Hostages and pledge can be typical securities to strengthen a contract. Grotius says that killing a hostage can be lawful, but inner morals order that killing is lawful only if hostage is culpable too.

    Grotius deals with the question of ministers, arranging debates. Looking through this huge work of Grotius we can say statement that he is the father of international law is not without basic and well structured reasons. Before the birth of his book, there were only rules and commentaries for national laws. Grotius extended them to a larger perspective, up to an international level.

  • A szerződési szabadság gazdaságszabályozó szerepe
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    The freedom of contract has an economic regulating rule, both on individual and on communal level; secures either the enforcement of the law of the self-determination of the parts, or the possibility of market participation.

    Gwartney and Lawson, elaborators of the conception of the economic freedom, said that the capstones of the economic freedom are the freedom for the decisions and for the acts of the persons, moreover the volunteering of the exchange, the freedom of the competition, the protection of the persons and their properties.

    Several indicators are available for measuring the economic freedom. One of them is the index of the Canadian Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World; furthermore it is one of the most respected indicators. This index investigates the rate of the economic freedom by using 42 factors grouped to five parts. These five components are the legal system and the protection of the ownership, size of the state, reliable, so stable valued money, the freedom of the foreign trade, the capital market and the regulation of the business. The last four items can be identified as the freedom of the contract.

  • Genetikai teszt a fogyasztók számára
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    The European Academies Science Advisory Council (hereafter: EASAC) and the Federation
    of European Academies of Medicine (hereafter: FEAM) published a study on „Direct-toconsumer
    genetic testing for health-related purposes in the European Union” in the summer of
    This paper shows the results of the research of the working group of the two mentioned
    organizations. The main aim was to investigate the scientific, ethic questions and the
    questions in connection with the possible regulation. The second aim was to define principles
    and recommendations for the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of
    Ministers and the political decision-makers of the Member States.
    This paper also shows the results of the workshop – organized by the EASAC, the FEAM and
    the Science and Technology Options Assessment (hereafter: STOA) - in the end of 2012.
    Finally, there are some facts on the regulations on the genetic tests outside the EU.

  • Gondolatok a pótmagánvádról
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    In Hungary the new code of criminal procedure established a new legal institution to the Hungarian legal system: accessory private prosecution. This kind of private prosecution gives opportunity to the afflicted person to continue penal procedure in case of negative sentences from investigation authorities. If the prosecutor or the investigation authority stops proceeding or the prosecutor sets aside, withdraws formal accusation, afflicted person can substitute them during a penal procedure and has a right to claim the continuation of it. Our valid code does not limit the field of crimes this legal institution of accessory private prosecution can be applied. But there are some strict reasons, which limit this right of the afflicted person. If the investigation authorities neglected formal accusation because of childhood, death, prescription, clemency, prohibition of ne bis in idem, accessory private prosecution cannot be applied.

    Pros of accessory private prosecution can be found in the rights of afflicted persons. Criminal power of the state cannot be absolute, so we have to give the right for the injured to judge whether he insists on taking the responsibility of the perpetrator despite the opposite opinion of public bodies. This legal institution can help omissions of prosecutors to be remedied. Practicing this right depends on the stadium of the procedure. During the investigation period or the period of formal accusation reasons for accessory private prosecution are different.

    According to the new rules of the code, applying an advocate in the procedure is an obligation for the afflicted person. This regulation ensures that the structure of penal proceedings cannot be changed basically. In a normal procedure there is always a professional expert, the prosecutor on the side of accusation. That is why the code does not permit accusation without applying an advocate.

    Costs are interesting question in case of accessory private prosecution. In popular action procedures costs are paid by the state. When the afflicted person practices the right of accessory private prosecution, state pays in advance, but if perpetrator is acquitted or the court stops proceeding, costs should be paid by the private prosecutor himself. There are some rules to ease this burden for the afflicted person: if he has bad financial capacity and he can certify this circumstance, court can authorize him not to pay for the fee of the advocate.

