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  • Az egészségügyi dolgozók munkajogi felelőssége az egészségügyi szolgáltatás nyújtásával összefüggésben a betegnek okozott kárért
    Megtekintések száma:

    The doctor-patient relationship requires set rules for liability considering the nature of professional norms on medicine and the protection of human life and health. According to these rules, the healthcare provideris vicariously liable for damages suffered as a consequence of healthcare servicesprovided to the patient. In such cases– on the grounds of labor law rules – the healthcare providermay transfer liability to its employee. Considering recent amendments of labor law regulations, it is essential to summarize and analyze relevant labor law norms relatedto medical liability.

    The employee’s liability for damages is based on the employment relationship between the healthcare provider and the employee. Despite of the healthcare provider’s liability for damages, the employee’s liability is always personal.

    According to the new labor code the employee’s liability for damages is only ascertainable if the tortfeasor did not act like a reasonable person would have actedunder given circumstances. This means that the tortfeasor’sintention or negligence is irrelevant in the course of ascertaining liability. The purpose of our study is to provide a review of the strict measure of due care in health care services, and to summarize rules about the healthcare professional’s liability for damages.

  • Az orvos gyógyító tevékenységének polgári jogi vonatkozásai
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    The article wish to briefly cover the civil liability of the medic. The actuality of this topic is exemplified well by the fact that court trials for compensation of damages against healthcare providers show an increasing tendency year by year. It is deem important to briefly delineate the drawing of line between the civil and criminal liability during the presentation of the civil liability. After speaking about issues of drawing of line, the study is going to cover the effective liability for damages of the medic. While explaining the liability for damages of the medic, it will cover the concept of legal nature of invasive procedures, matters concerning the liability of healthcare institutions, and the basic topics of tort and contractual liability. The article is going to introduce the issues concerning illegality, the patient’s right to self-determination, his or her right to information, the obligation of medics to disclose information, in addition to matters related to the concept of the legal nature of informed consent along with the connected judicial practice in the chapter about the informed consent of the patient. As for closure, during the analysis of issues regarding evidence, it wish to cover the rules of culpability, the choice for healing methods of medics, and medical documentation, respectively.

  • A bírósági jogkörben okozott kárért való felelősség és az ügyvédi felelősség összehasonlítása a felelősségi mérce szempontjából
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tanulmány elsősorban a szerződésen kívüli károkozásért való felelősség egyik speciális alakzatára, a bírósági jogkörben okozott kárért való felelősségre koncentrál. Az utóbbi évek gyakorlata azt mutatja, hogy a bíróságokkal szemben indított kártérítési perek elhanyagolható hányadában marasztalják az eljárt bíróságokat a jogértelmezési vagy jogalkalmazási hibáikkal a feleknek okozott károk miatt. Indokolt ezért annak vizsgálata, hogy ennek a jelenségnek milyen okai lehetnek, valamint, hogy ezek az okok indokolják-e ezt a gyakorlatot. A vizsgálat eredményeként több olyan tényező is azonosítható, amelyek külön-külön is rendkívüli módon megnehezíthetnék a bíróságokkal szembeni igényérvényesítést, kombinálva pedig szinte lehetetlenné teszik azt. Ezen tényezők között elsősorban a kirívóan súlyos jogsértés doktrínáját, valamint a keresetet a jogerős bírósági döntések tartalmi immunitására hivatkozással elutasító ítéleteket lehet megjelölni.

    Kutatásmódszertani szempontból célszerű volt a bíróságok kárfelelőssége kapcsán tett megállapításokat szembe állítani az ügyvédség kárfelelősségének bírói gyakorlatával, ahol egyértelműen megállapítható volt, hogy a bíróságok sokkal szigorúbb elvárhatósági mércét támasztanak, mint a bíróságokkal szemben, holott a két jogászi hivatásrend társadalmi felelőssége és munkaterhe ezt nem indokolná. Összehasonlításra került a két jogászi hivatásrend kárfelelősségének történeti kialakulása, a felelősségük jogszabályi háttere és a kapcsolódó joggyakorlat, rövid kitekintést téve külföldi példákra is. Az átfogó elemzés alapján javaslatok megfogalmazására kerül sor a jogalkalmazás és a jogalkotó számára is.

  • A társasági jogviszonyok szabályozása a német polgári jogi társaságban
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    Partnership under the civil code is a harsh institution in Hungarian legal system. Despite of this fact, most of the European countries apply this legal entity a lot as a background for other, more complicated corporate forms. In my essay I demonstrate those rules in German Civil Code (BGB), which show the importance and opportunities of these partnerships.

