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  • Living fabric on a metal frame, or the possibilities of asserting the claim of the "platform worker"

    Our aim in the present research is to present the theoretical and practical problems related to platform work, focusing on their subjects and possible legal gaps and other anomalies in legislation and enforcement.

    The study is mainly based on two major pillars, in which – perhaps not in a very usual way –the old and current problem are presented, namely the classification issues related to employee status, the situation of employers, precisely the installation and enforceability of employer rights and obligations.

    It is an undeniable fact that most of the studies in this field focus primarily on employee classification. Although, for the sake of this study, we want to focus on the relationship between the parties, as the legal relationship can be interpreted and analyzed in its entirety if – in addition to mapping the circumstances of the persons performing the work – the exercise of partial rights between the platform and the employer is sufficiently examined.

  • Joghatóságok áthidalása: A kapcsolattartási jog érvényesítése a Brüsszel IIb rendelet alapján

    A kutatás a gyermekekkel való kapcsolattartás kérdését vizsgálja az új Brüsszel IIb rendelet kontextusában. A rendelet számos fontos újítást vezet be, amelyek megkönnyítik a nemzetközi válások kezelését, és biztosítják, hogy a gyermek jogai és legfőbb érdekei érvényesüljenek. A tanulmány kiemeli különös figyelmet fordít a külföldi ítéletek elismerésére és végrehajtására a nemzeti családjogban. Végezetül bemutatásra kerül egy közelmúltbeli kúriai döntés, amely fontos precedenst jelent a kapcsolattartási jog érvényesítése terén.


  • Enforcement options in case of abuse of unilateral power in the field of working time

    Apart from the aforementioned provisions of Act CXVI of 2018 amending the Labour Code's rules on working time, nowhere in our current legislation is there a meaningful request for employee consent on the subject of working time, which - even if an employer's ultima ratio is maintained - would be extremely beneficial, in our view, not only from a fundamental rights and social, but also from an economic-efficiency perspective. The fulfilment of the aforementioned obligation to harmonise EU law would also undoubtedly bring benefits in this area. However, it should be noted that European Union legislation does not provide a satisfactory solution to these problems either, as it does not itself contain sufficient legislative provisions to involve the employee side in decisions on working time/working patterns. In our view, the only solution would be a domestic legislative reform that would provide a solution to all the problems identified in our study in line with EU law, but with its own solutions.

  • Family businesses and shareholders' agreements - possible links

    The concept of a family company is not defined in current law. In the case of companies in which members of a family have a decisive influence, it allows only a formal approach. However, in addition to the formal approach, the substance of the company, the specific nature of family interests and values, justify an examination of the company from other points of view, which allow not only the long-term commercial economic activity but also the specific nature of family relationships to be examined on the basis of company law. It is therefore of the utmost importance that family companies should reflect family relationships, the need to operate intergenerationally and protect the family nature of the company, and ensure the family's long-term prosperity. The combination of the formal and substantive elements makes it possible to conclude that family companies are special legal entities in which a particular family community has a decisive influence, has and represents specific interests and values, among which the protection of family assets, the aim of intergenerational operation and the safeguarding of the long-term well-being of family members are to be highlighted. The Civil Code provides for multiple means of achieving these interests, in addition to the classic instruments of company law, including the possibility of shareholders’ agreement.