    There is a special question in connection with accessory private prosecution: representation of the state. In these procedures the afflicted person is the state or one of the state bodies itself. There are two points of view to answer the question: who is authorized to represent the state as an accessory private prosecutor during a penal procedure. First we have to make difference between the injuries: if the injury is against the state while practising public authority, the injured party is the state itself. But if the injury hit the state as a civil legal entity, a possessor, the right to claim is in the hand of that public body, which was entrusted to handle the injured property. This theory means that in case of injuries against the public author state, only the prosecutor can represent it, so there is no chance for accessory private prosecution.

    The other solution for this problem has its starting point that in every crime against public property, accessory private prosecution can be applied. In this case the state can be represented by that part of it, which has interest. Although there are no jurisdiction in this question, because accessory private prosecution was established by the new code from 1st July 2003 after fifty years into the Hungarian legal practice. According to the regulations of the code, we can find the following sentence: afflicted person is whose right or legal interest was hurt or endangered by the crime. Analyzing this definition the argument can be read previously is decent for those situations, when we would like to find the legal representative of the state as an accessory private prosecutor.

    Accessory private prosecution is a good solution that fits to the new directions of law development, to increase rights of the afflicted person. Naturally, time needs to become a well-adopted legal institution in Hungarian legal system after half a century silence.

  • A köztörvényhatósági törvény (1870:XLII. tc.) létrejötte
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    Act no XLII of 1870 reflected the constitutional arrangements of the Compromise of 1867. This was the first law providing a comprehensive regulation of the system of public administration, which remained, with minor amendments, determining in the entire dualistic era. The system of “virilims” was introduced, which restricted popular representation. The office of the Lord Lieutenant, as the representative of the centralistic endeavours of the government, was created, whereby central power could be enforced. The central government did all in its power to ensure that the self-government of municipalities was kept under control. The rights that local authorities had in the feudal period could no longer be granted, as this would have frustrated the operation of the central government. It was in accordance with the above that the provisions of the law had to be accepted, local policy influenced, and municipalities thereby reorganised.

  • Az Emberi Jogok Európai Egyezménye 6. cikk 1. bekezdésének általános áttekintése az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának gyakorlatára tekintettel
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    The most important human rights were firstly defined by the French Declaration from 1789. These rights are called as first generation rights, because they guarantee the most important civil and political rights of people. The states mostly act passive in order to protect them. They create acts on their protection, special mechanisms for enforcing them. We can state that every field of law is based upon them and helps protecting the human rights.

    The right to a fair trial is a first generation human right. Its regulation scheme is very complex; therefore it is a hard and a complex task to define the importance and the key functions of this right, because the laws on it are varied. Besides civil procedural law, international law, EU-law and – within national legal systems – constitutional law has also been dealing with the right to a fair trial.

    In the field of international law many international and regional treaties exist on the enforcement of procedural rights. In my paper I examined the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter: ECHR). The ECHR is an international treaty on the protection of human rights. It was born under the auspices of the Council of Europe in 1950, Rome. From 1959 its control mechanism is the European Court of Human Rights.

    In my paper I examined the proper interpretation and the actual application of the ECHR art. 6. par. 1based on the work of the international court.The article 6 of ECHR is about the right to a fair trial. In par. 1 the Convention gives a list of the most common features of a fair trial: (1) a fair and public hearing; (2) with a reasonable time; (3) the tribunal must be established by law and must meet with the requirements of independency and impartiality; (4) and finally the judgement shall be pronounced publicly. It enshrines the principle of the rule of law, upon which such a society is based and built.

    The first chapter deals with problem of the interpretation of the article. I tried to give the most convenient statements, which I defined upon the case law of the ECHR. After the question of interpretation is answered, the third chapter tries to give an overview of the applicability of article 6.In this section I cited many cases of the ECHR, because the Court has been developing the question of applicability in its case law. It is because it considers the Convention as a living-organism, so the article 6. needed to be interpreted again and again during these decades.