    If we would like to describe the essentials of partnerships under the Civil Code, the most important question is the legal relations from both inner and external point of view. Internal relations mean an obligation between the parties, who form this partnership. It is natural that we can find both rights and commitments between founders. This is a contract but BGB says that all parties have equal rights and commitments in the same partnership. As a general rule of the Code, it is permissive, not cogent. BGB has basic regulation for operating such a partnership, but can be useful if founders live with this permissive opportunity and shape special rules for their partnership, which fit to their aims, functions, different financial potential of the parties.

    There is a chance for founders to neglect building a whole structure and organization for their partnership, if they want to operate it as an inner partnership, without external relations, focusing only for the rights and omissions between the parties.

    From all contract that establishes a partnership under the Civil Code membership rights follow. These rights cannot be transferred. A distinction can be made between administrational, common business management and financial rights. Rights to common business management can consist of right to information, right to supervision or the most important right to vote. Financial rights gather typical rights such as right to dividend or liquidity proportion. These rights are social omissions from the viewpoint of the partnership itself, as these are for the interest of the parties.

    The most important omissions of the founders are financial contribution to establish the partnership. This regulation results from that partnership is to promote common aim of the founders, and to achieve this, all of them have to make available pecuniary or non-pecuniary assets. According to a special rule of BGB, over against the other corporate forms, members of the partnership have no omission to increase or complete their assets.

    Management of the partnership is not only a right but an obligation too. A special omission is that all members and founders have to be loyal to the partnership. Because of the strong partnership character of this corporate form, this means that members have to keep the interest and aim of the partnership in view. They all are responsible for achieving the aim of the partnership and nobody can sit as a beneficiary. Loyal members have to keep secrets in connection with operating the partnership and of course the sudden obligation to inform the others of all events and experiences, which are in tight connection with the partnership and the interests of the parties. If any of the members breach these obligations, rules of damages can be applied in BGB.

    Assets of the partnership are special, because no separated corporate assets form. Financial and non-pecuniary contribution becomes the assets of the community of members. It is undividable and common. But these common assets are strictly separated from the private assets of the parties. Rights for profit and deficit are equal, but this permissive rule allows different regulation in the contract. The only cogent sentence is the prohibition of societas leoniana, i.e. nobody can be precluded of profit and deficit.

    External relations mean the representation of the partnership. In this case the most important law is the contract itself. In case of disagreement between the parties, there is a helping rule of BGB: members can act as a body. If we take into consideration the rules of liability, we can say that because of the lack of legal capacity of the partnership, individual liability has its important role. Generally this liability is unlimited, but there is a chance to agree with the creditor to limit liability. But this limitation is only valid for that legal transaction.

    Rules for partnerships under the Civil Code in Germany are more detailed and nuanced than in Hungary. Partnership is the basic type of civil law partnerships, such as limited partnership or general partnership. We have to consider that building up a more coherent regulation for these partnerships can be useful to categorize atypical corporations.

  • Az orvos gyógyító tevékenységének büntetőjogi vonatkozásai
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    The article introduces the criminal liability of the medical doctors in a nutshell. The topicality of this theme is exemplified by the increasing number of criminal procedures against physicians as trends show. During the introduction of the criminal liability of the medical practitioners, the article considers drawing a line between the liability of civil and criminal law of importance. After describing the matters concerning the drawing of line, the study is going to elaborate the legal brief of endangerment committed in the line of duty, followed by a review connecting the prior and the medical profession, presenting some legal cases, respectively. It is very essential to explore the legal brief of prohibited abortion and charlatanry, in addition to delineating the concepts of active and passive euthanasia, and, after having explained the refusal of provisions, it is necessary to aspire to draw a line between the prior mentioned and the legal brief of the assistance in suicide.

  • A vétőképtelen személy károkozásáért való felelősség
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    The new Hungarian Civil Code also modernizes the non-contractual liability law in several aspects. Even if the so-called general clause of non-contractual liability reamains unchanged, its contstitutive elements are regulated in detail in the new Civil Code. The new Code also introduces some new provisions with regard to liability for dameges caused by a person of lack of discretionary power. The objektive of this survey is to present these changes and to examine its possible impacts on judicial practice.

  • Gondolatok az üzletrészek örökléséről
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    The article focuses on the successions of the business shares which are in the Hungarian limited liability companies. There are several changes because of the new Civil Code that affected this area although we have to examine the former regulation because of the period of validity, too.

