Thematic articles

Play and Learn: Introduction of Robotics to the Library


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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Molnár, D., & Dani, E. (2022). Play and Learn: Introduction of Robotics to the Library. Central European Journal of Educational Research, 4(2), 60-66.
Received 2022-08-26
Accepted 2022-12-02
Published 2022-12-23

Our library, the Katona József Library of Bács-Kiskun County, has recently started to introduce the basics of robotics, currently with LEGO Mindstorm kits. LEGO robots are programmed using a simple, graphical interface, making it easy for anyone to learn. Our main objective is to show the public that robotics is not just a thing of the future, but an important element of our time today. We see our work in this direction as a “first step”. Considering different possibilities and needs, two types of programmes on robotics have been developed. The shorter, one-hour session will present the way to robotics in the modern sense, through examples of cultural and technological history and current applications. This will be followed by a playful trial of three different robots on display. For those who want to learn more about robots, we offer a weekly “Library Robot Hour”, a club-like service where you can learn how to code robots and solve specific tasks, either with help or independently at your own pace.