
A digitális korszak orosz prózairodalmának tendenciái: az interaktív irodalom kérdéséhez

August 26, 2020
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Kiválasztott formátum: APA
Csernyak, M. (2020). A digitális korszak orosz prózairodalmának tendenciái: az interaktív irodalom kérdéséhez. Studia Litteraria, 59(1–2), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2020/59/8153

The paper focuses on the analysis of e-literature, which is also present in contemporary Russian literature. It defines e-literature as a modern cultural phenomenon which heavily builds upon the readers’ activity and choices, as well as interactivity. It reviews the characteristics of e-literature and its place in today’s literature, primarily based upon Mikhail Epstein’s theories. The article introduces the genre diversity and potentials of e-literature through one of the most characteristic works in Russian e-literature, Boris Akunin’s Octopus project.