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  • A bölcs, az ördöngös, a gyilkos és a szerelmes: Médeia alakja a régi magyar költészetben
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    The myth of Medea in old Hungarian poetry occurs only occasionally. Sebestyén Tinódi (1510?–1556) translated the Medieval Historia Troiana by Guido da Columna putting the prose into verse. The Medea-story was incorporated in the myth of the first and second sieges of Troy: the character of the main hero (Jason) is constructed from the panels of hypermasculine Hercules and pious Aeneas. Medea and Dido also keep in close allegorical touch. Kristóf Armbrust adds Medea’s profile to his satirical misogynist poem (1550) with special regards to the dark side of the character. István Koháry (1649–1731) uses the myth as a political allegory: the author draws a parallel between the mythological person cut into pieces by Medea promising to rejuvenate the old body and the dismemberment of the old country. István Gyöngyösi (1629–1704) depicts the myth as a story about fatal love and its ambivalent consequences.

  • Mythographus alpha. Antikvitás és (neo)avantgárd: (Baránszky László és Bakucz József példája)
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    This paper examines the relationship between the phenomenon of the neoavantgarde and the ancient tradition in representative examples of two related poetics by the emigrant poets József Bakucz (1929–1990) and László Baránszky (1930–1999). This relationship is not negation or subversive confrontation, but creative use and dialogue, which at the same time sheds light on the creativity and motivation of neo-avantgarde gestures that formulate postmodern poetics in many ways. Both poets approached the ancient tradition with the characteristic means of neo-avantgarde poetics and created their own mythopoetic universe, within which the ancient tradition represents the ancestral patterns of textual archeology and cultural memory and is especially important as a creator of future, postmodern text generation procedures.

  • Xerxés, Ariadné, Trimalchio és a többiek: Opera és antikvitás – a kortárs rendezői és szerzői koncepciók tükrében
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    This study provides the synoptic treatment of Ancient themes in modern opera. The first part reflects on the classical operas reinterpreted by contemporary Hungarian directors (Balázs Kovalik, Róbert Alföldi, Ferenc Anger); the second part deals with the new contemporary works inspired by Ancient texts. The main questions focus on the tension between the Ancient material and the strategies of reinterpretation, on the selffashioning of the author and on the examination of the original texts’ cultural identity. The most important strategies of the reanimation of Ancient cultural or textual ambient are: a) reconstruction (Melis, Orff), b) plasticity and common presence of the multifaced myths (Bussotti, Birtwistle), c) ritualisation (Dillon, Furrer), d) fragmentation (Maderna), e) „exposure” of the myth or the well-known story (Martinů, Dallapiccola, Turnage), f) utilisation of the Ancient context for the purposes of the ”emancipation” (Harrison).

  • Örök jelen(lét)re kárhoztatva: Az újrafordítás néhány kérdése az antik versfordítás viszonylatában
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    This paper presents some strategies for re-translation in the ancient context. First, I examin a series of attempts at re-translation arising from a critical relation to tradition. The starting point was Ponori Thewrewk’s translation of Simonides’ epigram, whose canonical position remains unshaken to this day, despite new attempts at translation. Next comes a fetishising example of the relationship to the literary translation tradition, the 19th century translation of Horace by János Arany (Carm. 2.8). Despite the fact that Arany’s translation does not retain the poetic form of the original Horace poem and its poetic solutions are now alien, and it cannot be held up as a literary translation example for modern literary translators, it has been handed down from anthology to anthology with astonishing success. The next problem is the special fusion of re-translation and adaptation techniques. I capture this phenomenon through Vince Földiák’s translation of Horace. Finally, some alternative strategies of retranslation is discussed, such as queering the text or acoustic translation.

  • Krisztus és Tritonia Pallas: Ányos Pál tartományi rendfőnök választás alkalmából írt oratiója
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    The paper focuses on the speech entitled Oratio in Electivo Provinciali dicta Anno 1782 by the Hungarian poet Pál Ányos (OSzK Quart. Hung. 1311). The authors analyse the structure and the rhetorical construction of the oration and put foward a proposal for some philological corrections of the previously edited text. Ányos used the allegory of the cardinal virtues as prudentia (David), amor in filios (Moses), fides, iustitia (Joshua), fortitudo, dicendi libertas (Daniel), and had harmonized the ancient (borrowed mainly from Aristotle and Plutarch) and biblical elements in a masterly manner.