  • Ítélkezési állandók és vitás kérdések az erkölcsi kártérítés újabb magyar joggyakorlatában
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    Since 1992, date of Constitutional Court’s decision No. 34/1992, certain rules cannot be found in Hungarian Civil Code. There is only a part of a sentence that gives right to any injured person to claim damages in case of personal injuries. More than 10 years after the cassation we are able to look through the legal practice in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. The recent re-codifying process plans a brand new institution to substitute and follow damages for non pecuniary loss: pain award. To establish a decent regulation of pain award, jurisdiction of the last decade cannot be neglected. This essay aims to gather typical and crystallized methods of judgements in certain cases, which could be seen as essential and accepted unwritten rules of jurisdiction concerning this field of damages.

    One of the most difficult problems to solve is the question of amount. This field of damages for non-pecuniary loss is always problematic, because all of the cases are different. Although there are similarities between cases if we examine just damages themselves, but due to the difference of human personality it is almost impossible to give exact phrases and rules to help our judges. We can say that highest amounts are generated by assaults against physical integrity and life. Examination during a legal procedure concentrates on the stress caused by the injury, number of injured rights, age of the injured person and the durability of the harm. If the injured person contributed to the injury, it generates reduced amount of damages.

    Method of compensation is really simple for the first time. Hungarian legal system knows two different types for the method of damages: in kind or in money. Former one is inapplicable for non-pecuniary losses. If we compensate in money, there are two solutions: injured person can get the whole sum immediately or we can choose allowance as well. The adaptation of allowance is rather small in Hungary, in spite of the advantages this legal institution could offer. It does not mean res iudicata, so it is flexible and offers opportunity to adjust to changed circumstances in the future: both duration and amount of allowance could be changed.

    It is an interesting question whether personal circumstances of the misdoer could be examined when calculating the amount of allowance. The answer is not unambiguous. Civil law focuses on compensation for the injured party, not the punishment of the misdoer. In spite of this essential lemma, it is necessary to take into account the solvency of the defendant, if we want the plaintiff to get the adjudged amount really.

    Youth is not the only reason of allowance, sometimes old age could be a well-based legal ground for application of this method of compensation as well. It is really important to examine the personal circumstances of the injured party to choose between these two methods: which one serves the aim of compensation, moderation of lost joy of life the most.

    Civil Code precludes the possibility to apply both methods together for the same plaintiff. In my opinion the solution of German Civil Code (BGB) should be considered. BGB allows both methods together. It means that possibilities could be wider and fit better to the actual case and its circumstances.

     Although obligation of damages has two parties traditionally, in a legal procedure of damages for non-pecuniary loss this bipolar situation can be proven false. On the part of the misdoer it is an interesting question what kind of damages can be blamed the state. In Hungary we can meet rules order the responsibility of the state in the field of medical damages or damages for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment. Amounts of damages are the highest in these situations.

    On the part of the injured person an often argued problem the position of secondary victims’ claims. These claims are always problematic, because personality rights belong closely to the person himself and there is no possibility to inherit them. Hungarian Civil Code admits compensation for relatives only in case of injuring reputation of a dead person. There are several decisions in which courts admit these claims on the ground of their sui generis base. It is a decent solution, but because of the uneven jurisdiction it needs codifying.

    We can say that there are a lot of jurisdictional constants in Hungary in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. These are easy to collect and most of them are able to be codified in a strictly non-taxative style. But this examination showed that doubtful questions can also be found in Hungary especially the application of allowance, claims of secondary victims. To arrange these problems, starting point should be jurisdiction itself.

  • A beteg kapcsolattartási jogáról
    Megtekintések száma:

    Man is a social animal, it is important for colleagues to meet, create a relationship with them, to communicate, ideas, exchanging information. Human relationships are determined by the identity of a specific person, place in society, so it should be a fundamental right for all people in contact with the law. However, in certain life situations exercising these rights is necessarily limited, undermined, need frameworks. One of those situations in life with participation in health care in which the patient has to adapt in health care provider operating schedule, however, the Trustee is required to ensure the exercise of the right contacts.