    The succession law is the area of the law with whom every people has connection at least once in their life. The number of the legacies grows in which business shares can be founded because more and more people are participating in business societies.

    The new method of the regulation differs from the previous. The new Hungarian Civil Code (Act V of 2013) consists of not only the “classical” civil law (for example property law, law of contracts) but the family law even the business law. Before this there were two separate laws and because of this situation we have to examine the relation of these laws and their methods of regulations.

    Afterwards we study the state of the successors in the Hungarian limited liability companies. It diverges from the other companies because the limited liability companies are transitions between general and limited partnerships and joint-stock companies. There were more ideas how to regulate this company; at the end it has differences but not so significant.

  • A kommentekért való felelősség bírói gyakorlatának evolúciója
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    The article focuses on the examination of the judicial practice related to the liability for reader’s comments. Comments have become an important instrument for internet communication and expression, however they also cause specific legal problems.

    Internet Content Providers (ICP) have offered such content so far, disclosure of which was the result of editorial’s decision, but now they play a role in the disclosure of such contents, that they do not have direct contact with.

    The examination of liability for comments is further complicated by the features of the online environment, because the courts shall have to overcome the problems of the scheme of special definitions.

    Courts have failed as yet to provide a satisfactory solution for the problem: who shall remain liable for the infringements appearing in anonymous reader’s contents? Therefore the article is an attempt to present the development of the judicial practice from the beginning to the current opinion appearing these days.

  • Az államfők nemzetközi büntetőjogi felelősségre vonásának mai keretei
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    Recent years the legal position of Heads of State and other very senior State representatives has received considerable attention from national and international courts, writers and practitioners. It is often said that the establishment of the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court, reflects a growing belief that the heads of State should be held accountable for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. It has been argued that international law is now the stage where immunity should no longer apply in relation to serious international crimes. By contrast, others have emphasized the political and practical difficulties inherent in allowing national courts to serve as a tool for the transnational enforcement of penalties or damages for crimes committed abroad by the leaders and officials of foreign States. The resulting controversy has led the International Law Commission to include the topic ‘Immunity of State officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdictions’ in its work programme.

    In my study I present the development of status of the Heads of State in international law, especially the criminal liability in the XX-XXI. Centuries. In this study I exhibit the development of the legal status of the heads of State and the actual questions in international law related to the criminal liability of heads of State and other senior State officials.

  • Előreláthatósági klauzula a szerződések jogában
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    The essay is about the clause of foreseeability in connection with damages for breach of a contract. This seems to be a constant problem throughout the history of law how and when it is reasonably to limit the amount of damages in case of breach.

    The general principle of full compensation originates in the main purpose of private law, restoring the violated financial situation. At the same time in business relations it often happens that damages occurred as consequences of breach highly exceed the contractual interest of the party and generate indirect damages independent from the violator’s influence. This is considered to be the starting point of the dilemma about restricting the damages availably for compensation.

    Full compensation and its relation to breach of a contract occurred in the Hungarian jurisprudence many times. Miklós Világhy suggested the reconsideration of full compensation in contract law in 1971. Attila Harmathy also suggested the implementation of foreseeability clause in the rules of contract law as the ‘best possible way to treat business relations between the parties’.

    Due to the historic and social differences various forms of foreseeability are known in the legal systems.

    The study examines the development of foreseeability, its first codification in the French Napoleonic Code Civil, its application in the law of the USA and some significant sentences of English courts. The first application of foreseeability was in the infamous Hadley v. Baxendale case, in which an English court worked out the meaning of contemplation rules. In the case of Victoria Laundry Ld. v. Newman Industries Ld. (1949) the court defined the meaning of foreseeability. According to the sentence of the case damages are limited to those that were foreseeable for the party at the time of entering a contract. The study also analyzes the German model of restricting damages of breach. The German theory ensures the possibility of exoneration for the violator if the other party failed to give proper information about the unusual danger of breach in the particular case. If the entitled party acted intentionally, the German law accepts exoneration. The essay demonstrates the adequate causality conception of the German law. This theory states that an act can only be the probable cause if – due to the normal and reasonable procession – it is able to cause such consequence. In our opinion foreseeability gives a stricter and much better solution of restricting damages with a more objective measurement for the obliged party on how to calculate his behavior in a certain contractual relation. The amount of risk can be predicted if the rules of damages for breach are based on foreseeability rather than adequate causality.

