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  • The Features of Theatrical Life in Hungary: The Legal and Financial Basis
    18 p.

    The present study is concerned with the Hungarian theatre system. In the first part general
    questions connected with the existing model of theatrical activity are treated. This is
    followed by an analytical review of modern Hungarian cultural legislation, in which special
    attention is paid to the structure and content of Law XCIX / 2008 “On the support and rules
    of employment in organizations of performing arts”. Then all the existing present-day models
    of direct and indirect financial support of theatrical organizations are considered. Since the
    Hungarian and Russian theatre systems have some similar characteristics, the final part is
    devoted to possible partial adoption of Hungarian experience with a view to developing the
    institutions for the additional funding of Russian theatres.

  • Trans-Disciplinary Methodology: Procreation Capital as a Basic Factor in the Viability of a Civilizational-Cultural Unit
    12 p.

    The main problem raised in the paper is in line with a new trend of research, conceptual programs and practical activity that can be termed “hygiene of culture”. The study is transcritical in its character and proposes to consider the category of capital generated by the economy in relation to the reproduction of the population in its structural units of civilization and as a cultural community. Trans-discipline methodology is currently being developed, which makes the work is up-to-date. It develops basic aspects of the procreation capital category, which claims to be a generalization of the human capital category. The problem is the restoration of European culture, which has been eroded by the distortion of the ideas of market economy. The reason why it is particularly urgent to find a solution to the problem is the threat posed by the demographic situation of the developed countries of European culture and the adjacent countries of the Slavic-Orthodox cultural cluster by the actual organization of housing.

  • Lecturer, Researcher and Translator in One Person. In Honour of József Goretity's 60th Birthday

    József Goretity has been working at the Institute of Slavonic Studies at the University of Debrecen since 1985 and has been the head of the institute since 2012. During this time he has been teaching courses on 19th and 20th century West-European and Russian literature focusing on the tradition of the novel and mythopoetics at the Department of Comparative Literature as well. In 1996 he was appointed head of the department. Between 1992 and 1999 he was a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Miskolc. Besides his teaching activity, József Goretity’s work in the field of literary translation is also outstanding. He has brought such prominent Russian writers to Hungarian-speaking audiences as Narine Abgaryan, Sergey Dovlatov, Viktor Yerofeyev, Viktor Pelevin, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Yuri Polyakov, Grigoriy Ryazhskiy, Marina Stepanova, Alexandr Terekhov or Lyudmila Ulickaya. Besides literary texts he also translated literary and cultural studies into Hungarian, such as P. P. Apryshko’s influential monograph The History of Russian Philosophy. József Goretity’s most influential academic works are Idézet paródia és mítosz Fjodor Szologub két regényében and Töredékesség és teljességigény. Huszadik századi orosz prózai művek értelmezése. In 2014 he was awarded the Medal of Pushkin by the President of the Russian Federation. In 2019 he received the prestigous state award, the Golden Cross, for his achievement.

  • The Features of Theatre Activity in Hungary: The Legal and Financial Basis (II)
    12 p.

    Hungarian theatre system is the main object of the following article. The first part of article contains the general questions connected with the existing model of theatrical activity. Then there is the analytical review of the modern Hungarian legislation of area of culture and special attention is paid to the structure and content of Law XCIX / 2008 “On support and rules of employment in organizations of performing arts”. In the following part of the article all models which exist and develop in the country nowadays of direct and indirect financial support of theatrical organizations are considered. Since Hungarian and Russian theatre systems have some similar characteristics, the final part is devoted to possible partial adoption of Hungarian experience with a view to develop the institutions for the additional funding of Russian theatres.

  • Era of Post-Pragmatical Strategies
    12 p.