    The most prominent of patients' rights to human dignity, which is inferred from a mother right, from which a number of other important rights. One of these is the right to self-determination, which guarantees freedom of action of the human as an individual incapacity depending autonomous. For patient care recipients should be subject to the fundamental distinction that whether it is inpatient or outpatient care. In the latter case, it also suffers from significant limitations on the patient's right to self-determination , including personal freedom, opportunities for contact with other people. The right to self-determination in a specific part of the realization of rights is thus involved in the regulation of the contact, as during inpatient care plays an important role.

    In today's modern society, the means of communication, networks of past explosive development, get more involved in the exercise of the right to life, human relations than before, with the elimination of the technical obstacles the spatial and temporal obstacles easily can be prevented. Life situation of the theme chosen exercise of the right of communication is of particular importance, because the patient's recovery depends not only on only physical but also mental condition, recovery can define what social relations, quality, intensity. The correspondence law of the health care law more the privileges include such other persons entitled to take the patient's inpatient sanitation place either in writing or orally to maintain contact, to receive visitors, the people he set out to exclude the visit , prohibit the fact of his treatment or the other information related to medical treatment reveals other.

    The context of the law of correspondence can be said that relatively little addressed by legislators and by expanding the scope of the practice of law in the content, but would consider appropriate where more attention is added. It would be good detailed arrangements for the exercise of creating the right framework for the so - to clarify the scope of everyday objects, to establish rules for their use of health services that are appropriate for the task to allow the exercise of these rights - the first line telecommunications.

  • A hagyatéki eljárás alapjai és lefolytatása, különös tekintettel a feladatok megoszlására az eljárás során, valamint a jogorvoslat egyes lehetőségeire
    Megtekintések száma:

    As the title suggest, the study intends to provide a summarized overview on the regulation of probate proceeding. The legal nature of out-of-court proceeding and the various stages of the procedure are briefly presented in this study. The procedural steprelated to the task of inventory taking and each stage of the proceeding related to the notary public are explained too. Finally, the study includes an overview of the available remedies (like the certain aspects of appeal and the possibility of retrial) and the basic rules on enforcement of inheritance claims.

  • A helyi önkormányzatok és az Alkotmány a pénzügyi jog aspektusából
    Megtekintések száma:

    In my study I deal with the connection between the local governments and the Constitution in the aspect of Financial Law.

    The local governments’ essential rights have been laid down  in the Constitution in a separate (IX.) chapter. The defence of the local governments is different from the defence of fundamental human rights. The latter has the test of necessity and proportionality. The local governments’ constitutional rights can be restricted until the infringement of its fundamental contents.

    I examined the rights of the local governments connected with the Financial Law, so I was engaged mainly in the financial support of it and the right of property and tax assessment. The Constitutional regulation of the financial support is most unique. The difference is that this paragraph (44/A. § (1) c) is not a rule of competence and jurisdiction however an obligation for the state to guarantee the self income and the proper state support to the local governments. The most important own sources are the taxes, which are necessary to discharge the duties. The authority to issue taxes derives from the Constitution - 70/I. § and 44/A. § (1) d. These paragraphs  prescribes that every natural and legal person must contribute to rates and taxes depend on their income and estate.

    The local governments may issue taxes within the framework of law, but their legislation is wide-ranging within it, for this reason there are a lot of instructive judgements of the Constitutional Court.