    The new Hungarian Civil Code plans to establish objective liability in contract law. The only exoneration can be the successful reference to unavoidable external cause. Beside this stricter liability the new Civil Code also introduce the possibility of limitation in damages, the application of foreseeability clause. This seems to be a significant preference for the obliged party. As in the Hungarian legal history foreseeability clause was never used, it is an essential question how judicature will interpret the rule in practice. In our opinion for an adequate application of the new clause it is necessary to take a closer look at the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) and the interpretation in the American and English case law. This study tries to give some help for it.

  • Új tendenciák a légi utasok jogainak uniós szabályaiban
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    Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 depending on the circumstances of the travel disruption, requires air carriers to: provide passengers with assistance, such as meals, refreshments, telephone calls and hotel accommodation; offer re-routing and refunds; pay a flat-rate compensation of up to €600 per passenger, depending on the flight distance; and proactively inform passengers about their rights.
    Under the Montreal Convention (as translated by Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 into EU law), a passenger may be entitled to compensation in case of mishandled baggage (but with a limit of about €1200), except if the airline can demonstrate it has taken all reasonable measures to avoid the damages or it was impossible to take such measures. Airlines often fail to offer passengers the rights to which they are entitled in instances of denied boarding, long delays, cancellations or mishandled baggage, in particular under Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 ("the Regulation") and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97. Case law has had a decisive impact on the interpretation of the Regulation. The Commission Communication of 11 April 2011 reported on the varying interpretation being taken on the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, due to grey zones and gaps in the current text, and the non-uniform enforcement across Member States. Furthermore, it is difficult for passengers to enforce their individual rights. With regard to Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, the European Parliament asks the Commission to propose a clarification of the passengers' rights, in particular the notion of ‘extraordinary circumstances’. On 13 March 2013, the European Commission made a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing
    common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air. This paper takes a closer look at this proposal. The proposal aims to improve enforcement by clarifying key principles and implicit passenger rights that have given rise to many disputes between airlines and passengers in the past; and by enhancing and better coordinating the enforcement policies carried out on a national level. Issues covered by the proposal are the following.

    Definition of "extraordinary circumstances"

    Right to compensation in case of long delays

    Right to rerouting

    Right to care

    Missed connecting flight

    Rescheduling Tarmac delays

    Partial ban of the "no show" policy

    Right to information

    Handling of individual claims and complaints

    Better take into account the financial capacities of the air carriers

    Ensure better enforcement of passenger rights with regard to mishandled baggage

    Adapt liability limits in accordance to general price inflation

  • Az önvezető járművek és a büntetőjogi felelősség
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    A tanulmány célja, hogy az automatizált és az autonóm jármű fogalmainak elhatárolását követően megvizsgálja, hogy mennyiben indokolt az autonóm járművek üzemeltetéséből származó balesetek büntetőjogi szankcionálása, valamint alkalmazható-e a magyar bűncselekmény-fogalom az automatizált és az autonóm járműveken keresztül megvalósuló közlekedési bűncselekményekre. Kutatásom során különös figyelmet szántam a bűncselekmény fogalmának két esszenciális elemére, az emberi cselekményre és a bűnösségre, egyúttal annak a kérdésnek a megválaszolására törekedtem, hogy ha a közlekedési bűncselekményt egy autonóm járművet felhasználva követik el, akkor a büntetőjogi felelősség alanya miként határozható meg.

  • A kötelező gépjármű-felelősségbiztosítás rövid története és alapvető jellemzői
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    Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles (motor insurance) is of
    special importance for European citizens, whether they are policyholders or victims of an
    accident. It is also a major concern for insurance undertakings as it constitutes an important
    part of non-life insurance business in the Community. Motor insurance also has an impact on
    the free movement of persons and vehicles. The first part of the study deals with the origin
    and the brief history of insurance, beginning with the ancient Rome. The second part tries to
    describe the main characteristic features of the motor insurance including its legal
    background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and
    the Hungarian legislation –, its subjects, the conclusion and termination of the contract.

  • A kellékszavatosság és jótállás szabályozásának történeti áttekintése
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    A kellékszavatosság és a jótállás a polgári jog klasszikus jogintézményei, és a fogyasztóvédelmi jog területén is kiemelkedő jelentőséggel bírnak. Jelen tanulmány alapvetően ezen jogintézmények magyarországi szabályozási rendszerét tekinti át.