    An extended definition of culture as a phenomenon that includes processes and results of human communities interaction with wildlife, e.g. viruses is propounded. An indicator of development limitations of Global civilization-cultural integrity is proposed. We put forward the concept of a post-pragmatic strategy of a cultural unit. The latter signifies social integrity that represents a separate culture – a stable set of traits, categories, patterns reproduced in series of generations. We believe a cultural unit to be a large-scale system. Our study is carried out in the context of the emerging intellectual discipline Hygiene of Culture with the help of methodology of sustainable reproduction of a cultural unit. The aim of the study is to form methodological bases for the reaction of cultural unit aimed at confronting phenomena similar to COVID-19. The result is altruistic post-pragmatic strategy, free of mistrust. We propose to supplement the known security dilemma as follows. Actors allocate their military budgets in proportion to confidence/mistrust rates to opponents while likelihood of risk events in the environment increases according to sandpile model and information noise rises.

  • Zoomorphic Metaphors and Similes in the Modern Russian Prose
    17 p.

    The article represents the main circle of zoonymous images common in the modern Russian prose, they are classified into thematic groups of the “Animals” class, the most frequent vehicles of metaphors and similes are identified, the circle of tenors is outlined, distributed according to the relative frequency of use in literary texts. By means of comparison with the traditional images of the class in question, presented in the dictionary of metaphors and similes of the previous period of the Russian literature, and with the figurative uses of zoonyms in the Russian linguistic world image based on materials of linguocultural dictionaries, the main directions of evolution of zoomorphic tropes in modern Russian prose are determined. Some aspects of textual functioning of zoomorphic tropes are studied: individual preferences in choosing their groups, their conceptualizing role in the text. The results of the study make it possible to get an idea of ​​one fairly significant fragment of the figurative world image of the modern Russian prose.

  • The System of Comparative Tropes in «Aviator», a Novel by E. Vodolazkin
    11 p.

    The article discusses the functioning of metaphors and similes in the text of E. Vodolazkin’s novel «Aviator». The tropes are divided into two groups: conceptualizing tropes and non-plot-forming ones. The main semantic types of comparative tropes are noted as proceeding from «tenors» and «vehicles» of metaphors and similes. It is shown that the tropes interact with each other and form a system in the text.
    Emphasis is put on the dynamism of metaphors and similes in the novel: they regularly reflect the hero’s changing perceptions. Comparative tropes play an important role in the unfolding of the key motifs of the novel and are associated with its various temporal and narrative plans.

  • Specificity of the Organization of Text Space in the Novel of E. Vodolazkin «Soloviev and Larionov»
    9 p.

    The article analyzes the specificity of the organization of the text space in the novel, the relationship of its title and main characters is clarified. The main motives of the story that unite the heroes and motivate the interweaving of their destinies are highlighted: the railway, the sea, the horse and the rider, childhood, life and death. It is proved that the text of the novel is built as a search for an answer to the question about the secrets of the life of General Larionov.

  • World Model in the Novel “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn
    7 p.

    The paper deals with the world model and ways of its creation in a novel “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. In the process of world-modeling following basic categories are of a great importance: native-strange, light-darkness, principle of 3 levels. The space of camp is characterized by features of a strange world. Native world is narrowed to the boundaries of hut, bed and even to a hole in a mattress. World organization is also realized with the help of a system of prototypical images, e.g. a table, bread, sun, a stove, etc. Due to this concepts, which have hierarchic values, are formed. Solzhenitsyn achieves generalization following a peculiar way of depicting of a group of characters which can be conditionally called “convicts”. There we can see different social layers, nationalities, ages. It has metonymical nature: according to the principle “a part of the whole” the fate of the entire country is shown. In terms of sense complex “human-being – environment – their interaction” the world model in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel has “human”, natural and social levels in its structure. The writer compresses time and space, satiates it with details, which are different in semiotic power of generalization, and as a result he receives solid world model.

  • The Importance of Animacy-Inanimacy Category of the Noun and the Context
    11 p.

    The article considers the semantic aspect of the of animacy-inanimacy category in nouns in Russian language, in particular, peculiarities of collocability of some nouns with verbs in terms of animacy-inanimacy category.The study of the semantic interaction of nouns and animate-inanimate marked verbs, which are collocating with these nouns, allows to detect combination of signs of “animate” or “inanimate” in meanings of some nouns with fluctuant grammatical indicator of animacy-inanimacy category. Thus, this study can raise the issues about the cognitive factor in meaning formation process and also about specific character of the process how peculiarities of cognitive experience, received from human exploration of the environment, are expressed.