  • A software-rel kapcsolatos alapvető szabályok nemzetközi aspektusból – különös tekintettel a német jogi megoldásokra
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    Competion in the field of Informational Techonology influences our everyday life; a competion realized in a global playground, not reduced into a national framework. Joining the discussion around optimal software protection, we introduce some foreign software regulations in our essay from different given aspects, and finally we analyse German legal solutions regarding softwares. Observation of foreign regulations related to softwares and their protection is needed because there are still a lot of unanswered questions around software as a legal instrument. Inadequacy of copyright to serve protection of softwares and the need to create sui generis protection come up in the latest researches. Furthermore, the number of inventions supported by IT and the number of software supported technological solutions increase in our days, and that moves this legal instrument into the field of patent jurisdictions and industrial property. Efficient legal protection is both a tool and a goal in the system, since elaboration and support of genuine ideas are priority interests. According to our opinion, it is not only the task but also the obligation of private law – as the law regulating basic rights of natural persons and legal entities in personal and financial context – to set up proper regulation in this system.

  • Az elektronikus közigazgatás stratégiai kérdései az Európai Unióban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Radical changes could be observed at the of the 20th century and can also be found especially in the 21st century regarding the electronic administrative procedure both in the European Union and in the Member States. These changes primarily originate from the technical development, to which administration has to reflect; furthermore administration should be more faster and can be made closer to the citizens. I review the European Union's strategies and priorities concerning electronic administration in this paper. The European Union's powers are mainly focused on the implementation of such services in all Member States approximately at the same time in this field, if possible on the same technical grounds because only this way can the real interoperability between the different systems be guaranteed. But the interoperability of the national administrations is significantly limited by the linguistic diversity of the European Union because in the absence of a common official langugae real interoperability is limited by the different official languages used in the Member States. Such fields are for example the company registers and its accessibility through the European e-Justice Portal. Although, the efforts for e-administratation of the European Union do not cover all areas of the national administrations, furthermore while the European Union's regulation is focused on the economically efficient activites, Member States have to prioritise issues of citizens' and legal persons' everyday lives when creating and realising eloctronic administration.

  • Felfedezni a fedezetlent? – Körkép hedge fundokban rejlő lehetőségekről és kockázatokról
    Megtekintések száma:

    The first thing that comes to one’s mind about hedge funds is risk taking and excelled level of profitability. However, the operation of hedge funds is a disputed and sometimes contradicted process and market participants often express their doubt about the effects of the phenomenon. Therfore, the role of legal regulation is crucial at this field. Avoiding the effect of the afore mentioned regulations is however still intended by many funds that operate all over the world. This paper intends to offer a deeper insight in to the world of hedge funds and the regulatory background. In light of the 2007-2009 financial crisis the topic seems to be evergreen and the future of hedge funds largely depends on the application of the regulatory reforms based on the recent experiences.

  • Ügynökök és bennfentesek – A bennfentes kereskedelem és az ügynök–költség összefüggései
    Megtekintések száma:

    This paper examines insider trading regulation regulations from the viewpoint of agency costs. An overview is given regarding the different definitions of insider trading in jurisprudence which helps establishing the essence of this behaviour. The author also aims to give an insight to the agency problem and agency costs which arise in a business organisation with separate ownership and management. Only through that can be the effects of insider trading demonstrated on agency costs. The article aims to give a balanced overview by enumerating reasons whether insider trading increases or decreases agency costs. If it raises agency costs then prohibition is justified. If it decreases agency costs, e.g. it serves as a more efficient compensation mechanism, then allowing insider trading might be more beneficial.

  • A kárhelyreállítás jelene és jövője a magyar büntetőeljárásban
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    A la deuxième moitié du XX ième siècle la victime a commancé á jouer un rôle important de nouveau dans les procédures pénales. Les legislateurs veulent assurer les droit de la victime et garantir qu’elle soit indemnisée le plus tôt possible et pour que tout le monde soit content du résultat.Ce sont les cadres de la juridiction restaurative qui en assurent les possibilités.

    Dans cet essai premièrement je présente le cadre de la constitution de partie civile dans la législation hongroise. C’est une procédure très intéressante parce qu’il faut appliquer d’un côté le droit civil et la procédure civile et de l’autre le drot pénal et la procédure pénale dans le cadre de la juridiction pénale (dans une procédure).