    A vizsgálat a 20. század elején kidolgozott, de hatályba nem lépett magánjogi kódextervezetekkel veszi kezdetét, majd a Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 1959. évi IV. és 2013. évi V. törvények releváns rendelkezéseit veszi górcső alá, ugyanakkor nem terjed ki az alacsonyabb szintű jogszabályok, például a „kötelező jótállásról” szóló kormányrendeletek rendelkezéseinek vizsgálatára sem.

    A tanulmány alapvetően a hazánkban alkalmazott szabályozási modellek sajátosságainak, esetleges hiányosságainak, hibáinak a feltárására koncentrál, illetve igyekszik megtalálni azokat a fordulópontokat, és a fordulópontokhoz kapcsolódó jogpolitikai indokokat, amelyek jelentős változásokat hoztak a jogintézmények életében.

    Ezen gondolatmenet alapján a dolgozatban a következő tematika figyelhető meg. Az első nagy szerkezeti elemet az 1900-as, 1913-as és 1928-as magánjogi kódextervezetek ismertetése teszi ki, mely tervezetek jelentős hasonlóságot mutattak a „dolog hiányaiért való felelősség” és a jótállás tekintetében.

    Ezt követően az 1959. évi IV. törvény bemutatás következik, mely jogszabály – hosszan fennálló hatálya alatt - mindössze kétszer - 1977-ben és az uniós jogharmonizáció nyomán 2003-ban – esett át a jogintézmények szempontjából lényeges változásokon.

    Végezetül a jelenleg hatályos törvénykönyvünk szabályrendszerének áttekintésére kerül sor, mely jogszabály hozott ugyan néhány újdonságot a vizsgált téma szempontjából, ugyanakkor mivel a  jogharmonizáció alapját képező uniós jogszabályok a törvénykönyv hatályba lépése előtt nem változtak, így a jogintézmények nagy mértékű, jelentős változásokat igénylő reformja sem volt indokolt.

  • Az autóbusszal közlekedő utasokat az Európai Unióban megillető jogok
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    The European Parliament and the Council adopted new rules for passengers traveling by buses. The 181/2011/EU Regulation concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport developed a strict liability of bus carriers in cases of delay and cancellation. It deals with accidents, the meaning of right to information, handling of complaints, and the non-discrimination and mandatory assistance for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility.The Regulation is entered into force on March 21st 2013. The article is about to analyze the content and the meaning of these new rules and rights passengers have when they use bus transportation.

  • A mediáció lehetőségei a büntető igazságszolgáltatásban munkajogi szemmel
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    Mediation or agreement between perpetrator and victim in criminal law is a special form of damage reparation. Contrary to the simple reparation – where is no need to have a formal contract between the parties – mediation means a meeting between the parties to make an agreement that suits to both of them.

    Development of mediation in criminal law has its roots in the birth of diversion. It was a formal legal procedure to rebuild the injured legal system and repair damages. The first programs of mediation have appeared in Canada and the United States.

    Differently from the conciliation in labour law authorities have to define guidelines about forms of procedures outside the trial, about the process and modes of harmonization to preserve the prestige of state’s power of punish.

    In the mediation process competence of making decisions are in the hand of the parties too. Parties have to order upon the agreement. This extra-jurisdictional form of agreement means that the potential victim gives up his right to accusation. This agreement frees the perpetrator from the criminal liability.

    We can say that fundamental principles of mediation are the same in any fields of law, but mediation in criminal law has the most interesting and numerable specification because of the state power.

  • A drónrepüléssel összefüggő magánjogi igények
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    The technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are most commonly known as ‘drones’, is one of the most rapidly developing field of modern science. That is largely owing to the fact that drones are used in more and more fields of economy, from architecture and media to agriculture and logistics, etc. According to predictions of the European Union, the drone industry may have an income of € 10 billion annually, by 2035, and could create about 100,000 workplaces as well.[2] In addition, the number of hobby drone users is also increasing quickly, with millions of registered drone users in the United States of America alone.[3]

    The nature of drones, namely the fact that these devices can soar up to 30 or more metres in the air and carry out different kind of operations (including taking photographs) by an operator on the ground may cause a lot of conflicts between drone operators and people not taking part in the operation. However, these conflicts, are unlikely to be solved without legal interference, which makes it necessary for both lawmakers and organizations applying the law to prepare for these situations in order to be able to give proper answers to the problem.