  • The Emigré Writers of the Empire : Other Coasts of Russian Literature and Culture: Ideas, Poetics, Contexts. Collective Monograph. Eds. Elżbieta Tyszkowska-Kasprzak, Ilona Motiejunaite and Alfija Smirnova in cooperation with Maria Gej. Scriptum, Wroclaw ‒ Krakow 2021, p. 494 ISBN 978-83-66812-37-6

    This volume of studies on Russian émigré literature was published during the last year before the war in a form of scholarly cooperation between Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Czech scholars unthinkable today. The theme of joint research makes the work even more interesting, because Poles have a very different understanding of the mission of émigré writers than Russians. In the first chapter of the monograph, entitled The History of Emigration, we find interesting biographical portraits of prominent figures such as Alexander Herzen and Gleb Struve. In the next part we read mainly about ideological problems and ethnic stereotypes. The third chapter focuses on the problems of poetics, and the last on heterotypes. The aspects of the analyses also touch upon the poetics of space and imagology.

  • The Audience of Art: Myth and Reality
    13 p.

    Interest in the audience arose while art became public and since then it has not weaken, rather it has become more and more special. For more than a century the audience of art has been the subject of systematic scientific research. Why then is the problem of the relationship between art and its audience becoming once again a topical issue? The consequences of the civilizational shifts in the last decade have clearly shown: the things that have for a long time been considered true suddenly turn out to be illusive or banal in the changing world. In the modern market paradigm of the artistic culture development, the problem of the relationship between art and its audience acquires a new sound. A theater, a museum or a concert organization needs not the social and cultural portrait of the spectator, but an understanding of the causes and characteristics of its consumer behavior in the wider context of cultural life. And the first step to overcome the communication barriers between art and its potential consumers should be the abandonment of stereotypes and outdated research approaches.

  • Censor Nikolay Ratynsky’s Role in Russian Journalism of the Second Half of the 19th Century
    12 p.

    Recently, the political climate in Russia has caused the question of censorship to become
    an increasingly relevant issue, the history of which is necessary to explore and understand.
    The prevailing view regarding censorship is that it is a tool used to suppress the freedom of
    speech by stifling the writer’s thoughts. However, there were some eminent censors such as
    the poet Fyodor Tyutchev and the writer Ivan Goncharov. In this regard, it has become commont
    to consider censorship isolated from any moral categories and interpret g it only as a
    professional activity. In this context, the work of the censor Nikolai Ratynsky is of particular
    interest to us. Until now, little has been published on his influence as a censor on the writers
    of his time on the high professional level of his work in this capacity. Most of the corrections
    Ratynsky made were valid and justified by the political situation in the Russian Empire. He
    himself is further proof that, along with Tyutchev and Goncharov, there were honorable and
    qualified men among the censors of the time. All this allows us to claim that it is necessary
    to objectively consider and study the work of censors and ignor preconceptions and stereotypes
    that are usually associated with the word censor.

  • The relationship between Excellent People by Chekhov and the ideological position and artistic attitude in the late short stories of Leo Tolstoy

    In Chekhov and His Prose (first published in 1965), the author, Thomas G. Winner contends that the subject matters of a few of Chekhov’s short stories written in the 1880s (such as «Хорошие люди» [Excellent People]) were created in the spirit of Leo Tolstoy, yet the one called «Несчастье» [Misfortune], written also in 1886, already marked the beginning of a series of texts that can be interpreted directly as “a light parody” of Anna Karenina (1873–1877) as well. The basic question posed here concerns whether there is really a significant difference that can be observed between the above two works and whether they reveal this sharp difference in the reception of Tolstoyan ideas that Winner's monograph suggests. The paper seeks to answer this query on the basis of the interpretation of Excellent People and the textual representation of the issue of goodness. In this analysis, particular attention is given to the way in which Tolstoy's ideas are represented and to the author's poetic choices that bring the text close to Tolstoy's late short stories.

