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  • Regulatory issues of intellectual property rights

    The study finds that the regulation of intellectual property is dominated by civil law rules. The old Civil Code expressed the correlation with the law of intellectual property and regulated the legal protection of know-how, however, the legal material could be found in the separate legal acts organically related to it. The new Civil Code, Act V of 2013 is no longer entitled as intellectual property rights but “copyright and industrial property rights”, and know-how has been protected as a form of trade secret. The homogeneous nature of copyright is broken by Act XCIII of 2016, which provides for collective rights management. In the field of industrial property protection, the most problematic legal institution was know-how. The LIV Act of 2018, which was born after the rules of the new Civil Code, opens a new chapter in the regulation of know-how. In this connection, the law transposes Directive 2016/943/EU into the Hungarian law. The legislator therefore chose the solution that it has incorporated the new conceptual approach, legal institutions, and rules of procedure for the protection of business secrets into national law not by creating them in the Civil Code but by creating new legislation. In this way, the private secrets of natural and legal persons will continue to enjoy the protection of personal rights, while trade secrets and know-how will enjoy protection based on the logic and sanction system of intellectual property protection.

  • Fragmentation and changes in Hungarian succession law

    The right to inherit is recognized in the Fundamental Law, the detailed substantive legal rules are laid down in the Seventh Book of the Civil Code. In recent years, the legislator has formulated rules of substantive succession in other legislation beyond our private law code (the Civil Code). According to the Registered Partnership Act, the rules applicable to the spouse apply mutatis mutandis to the registered partner, which means that the registered partner is also a legal heir. The special rules for the acquisition of ownership of agricultural and forestry land by succession by will are laid down in the Land Traffic Act (Act CXXII of 2013). On 1 January 2023, a new law will enter into force (Act CXLIII of 2021), which will supplement the succession law provisions of the Civil Code in the case of joint legal intestate succession of undivided common ownership of agricultural land by several heirs. The designation of a public body to represent the State in succession matters is provided for in a separate ministerial decree. The present article analyzes how all these complex, fragmented regulations make it difficult to enforce the law and the extent to which it hinders the speedy execution of probate proceedings. The present article criticizes the fragmented regulation and proposes the integration of the rules of the separate laws into the Civil Code, as this could contribute to a more efficient application of the law.

  • Family businesses and shareholders' agreements - possible links

    The concept of a family company is not defined in current law. In the case of companies in which members of a family have a decisive influence, it allows only a formal approach. However, in addition to the formal approach, the substance of the company, the specific nature of family interests and values, justify an examination of the company from other points of view, which allow not only the long-term commercial economic activity but also the specific nature of family relationships to be examined on the basis of company law. It is therefore of the utmost importance that family companies should reflect family relationships, the need to operate intergenerationally and protect the family nature of the company, and ensure the family's long-term prosperity. The combination of the formal and substantive elements makes it possible to conclude that family companies are special legal entities in which a particular family community has a decisive influence, has and represents specific interests and values, among which the protection of family assets, the aim of intergenerational operation and the safeguarding of the long-term well-being of family members are to be highlighted. The Civil Code provides for multiple means of achieving these interests, in addition to the classic instruments of company law, including the possibility of shareholders’ agreement.

  • Historical overview of liability for materail effects and warranty regulations

    The liability of material effects and warranty are classic legal institutions of civil law and they are both important in the field of consumer law. The present study essentially considers the regulatory system of these jurisdictions in Hungary.

    The review starts with the private-law cases, developed at the begining of the 20th century, wich legislative provisions finally remained outside of scope. Then the Code Civil of 1959 and the Code Civil of 2013 are assessed in the review. The study does not cover the examinition of the provisions of the lower level of legislation, such as the „ warranty based on legislation compulsorily”.

    The essay focuses mainly on identifying the specifities, potential shortcomings and the shortcomings of the regulatory models used in our country. It also seeks to find the points of turn and the points of motivations, of legal policy that have made significant changes in the lives of the legal institutions.

    On the bases of this reasoning, the next tematica is observed in the test. The first large structural element is described in a description of the 1900s, 1913 and 1928 private-law codices, wich have shown a significant similarity in terms of the legal institutions.


    Then it follows with the introduction of Code Civil of 1959. The point of view of the legal intitutions the code was modified only two times during its long term. The first modification was in 1977, the secound in 2003 with regard to the harmonisation of European Union law.


    Finally comes the summary of the current Code Civil, wich has enacted some innovations in the aspect of the topic. Altough previous legislation wich based on the harmonisation has not been required significant reforms.