    In my research, I have indicated the development of drones in a historical context and also specified the classification of drones, which allowed me to outline those types that are relevant to the subject matter. I also presented the legal background of drone flight in force, on the level of the EU legislation and also gave an insight to the previous, Hungarian legislation. Then, I started to identify those legal claims that can be especially relevant on the terrain of civil law, and concluded three main claims can be named: liability for damages, infringement on personal rights (right to one’s image and, in particular) and the civil tort of trespass to land.

    I analysed all of these claims separately and in connection with each other, and found interesting problems that could have huge relevance in a legal dispute before a court. I intended to support my findings and arguments with opinions from legal scientists, court decisions from Hungary and abroad, and legislative solutions from abroad. At the end of my writing, I concluded that the described problems, and the solution that is given to them, are indeed crucial, because they will most definitely affect the way people can use drones, and neither too strict, nor too loose rules are appropriate to decide upon the subject.

  • Az üzemi tanács mint önálló adatkezelő
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    n most cases, the employer is the only one identified as a data controller in connection with employment relationships, even though other actors of employment such as the trade unions and the works councils also process data in relation to their activities carried out based on and in compliance with the Labour Code. Even so, while the data processing of the trade union does not raise any particular questions compared to other data controllers, issues do arise in connection with the works council. Works councils undeniably process the employees’ personal data in order to carry out their activities and fulfil their tasks, though without own assets and organisation separate from the employer’s, data processing of the works council could be attributed to the employer and considered as if it was the employer’s data processing, which would settle most of the possibly arising questions such as liability for infringing data protection rules. However, after the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU came into force in 2018, the definition of the data controller changed and includes now so-called “other bodies” as well, even if these bodies lack legal personality. Thus, the works council itself shall be considered as data controller which means that it must execute the obligations set in data protection rules. Despite the fact that based on the GDPR rules the works council shall be considered as data controller independent from other data controllers including the employer, this fact seems to be unknown for all relevant bodies, even for the data protection authority. Possibly because the works council is still thought to be a part of the employer’s organization and thus it is not obvious that the transfer of data between the employer and the works council is limited and conditional as they are two independent data controller, obliged to guard the employee’s relevant data even from one another. Hence, it is important to emphasize that the works council itself is an independent data controller in order to ensure a high level of protection for the employees. The aim of this paper therefore is to prove that the works council is clearly an independent data controller by analysing the relevant Hungarian and EU rules

  • Skócia és Anglia – reform a tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok terén
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    After the implementation of the 2005/29/EC Directive on unfair commercial practices (hereafter: UCPD) in the United Kingdom is has been discovered that the misleading and the aggressive practices are targeting many people. Some of them moreover damage the reputation of the traders who act legally, and the reputation of the market.

    So, the Scottish Law Commission and the Law Commission for England and Wales want to create a new system on remedies. Because of this aim the two commission started a consultation in April, it ended in July. 

    Presently, The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (hereafter: CPRs) – which was one of the regulations which have implemented the rules of the UCPD – contains rules on the liability for unfair commercial practices, and - according to the rules – the realization of the practices is an offence.

    But in respect of civil law the rules don’t have unity: the rules of misrepresentation are applied in the case of misleading practices, but in the case of aggressive practices there aren’t rules.

    The two commissions want to create a new consumer protection act, which will complete the rules of the CPRs. In this act there will be two levels of remedies:

    • on the first level the main aim will be the restoration of original condition (before the contract)
    • on the second level the main aim will be the compensation.

    The commissions hope that after the reform the following will be:

    • because of the clearer rules the claims will become more successful
    • because of the clearer rules the traders’ - who are acting legally - costs will decrease
    • the costs of the organizations – which are dealing with consumer protection – will decrease after the reform, and the proceedings of them – perhaps – become more successful.

    The two commissions will publish the data from the consultation in March 2012.

  • Termékszavatosság – egy új jogintézmény a fogyasztói érdekek védelmében
    Megtekintések száma:

    This study presents the product warranty, a new element of the Hungarian system of law. The author describes the main features of product warranty in comparison with warranty and product liability. The author states some comments on the regulation. In the end the importance of product warranty is presented by stating a case.


    Egy új jogi szabályozás megjelenésekor adott a lehetőség az elméleti és gyakorlati szakemberek számára, hogy a korábbi normaszöveghez történő hasonlítással tárják fel és elemezzék a változásokat. A Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 2013. évi V. törvény (Ptk.) nem vitásan érinti a civiljog teljes spektrumát, új elemekkel frissítve a már kialakult magánjogi intézményrendszert. Jelen írás a termékszavatosság szabályainak elemző bemutatására tesz kísérletet.

