
Mythographus alpha. Antikvitás és (neo)avantgárd: (Baránszky László és Bakucz József példája)

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Csehy, Z. (2022). Mythographus alpha. Antikvitás és (neo)avantgárd: (Baránszky László és Bakucz József példája). Studia Litteraria, 61(1–2), 50–61. https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/studia/article/view/11242

This paper examines the relationship between the phenomenon of the neoavantgarde and the ancient tradition in representative examples of two related poetics by the emigrant poets József Bakucz (1929–1990) and László Baránszky (1930–1999). This relationship is not negation or subversive confrontation, but creative use and dialogue, which at the same time sheds light on the creativity and motivation of neo-avantgarde gestures that formulate postmodern poetics in many ways. Both poets approached the ancient tradition with the characteristic means of neo-avantgarde poetics and created their own mythopoetic universe, within which the ancient tradition represents the ancestral patterns of textual archeology and cultural memory and is especially important as a creator of future, postmodern text generation procedures.