    J’ai analysé le terme de la victime, les règle appliquables et les décisions du juge. J’ai constaté qu’en Hongrie les tribunaux correctionnels ne délibèrent pas les décisions sur le fond dans les cas de partie civile mais ils renvoient les affaires devant les tribunaux civils.

    Ensuite, je présente les institution juridique hongroise qui vise á l’entremise dans la procédure pénale. On peut trouver deux institution juridique en vigeur. En premièr lieu il faut mentionner que dans les cadres de la procédure par constitution de partie civil (où la victime soutient l’accuation) il existe une audition personnelles des parties où le but est donc l’arrangement des parties.

    Il y a une autre institution juridique qui s’appelle l’ajournement de la mise en accusation. On peut l’appliquer si la peine ne mérite pas de trois ans de prison et il y a beaucop de circonstances atténuantes, le procureur peut décider l’ajournement de la mise en accusation d’une au deux ans. On peut prévoir différentes obligations et règlements du comportement pour le prévenu. Par example on peut prévoir de dédommager la victime avec l ‘accord des parties. J’ai examiné cette institution juridique et son efficacité dans la pratique aussi.

    Troisièmement j’ai analysé une institution juridique qui entrera en vigeur le 1er janvier 2007. C’est la médiation pénale. Il y a un cadre de décision européen (2001/220/IB) qui préconise aux États memnbres d’introduire la médiation pénale. Pour pouvoir appliquer cette institution juridique il faut modifier le Code Pénale et la loi de la procédure pénale. C’est le procureur qui aura le droit de la suspension du procès pour maximum six mois et renvoyer l’affaire devant un méditeur. Cette procédure devant le médiateur sera regie par une loi d’exeption.( Il y a déja une projet de la loi). Je présente les problèmes en relation la médiation pénale. En résumé on peut dire que la mise en place et la régulation de la médiation demandent du temps et de l’énergie. Je statue qu’il faut attendre beaucoup de temps en Hongrie pour que l’opinion publique et les justiciables acceptent et appliquent avec efficacité la médiation pénale.

  • A civil szervezetek program- és jogalkotásban való részvételének egyes kérdései Magyarországon
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    Among the tools of including the concerned elements of society into the decision making processes the government operating since 2010 rather prefers the non-legal ones (i.e. those which do not constitute direct obligations for the government); rather solutions outside of the legal system are put into focus. Therefore the so-called national consultation, which – among others, such as sectoral, professional and other negotiating forums – introduced in Hungary a previously unknown political technique: within two years – in ordinary mail – each citizen received two surveys with possible answers to choose from, furthermore, – as a method not really used before in Hungary – an information booklet was sent to all citizens with the right to vote which presented the newest pieces of legislation.
    Looking beyond political slogans and pathetic forms it may be well observed that the government expects from the method of crowdsourcing – which may be considered traditional in other countries – as well as from different online consultations and the introduction of new means (surfaces) of information the establishment and deepening of discussion (cooperation) with society. Among the new means of information we shall mention that the government of Hungary created its websites and related to the civil sector (in broader sense about legislation related to the civil sector). The websites – according to the intentions of the government– are part of the process of changing the attitude aimed at with the new act on the civil sector (Act CLXXV of 2011 on right of association, non-profit status, operation and support of NGOs), through which the government wishes to establish transparent connections with the civil sector.
    In Article 7 of the new Act CXXX of 2010 on legislation the two basic form of social compromise are described, general negotiation and direct negotiation. The former one provides opportunity for sharing opinion on the website of the organisation publishing concepts, drafts (in a way which obliges the organisation which asks for the opinion, e.g. through confirmation obligation or through preparing summaries on the merits), while the latter one allows the concerned minister to directly request persons and organisations to give opinion. A specific form of direct negotiation – creating obligations on the side of the minister – is the institution of strategic partnership, the framework of which is settled in a thorough agreement. One material weakness of the regulation, however, is that Article 13 paragraph (2) of the act only lists in an exemplary way those with whom such partnership may be concluded, by mentioning forms of organisations (e.g. church, trade union, civil organisation).