    A magyar jogi szabályozásban előzmények nélküli jogintézményről van szó, ezért a meghatározó jellemzők bemutatása más, a hibás teljesítéshez kapcsolódó jogintézményekhez történő hasonlítással történik meg. Ennek során a kiindulási alapot a hibás teljesítésből eredő igények „anyajogának” tekinthető kellékszavatosság jelenti, ezen túlmenően a hibás teljesítéssel okozott károk megtérítésére (a továbbiakban: kártérítés), valamint termékfelelősségre vonatkozó szabályok kapnak szerepet.

    A termékszavatosságra vonatkozó rendelkezések a Ptk.-nak a kötelmi jogi szabályokat tartalmazó hatodik könyvében, annak XXIV. fejezetében, a hibás teljesítésre vonatkozó rendelkezéseknél szerepelnek a kellékszavatosságra és kártérítésére vonatkozó szabályokkal együtt. A hibás teljesítésből eredő fogyasztói igények körében további igényérvényesítési lehetőséget teremtő termékfelelősségi szabályok ettől eltérően a szerződésen kívül okozott kárért való felelősséggel szabályai között, a LXXII. fejezetben kaptak helyet.

  • Drónok a horizonton, gyerekjáték vagy új veszélyes üzem?
    Megtekintések száma:

    The reason why We have chosen this topic for my research is that new technologies have appeared in our environment, particularly the unnamed aerial vehicle. In Hungary, similarly to some other countries, there is a gap in the legislation concerning the use of UAV.

    The UAV technology raises many questions because these vehicles can be used for several reasons. It is necessary to analyse in depth the legal environment of UAV and to change our perspective because it is not enough to consider the legal context; technical and other aspects have to be taken into consideration as well.

    Most academic sources concerning the usage of UAV focus on the military use of UAV. In my research I focus on the topic from the aspects of civil law; the reason for this is that I consider the legal restrictions concerning the ordinary vehicles used for everyday purposes not for governmental ones.

    The main goal of our paper is to study how the usage of UAV can be legally controlled. This question is important because the number of these vehicles are gradually growing which leads to several legal issues, for instance privacy or tort.

    In our research We have analyzed the international laws and regulation plans, the international laws, draft legislation. The „abnormally dangerous activities” that appear in the title of the paper is only a call for attention to evaluate the liability in the civil law.

    The other aim of our paper is to make a proposal to set up a work group who is going to work out the regulations in detail. Legislators and researchers could participate in the work group, among whom are technical and legal professionals as well.

  • A beteg önrendelkezéshez való jogának törvényi tartalma és megjelenése a bírói gyakorlatban
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tanulmány célja a beteg önrendelkezéshez való jogának vizsgálata, jogértelmezési kérdéseinek bemutatása. Az önrendelkezési jog kiemelten fontos betegjog, mivel a tájékoztatáshoz való jog mellett együttesen biztosítja, hogy a páciens ne egy információhiányban szenvedő, kiszolgáltatott szereplője legyen az egészségügyi ellátásnak, aki helyett más hoz döntést, hanem egy tájékozott fél, aki a kapott információk birtokában képes saját érdekének és értékrendjének megfelelően dönteni a kezelésével kapcsolatban.

    A vizsgálat középpontjában az önrendelkezési jog legszűkebb értelmezése, azaz a beavatkozásokba történő beleegyezés, ennek korlátai, illetve a jog helyettes döntéshozók általi gyakorlása áll. A jog törvényi tartalmán és értelmezésén túl fontos, hogy az utóbbi néhány év ítélkezési gyakorlatából is említsünk példákat, és az ezekben szereplő jelentősebb megállapításokat megjelenítsük. Az önrendelkezési jog vizsgálata aktuális és indokolt, tekintve, hogy az ezzel kapcsolatos jogviták, kárigények napjainkban is folyamatosan jelen vannak, így a jogértelmezés is fejlődést mutat ezen a területen.

  • Értelmezési anomáliák a Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény kártérítési gyakorlatában
    Megtekintések száma:

    A dolgozat az ENSZ, az áruk nemzetközi adásvételi szerződéseiről szóló egyezményének a kártérítési joggyakorlatával kapcsolatos értelmezési anomáliákról szól.