  • One can only Understand a Journey by Embarking on it

    The present article is devoted to a new field of research in humanities–the „hygiene of culture” and its leader – Olga Szűcs. The formation of an international researh community is a long and difficult procedure. In the course of the development of the theoretical and the empirical basis of the „hygiene of culture” owing to Olga Szűcs’s personal qualities,the scientific and ethnic norms of a collective of researchers working in different fields of humanities have been set. The results of the research have been published in collective monographs. The paper considers Olga Szűcs’s main scientific contributions to this field and the role she played in this scientific project.

  • Linguistic Means of Constructing “Own” and “Other” in B. Akunin’s Novel "The Diamond Chariot"

    The article discusses the ways of linguistic construction of the concepts of “own” and “other” in B. Akunin's novel The Diamond Chariot. The methodological basis of the study is cognitive discursive analysis. The protagonist of the novel arrives in Japan and meets with new realities, objects, places, social organization of life. In this process, we observe the contact of two cultures – the Japanese and European-Russian. Japanese appears in the novel in a wide layer of Japanese vocabulary, which is introduced into the text in a variety of ways (translation in the text, translation in a footnote, explanation, repetition with translation, the use of a foreign word in a typical context).The process of cognition of a foreign culture is accompanied by constant assessments through the prism of one's, previously learned experience. Evaluation is a structural characteristic of the construction of one's “own” and “others'” and reflects the dynamic nature of the process of acquaintance with a foreign culture. Other way stoembed foreign words in the text – using the structure of the concept – are also presented in the article. The experience of the meeting of two cultures also appears in the linguistic form in the communication of multilingual heroes of the novel among themselves, the characteristics of this discourse of strangers are described (interspersed in English, as well as interspersed in English and Japanese, written in Cyrillic).

  • The Motive of Passage as a Cultural Universal In I.S. Shmelev’s Novel “The Story of a Love”: Semantic and Functional Aspect

    The article considers the motive of passage from the point of view of its role in the plot inI.S. Shmelev’s novel and from the point of view of mythopoetic meanings. It has been established that in the work “The Story of a Love” the symbolism of the passage motive is associated not only with the situation of the transition, but also with the Fall, which is interpreted by the writer as a stage of the movement towards insight. The passage motive organizes two spaces of storytelling: real and mental. Real space is divided into a space of purity and sin, the transition from one spatial locus to another also signifies the transition taking place in the soul of the protagonist from purity to sin and vice versa. The motives of the passage and temporary death are combined with the Christian motive of the transformation, allowing I.S. Shmelev to show the spiritual toss of the main character more clearly – as a transfer from life to death and its subsequent revival, as well as to assert the main motivein his work – the merger of the “mundane” and the “heavenly”, the world of objects, the material world and the “invisible" world of divine light.

  • From the Classic Novel to the Crime Novel: A Genre Paradigm Shift in Artistic Reception

    The article deals with the cases of classical works completion, in which their genre nature undergoes a change. The texts are transferred from the sphere of high literature to the low one, as the continuing of the plot with the criminal line becomes the main method. The material for the analysis is “The very same Tatiana” by A. and S. Litvinovs, as well as the novel “Death Comes to Pemberley” by P.D. James. I show that one of the most relevant genres in this change of genre paradigm is “by victim investigation”, which allows to retain some recognizable items of the classic primary source.

  • Rácz, Ildikó Mária: A lét és a szerelem szentsége. Ivan Bunyin művészi világképe. L’Harmattan, Budapest 2020, 373 pp. ISBN 978-963-414-681-0

    This review presents a critical analysis of the monograph on Bunin by the Hungarian researcher Ildikó Mária Rácz. The author describes the main thematic blocs of the volume, for example, the influence of classic Russian literature on Bunin (Turgeniev, Tolstoi, Chekhov, and Tiutchev), the role of Eastern philosophy in the evolution of Bunin’s art, the connection between the modern psychological concepts (Freud, Jung) and the short stories as Mitya’s love or The grammar of love.

