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  • Functional Analysis of Damage Charges

    Replacing the legal institution for non-pecuniary damages burdensome by previous theoretical and practical contradictions, Act V of 2013 (Civil Code) introduces damage charges as a separate sanction for violation of personal rights, which has dual functions: on the one hand, it aims for the person being injured in its personal rights receive a monetary allowance that approximates or compensates for the non-material damage suffered. On the other hand, it can also be considered as a punishment under private law for the prevention of similar infringements, as a deterrent.

    According to the intended interpretation, the damage charge can only be applied if it is able to fulfill its function, i.e. if no non-pecuniary damage can be detected for which the damage charge is intended for proportional compensation (primarily), it has no place at all since in the case of infringements leaving the personality untouched, only the punitive function would be exercised, which is completely incompatible with the inherently remedial, corrective nature of private law. According to the unanimous opinion of the legal literature, the compensatory function should have priority and private punishment only take precedence of a secondary nature. On the basis of my work, it is noticeable that judges also consider damage charges as a legal instrument to repair the immaterial injuries suffered and to compensate for the lost pleasures of life, and to not order it upon preventive reasons solely, but in the plurality of cases, preventive function is being evaluated as a factor enhancing the amount of the damage. In my study, I wish to analyze from several aspects, how the dual function of the damage charge is assessed by the courts concerning present cases, by highlighting which nature is protruding concerning the amount or the legal basis. As the research is basically empirical, I will examine through as many judgments as possible, what aspects the courts evaluate in the framework of the compensational (e.g.: physical injuries, mental changes, age, family life of the victim, change in lifestyle, etc.) and of the preventive function (e.g. the gravity of the infringement, its protracted nature, etc.). Finally, I would like to answer the central question of my thesis: what function does practice attribute to the payment of damage charges.

  • The Justice System of the returned Parts of the Country after the Second Vienna Award

    The reconstruction of the justice system in the eastern and Transylvanian parts of the country, which returned in 1940, is currently a barely explored area in the Hungarian constitutional history. In this study, my aim is to present through the court system the enormous task of the legislator, which was implemented eighty years ago. This topic can be included in my researches on the legal system of the area, not only from the constitutional history point of view, but also when examining the enforcement of extended private law. The judicial practice was highly influenced by the legal knowledge of judges and became frequently questionable during the period of the extension of the Hungarian private law (1941-42) and it was closely related to their legal activities prior to their appointment.

    In the present study, I follow the changes that took place between the two Romanian occupations (1918-19 and 1944) in the two parts of the country that returned at the same time, highlighting the period when the territories were ruled by the Hungarian state for four years. I use the relevant legislation, archival documents and the literature published so far. Therefore, this study was not intended to be a summary of them, but a synthesis containing new conclusions.

  • PPP: Kicsi többlet?- „Kicsit több lett. Maradhat?”

    In this paper the past and present of public private partnership (PPP) was discussed in Hungary. The primal source-strings were reported of Interdepartmental Committee of PPP, which was been abolished at last year. Committee was more governmental and less professional. Instructive information was held by its bulletin. Amount which was applied for PPP’s projects was increased by actual government year to year. The growth reason was not overspend of central government. Financial limit was not exploited. The reason: more and more public functions were materialized in PPP.

    Nowadays PPP’s support has been left off. New attitude is shown by modification of act, institution cessation (vide: Interdepartmental Committee of PPP) and realignment of departments. This form is refused by new political theory. Its negative attributes are emphasized without real disquisition. PPP has advantageous qualities too what are underplayed. Potential positive qualities could be prominently useful to manage financial problems.

    PPP’s categorical refused without any monitoring would be a thoughtless decision. Have to take into account several factors to make deliberate verdict. For example:

    · PPP could take up as credence.

    · Post socialist countries are had special characteristics, like Hungary. (for instance: high national debt)

    · PPP is an administrative contract, which mixes element of public and private law.

    ·  It came from a foreign legal system. Its use is not been trouble free in continental system.

    More experiences, information, professionals are needed to create a final scientific notion about PPP.

  • Medical expert procedure in criminal proceedings

    The Criminal Procedure Act significantly changed the rules of expert evidence, so e.g. in order to prevent the prolongation of the procedures, it tries to direct the process of appointing experts and evaluating expert opinions into a reasonable channel in order to make a considered and timely decision. The time that has passed since the entry into force of the law already allows us to examine the practice of law enforcement. I believe that the biggest change comes from the regulation of the private expert opinion, which allows the defendant and his defense to have similar rights in the criminal proceedings, which also follow from the principle of equality of arms. And all of this strengthens the fairness of the procedure in general, which can be a guarantee of the birth of judicial verdicts that are also close to the material truth.

  • Aspects of Penal Law and Investigation of the Criminal Offence of Theft as Stipulated by the Romanian Criminal Code

    Theft represents one of the oldest ways of embezzling goods from the public or private patrimony. As a typical form of criminal offences concerning the patrimony which are committed by stealing, it represents a great social danger in any given historic age. Thus, it is necessary that the judiciary bodies be aware of the main issues concerning the methodology of investigation of this kind of criminal offences, as well as of the nature of the causes and conditions that trigger or favorize the committing of such deeds.
    The Romanian Criminal Code stipilates in article 208 theft in its simple form and in article 209 aggravated theft. Simple theft has the following forms: theft of movable material goods, theft of energies or documents; theft of a good that belongs entirely or partly to the doer; theft of a vehicle for the purpose of using it; theft from one’s spouse; theft committed by the person who lives with the injured party or is housed by the latter; theft committed by a minor to damage his/herguardian. According to the Romanian legal provision theft consists in ”taking a movable good from the possession or custody of another, without the consent of the latter, for the purpose of unjustly appropriating it“, certain circumstances being necessary to consider it as an aggravated theft. Activities performed in accordance with the forensic regulations and with the provisions of the Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure must clarify the following general aspects: what is the area of the crime scene, what category do the stolen goods belong to, the circumstances in which the deed was committed with reference to the number of persons that participated together in committing the theft, conditions of place and time, the way of getting on the crime scene. Also, dispositions can be given to perform searches, reconstructions, to present persons and objects in order to have them recognized, as well as tactical activities of hearing persons.

  • Consumer insolvency in the European Union

    Almost all modern civil legal systems respect property rights as a privileged and fundamental right, which means the property rights of individuals cannot be restricted or taken away without due process of law. In the case of insolvency proceedings, the person's right to property is violated, as the debtor is deprived of this right, at least partially. In such situations, the property rights of the debtor and the creditor are strained against each other, even to such level that the debtor's livelihood and alimentation is threatened by the satisfaction of the creditor's demands. During insolvency proceedings, we should restore the property rights relationship that was broken on the part of the creditor as a result of the debtor's behavior at the expense of the debtor's assets, ensuring that the debtor's interests are also protected, and that the proceedings take into account the interests of both parties. National lawmakers should, therefore, take several aspects into account to create the material and procedural legislation on the basis of which property of private individuals can also be subject to insolvency proceedings. Lawmakers should act in an environment where, due to the impact of globalization, it is no longer evident that the debtor and the creditor are citizens of the same country. This is the reason it is also important to examine how the European Union regulates insolvency proceedings in the case of consumer over-indebtedness in a manner that crosses national borders and still remains inside the Union.