    Az Egyezmény rendelkezései univerzális jellegűek, így egységes értelmezést és alkalmazást követelnek meg a részes államok bíróságaitól, ezért a szabályok értelmezésével és a joghézagok kitöltésével foglalkozó 7. Cikk elengedhetetlen az Egyezmény sikeres alkalmazásához. Dolgozatomban a vonatkozó ítélkezési gyakorlat elemzésével, elsősorban arra kerestem választ, hogy a különböző országok ítészei érvényesítik-e az Egyezmény univerzialitását, a kártérítés értékelése tekintetében. A kérdés megválaszolása érdekében az Egyezmény kártérítési joggyakorlatát a 7. Cikk által támasztott értelmezési alapelvek relációjában értékeltem. Ennek keretén belül a 74. Cikk joggyakorlatának szisztematikus felülvizsgálatát végeztem el, összesen 144 jogesetet elemezve, a 2006-tól 2016-ig terjedő időszak tekintetében. 

    A felülvizsgálat eredménye azt mutatja, hogy kilenc olyan döntés született amikor a bíróság nemzeti kárfelelősségi doktrínát, jogintézményt, jogszabályt, vagy joggyakorlatot alkalmazott a 74. Cikk értelmezése során. Ez a megközelítés nyilvánvalóan nem segíti elő az egységesség megvalósítását. A nemzetközileg egységes szabályozás ugyanis csak akkor valósul meg, ha azt egységesen alkalmazzák. A 7. Cikk által támasztott értemezési követelményekből az következik, hogy az Egyezmény rendelkezéseit autonóm módon, a lehetséges nemzeti felfogástól megkülönböztetve szükséges értelmezni. A dolgozat keretében feltárt jogi problémák azokat a kérdéseket próbálják kiemelni, amelyek nagyobb figyelmet igényelnek a bíróságok részéről, erősítve ezzel az Egyezmény univerzális jellegét.

  • A kontinentális és angolszász jogrendszer kölcsönhatása a FIDIC Sárga Könyv tükrében
    Megtekintések száma:

    A Tanácsadó Mérnökök Nemzetközi Szövetsége által megalkotott ún. FIDIC Könyvek az építési beruházások vonatkozásában, a projekt típusa szerint különböző szerződéses mintákat tartalmaznak, melyeknek az elsődleges célja a legjobb gyakorlat összefoglalása, és az arányos kockázatmegosztás. A FIDIC Könyvek a legnépszerűbb joganyagnak minősülnek világszerte az építési projektek vonatkozásában. A Sárga Könyv a második leggyakrabban használt szerződéses minta, melynek lényege, hogy a vállalkozó kötelezettsége a tervek elkészítésére és a kivitelezésre is kiterjed. A Sárga Könyv az angolszász jogrendszer jogelveit és jogintézményeit alkalmazza, melyből következik, hogy a szerződéses minta kontinentális jogi környezetben való alkalmazása számos jogértelmezési és jogalkalmazási problémát vet fel. A tanulmány a Sárga Könyv kontinentális jogi környezetben való értelmezésének a bemutatását követően a vállalkozó késedelemből eredő károkért való felelősségének kérdésével foglalkozik. A szerző a vizsgálódás középpontjába azt az esetkört állítja, amikor a vállalkozó késedelmét a megrendelő okozta. A szerző ebben a körben konkrét jogalkalmazási javaslatot fogalmaz meg.  

  • A szennyező fizet elvének megjelenése a magyar polgári jogban, különös tekintettel a veszélyes üzemi felelősség kérdéseire
    Megtekintések száma:

    The polluter pays principle is one of the basic principles of international environmental law
    mentioned directly firstly only in 1972, however the principle were declared in 1929 in the
    well-known Trail Smelter Case. The polluter pays is an economical principle, and in the
    meaning of this principle the costs of pollution shall be shared between industrial companies
    and consumers. Taking into consideration that after applying this principle price of products
    will be higher than before, industrial companies shall reduce their pollution in the interest of
    their (and their products’) competitiveness. Seeing the development of the principle in EU
    level, the polluter pays were mentioned first time in the first „programme of action of the
    European Communities on the environment” adopted in 1973. However it is questionable
    what polluter, pollution, obligation of polluter and costs of pollution mean exactly, and for
    this reason this principle cannot be applied automatically.
    In this study I try to examine how the polluter pays principle works in the Hungarian national
    law, especially in the Hungarian Civil Code. For this reason I examine the applicability of
    Article 345 of the Hungarian Civil Code („Damages Originating from Hazardous
    Operations”), with special regard to the case-law of the Hungarian civil courts. I also try to
    introduce the possibilities and obligations of the public prosecutor in environmental issues.