  • On the Reception of the Poem The Twelve by Aleksandr Blok in German Criticism and Literature Studies of the Past 50 Years

    The article examines the German reception of Alexander Blok’s poem “The Twelve” based on selected criticism and works of literary history published by Slavists, poets and translators during the last fifty years. Analyses and interpretations of the poem are presented in detail, while other post-1917 writings and statements by Blok are also mentioned in order to provide context.

  • Singularity of Novel Discourse in Dostoevsky's The Idiot

    The article examines Dostoevsky's novel discourse as a singular unity in the novel The Idiot. This discourse is dominated by the principle of indeterminacy, and the category of subjectivity is closely connected with the novel model of singularity. The aim of the article is to understand the principles of discursive unity organization in the novel on the level of its basic metaphors. These basic metaphors are "point" and "line".

  • Slavica 2021: 60 Years, 50 Issues

    The article gives an overview of the process, by which Slavica, the periodical of the University of Debrecen and its institutional predeccesors has developed from a local publication into a periodical of national and even international significance. The historical overview of the past 60 years highlights those changes that have occured in the profile of the periodical compared to the initial objectives, commemorates the outstanding perspective-minded heads of previous editorial committees, points out situations, when serious decisions had to be taken, in which a special balance of compulsion and neccessity brought the solution, which looking back from the future, moved the periodical forward. The article is concluded by enumerating the benefits offered by the online format and by formulating new objectives

  • Angelika Molnár: Reception and Analysis of the Text. Selected works. Moscow, Azbukovnik, 2023, 447 pp. ISBN 978-5-91172-236-4

    The review examines a new book by Hungarian researcher Angelika Molnár on classical Russian literature of the 19th century. Molnár's book analyses the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Tolstoy and Chekhov in the context of the overlaps with the literature of the 21st century (Ulitskaya, Akunin, etc.). The main emphasis is placed on describing the principles of textual formation through the prism of discursive poetics. The history of Hungarian reinterpretation of Russian classics is widely represented in the book. The interpretations of the works reveal unusual correlations between the works and show the specificity of the writers' poetics in a new way.

  • Phraseology in Interdisciplinary Research - Svět v obrazech a ve frazeologii II / The world in pictures and in phraseology 2. Ladislav Janovec (ed.). Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2021. 552 s. ISBN 978-80-7603-201-9

    A critical review of the scientific anthology Svět v obrazech a ve frazeologii II [The world in pictures and in phraseology 2] published in 2021 in Prague (ed. L. Janovec) presents and introduction in its contents and structure to the presented approaches to phraseology research. Mostly pragmatical, cultural linguistic and communicative orientation of the anthology confirms the relevance of interdisciplinary approaches in linguistics. The papers are being considered in the context of actual trends in linguistics, including wide interdisciplinary parallels and critical analysis of certain tendencies.

  • Bugs, Burrow, Inquisitor: Dostoevskian Intertexts in Eyeless in Gaza

    The present article is devoted to the discussion of intertextual connections between Aldous Huxley’s Eyeless in Gaza (1936) and three works by Dostoevsky: Notes from the Underground(1864), Crime and Punishment (1869) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880, Grand Inquisitor scene). As is well-known, the Dostoevskian novel of ideas was a major inspiring force for Aldous Huxley’s art: Huxley’s rewriting of the Grand Inquisitor episode in Brave New World (1932) is probably the best-known case in point. Nonetheless, insufficient critical attention has been devoted to the actual intertextual connections between the two novelists’ output. As I have demonstrated earlier, on closer inspectionPoint Counter Point (1928) turns out to be a rewriting of Devils (1872), which, however, alsoproves to be a low point in Huxley’s assessment of Dostoevsky – a companion piece to his incidental vicious critique included in his 1929 essay on Baudelaire, in which Huxley also targets spiritual quest. Let me argue that Eyeless in Gaza can be read as a sequel to that polemic, in which a change of Huxley’s attitude to Dostoevsky is clearly notable: the novel provides a much more subtle and even respectful critique of Dostoevsky by implying the universal relevance of the Dostoevskian underground to the understanding of the modern human condition and by re-embracing spiritual quest.